
Leading Business Turnarounds

MOB7552 Leading Business Turnarounds

3 CreditsHow (and why) does one catch a falling knife? The Leading Business Turnarounds course will address the strategic, financial, operational and organizational issues confronting senior executives managing a turnaround situation. It is intended to: impart the practical knowledge needed to assess the business and financial severity of a turnaround candidate; develop an action plan to address the immediate crisis conditions facing the organization; define how to evaluate and build the necessary management team to implement the mid-term stabilization plan; define the exit strategy options (sale, bankruptcy, shutdown, or revitalization) to be pursued; and create a communication plan for the critical stakeholders affected by corporate distress. Turnaround leadership styles and actions will be investigated. Students will develop familiarity with the management and organizational assessment tools used in turnaround situations. They also will understand the financial and managerial actions necessary for developing and implementing sound turnaround strategies. Importantly, organizational implications of these plans will be probed and discussed, with focus given on how people are affected by management's actions. Finally, students will learn situational turnaround leadership techniques for use in different turnaround situations.

For more information: FIN7200 or FIN7800 and MOB7202 or MOB7801

  • Program: Graduate
  • Division: Management
  • Level: Graduate Elective (Grad)
  • Course Number: MOB7552
  • Number of Credits: 3