Grid Raising Money

Kaya Sabanci

Imge Kaya-Sabanci

IE Business School, Germany

Research Translation Paper (pdf) »

Summary: As an entrepreneur, the more trustworthy you are perceived by the investors, the more likely you are to get investment. The research in both management and economics consistently shows that. Is this really the case, no matter who you are?

Jia Bao

Jia Bao

National University of Singapore

Research Translation Paper (pdf) ยป

Summary: “Entrepreneurism is widely regarded as being one way in which women can sidestep the sexism of male-dominated institutionalized work environments and enter into a world in which men and women operate on a level playing field.” – Jones, K. and Clifton, J.

Gavin Williamson

Gavin Williamson

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Research Translation Paper (pdf) »

Summary: Have you ever wondered if it would help or hurt your career to start a side venture?  Across two studies, I find that employees with side ventures have more success transitioning between employers than employees that do not, but also face unique challenges along the way.

Izuchukwu Mbaraony

Izuchukwu Mbaraonye

The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, USA

Research Translation Paper (pdf) »

Summary: Entrepreneurial growth is often met by positive stakeholder reactions as it signifies the output of the hard work by entrepreneurs. However, this reaction may not be extended to entrepreneurs in high identification entrepreneurial spaces, where entrepreneurs and stakeholders define themselves based on both what they “are” and what they “are not”, and there is a “magical” quality to the origins and inspiration of their product or service offering.