MKT 3503: Fan Behavior
4 Advanced Liberal Arts Credits
This course provides an in-depth analysis of audience behavior in sports and entertainment. Students will learn how to use data analytics to understand fan behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns, and how to develop effective marketing strategies to maximize revenue and fan loyalty.
1. Understand the fundamentals of audience analytics and consumer behavior in sports and entertainment.
2. Learn how to collect, analyze, interpret, and present fan data using various quantitative and qualitative research methods (communication).
3. Develop skills in data visualization, data storytelling, and data-driven decision-making.
4. Explore the latest trends and technologies in audience analytics and consumer behavior in sports and entertainment.
5. Apply the knowledge and skills learned in the course to real-world scenarios (problem solving).
6. Utilize knowledge from this course in an applied project (problem solving).
7. Interact with industry professionals in the areas of audience analytics and consumer behavior in sports and entertainment (collaboration).
Prerequisites: MKT 2000
- Program: Undergraduate
- Division: Marketing
- Level: Advanced Elective (UGrad),Advanced Management (UGrad)
- Course Number: MKT3503
- Number of Credits: 4
SEN1339 Feeding Yourself in College and Beyond
(Student Instructor: Shalom Mensah) Food is nourishment that we all need, but it can also tell many stories and unite groups of people. This class will supplement your knowledge of cooking, and give you the confidence to get in the kitchen to make yourself an amazing dish that you will be proud of and happy to eat. In addition to being a cooking class, this class is aimed at discussing the ways that each cook can take small steps to incorporate a sustainable approach to their cooking: making stock, composting, and grocery shopping efficiently. Each week, we will eat what we cook. Whether you have never been in the kitchen to make yourself a meal, or you cook everyone once in a while, this is a class for you.
Tuesdays 6:30 - 9:00 pm
- Program: Undergraduate
- Division: Other
- Course Number: SEN1339
- Number of Credits: 0
HUM4604: Feminish, Gender and Philosophies of Liberation
4 Advanced Liberal Arts credits
This course will overview the history of modern feminist philosophy from the seventeenth century to the present. We will focus on the emergence of feminism within in the context of colonialism, the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the development of the modern nation state, and various revolutions. While much of the course will look at international examples and texts, we will also look at the specificities of the feminist movement in the United States from within indigenous struggles for sovereignty, the abolitionist movement, and feminist work specific to Boston. We will also study the emergence of LGBT movements in conversation with feminist struggles, as well as the emergence of transfeminism. The course is broken up into three units: Unit 1 will focus on the history of feminist philosophy and activism; Unit 2 looks at the modern racial and colonial history of gender; and Unit 3 focuses on contemporary abolitionist and decolonial forms of feminism as philosophies of liberation. There will be an in-class mid-term before spring break after we finish Unit 1, and the course will conclude with a final research paper.
Prerequsites: Any Combinations of 2 Intermediate Liberal Arts (HSS, CSP, LTA)
- Program: Undergraduate
- Division: Arts and Humanities
- Level: Advanced Liberal Arts 4600 Requirement (UGrad),Advanced Liberal Arts (UGrad)
- Course Number: HUM4604
- Number of Credits: 4
FIN7800 Finance
2 Credits (Core MBA)If you have taken and passed FIN7200, you cannot register for FIN7800, as these two courses are equivalent
This course provides an introduction to the principles and practices of financial decision making. It introduces the foundation concepts of the time value of money, the valuation of securities, and forecasting. These concepts are used to show how managers can analyze the risk and return of capital investment proposals and identify those projects that are expected to create shareholder value. The concepts also are used to estimate the value of an enterprise for purposes of initial public offering (IPO) and corporate acquisitions. Financial modeling will be at the heart of the course using Excel.
Students are strongly encouraged to complete ACC7800 prior to taking this course.
- Program: Graduate
- Division: Finance
- Course Number: FIN7800
- Number of Credits: 2
ACC7577 Finance for Non-Financial Professionals
3 Elective CreditsThis finance course bridges the gap between functional business knowledge and practical financial information. By connecting your company strategy to its financial implications, you increase the value of your organization and become a more effective business leader. Topics covered include: understanding financial statements, using finance to improve decision-making, projecting cashflows, and assessing organizational performance. The curriculum focuses on universal business problems that are specific to your needs, and teaches you how to immediately apply that information in ways that are relevant to your job.
- Program: Graduate
- Division: Accounting and Law
- Level: Graduate Elective (Grad)
- Course Number: ACC7577
- Number of Credits: 3
FIN7517 Finance and Sustainability
(Formerly Finance in a World of Changing Values)
3 Elective CreditsThis course extends the rigor of traditional financial theory to the concept of sustainability. There is broad and growing interest in socially conscious, mission, green and/or triple-bottom line investing. The course will concentrate on practical applications through case analysis and supporting theory will be presented through lectures and course notes. The United Nation's Principles of Responsible Investment as well as mainstream certifications, such as the CFA Institute's certificate in ESG and the GARP Sustainability and Climate Risk certificate, will serve as a backdrop for the course. Students will have the opportunity to enhance their understanding of sustainable finance and to apply financial principles for decision-making through discussion, case analysis, and student presentations. In addition, students will be challenged to find their own place in the inevitable future of the field of sustainable finance, whether as an informed observer or as an active participant.
Prerequisites: FIN7200 or FIN7800
- Program: Graduate
- Division: Finance
- Level: MSF Elective (Grad),Graduate Elective (Grad)
- Course Number: FIN7517
- Number of Credits: 3
FIN6110 Finance for Entrepreneurs
MSEL Course
1.5 Credits
This course will translate established principles and tools from corporate finance into the entrepreneurial environment. Specific topics include milestones and staging, alternative forms of funding, forecasting for new ventures, financial strategy, and valuation. Through hands on workshops and case studies, students will learn how to negotiate funding terms and establish metrics that will maximize the value of their entrepreneurial investment.
- Program: Graduate
- Division: Finance
- Course Number: FIN6110
- Number of Credits: 1.5
FIN7525 Finance for New Ventures
3 Elective CreditsFIN7525 is meant for entrepreneurs and small business owners that want a detailed understanding of the financial implications of strategic decisions as they start and grow their ventures. The focus is on forecasting integrated financial statements, valuation, and deal structure. The course covers equity investment (angels and VCs) from both the entrepreneur's and investor's perspectives, including pre- and post-money value, capitalization tables, dilution, and liquidation preferences. The impact of debt financing on financial statements and returns is also covered. Valuation methods include discounted cash flow, multiples, and the VC method. Risk management techniques incorporating staging, milestones, real options, and simulation are used to better assess uncertainty and then structure transactions to mitigate risk.
Prerequisites: FIN7200 OR FIN7800
- Program: Graduate
- Division: Finance
- Level: MSF Elective (Grad),Graduate Elective (Grad)
- Course Number: FIN7525
- Number of Credits: 3
ECN7510 Financial and Macroeconomics Data Analysis
3 Elective CreditsThere are numerous challenges to competently modeling/forecasting financial and macroeconomic variables. Basic statistical analysis may yield misleading results for various reasons including time-varying volatility, structural change, and outliers. Time series data is also often "non-stationary" which, if not addressed, can lead to spurious regression or "nonsense correlations". Analysis of "big data" meanwhile can promote model selection bias where the effects in the final model are overstated. Moreover, the relationship of cause and effect between variables is often two-way, where both variables affect each other. In this class, you will learn several methods to address these problems including: cointegration (to address non-stationarity), vector autoregression (to allow for interdependence between variables), and a machine learning algorithm to conduct unbiased model selection from "big data" while addressing outliers and structural change.
Prerequisites: None
- Program: Graduate
- Division: Economics
- Level: MSBA Elective (Grad),MSF Elective (Grad),Graduate Elective (Grad)
- Course Number: ECN7510
- Number of Credits: 3
ACC7800 Financial and Sustainability Reporting
(Formerly Financial Reporting)
2 Credits (Core MBA)If you have taken and passed ACC7200, you cannot register for ACC7800, as these two courses are equivalent
The purpose of this course is to review the concepts surrounding financial and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting and to emphasize the importance of being an informed user of financial and ESG information for any entrepreneurial leader. Whether you are involved in an existing business or starting your own, working in the not-for-profit sector or managing your personal finances, you will need to be able to incorporate financial information into your decision-making process. We will be constructing financial statements, analyzing them across companies and industries, and providing linkages to entrepreneurial and strategic decision making. We will also be exploring how the reporting of ESG factors integrates with financial reports to provide useful information for evaluating risks and the long-term sustainability of a business.
**It is strongly recommended that students complete this course prior to taking FIN7800**
- Program: Graduate
- Division: Accounting and Law
- Course Number: ACC7800
- Number of Credits: 2