Submit a Work Order

Submit a work order to request any of the services provided by Facilities. The Service Response Center prioritizes and processes requests for emergency, routine and special services for the Babson Campus. The Customer Service Response Center is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please be advised that Facilities Web Request can only be accessed while on campus.

Submit a Request

  1. Log in to Babson Portal
  2. Under the green "Smart Tools" banner, click on "Facilities Web Request"
  3. Choose "Submit a new request..."
  4. Fill out all relevant information and submit
  5. You will receive a work order number pending approval
  6. You will receive e-mail when there is a status change, such as completion.
Emergency (Business Hours)
Call ext. 4444. If no response, call Public Safety at ext. 5555
Emergency (After Business Hours)
After business hours, weekends, or holidays: call Public Safety ext. 5555

Check Work Order Status

Your Requests
  1. Log in to Babson Portal
  2. Under the green "Smart Tools" banner, click on"Facilities Web Request"
  3. Choose "Find my previously submitted requests"
  4. A list of all work order requests submitted by you will be listed
Other Requests