Faculty Sponsor Responsibilities

Student applicant(s) for the B.E.T.A. (Babson Entrepreneurial Thought and Action®) Challenge must have a faculty sponsor as part of the submission process.

A faculty sponsor must:

  • Be a faculty member at Babson, Olin Engineering or Wellesley College.
  • Be acquainted with the student(s).
  • Be willing to review the application before submission.
  • Provide input on the application before submission.
  • Approve the submission as reviewer-ready.
  • Agree the submission is of high quality.
  • Give permission to the competition organizers to contact them for verification.

Please contact the Blank Center team if you have any questions.

Babson faculty, staff, EIRs and mentors cannot make a financial investment or accept equity in, or accept compensation or remuneration of any kind from, a Babson student business while the student is enrolled at Babson College. This prohibition continues for a period of twelve months after the student’s graduation from the College, withdrawal from the College or transfer to another college/university.

– Adopted by the Entrepreneurship Division on 9/17/2012

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