B-AGILE Blue Sky is customizable to each organization’s needs and objectives. This is one of many possible examples. We work with each public safety organization to shape its own program.
Week 1: Taking care of yourself – How can managers in a stressful profession develop their skills as leaders and decision makers? How does this influence their ability to lead and develop others?
Week 2: The best-self – What does science say about the processes that help us transform ourselves into better professionals and better leaders capable of advancement to levels of higher responsibility? What can you learn about yourself from data that will be collected from your colleagues and others who know you?
Week 3: Performance management – How should we use strengths-based coaching and development to improve the performance of our people and accelerate their growth? How does this work?
Week 4: Change – Why is it so hard to make and sustain changes in how we think and act? What has to happen for us to make sustainable changes in ourselves and lead others to make changes?
Week 5: Decision making under stress – What are the factors that we need to understand in order to make good decisions and lead our people to make good decisions? How do leaders make decisions that their organizations will actually implement?
Week 6: Innovation – What have we learned about how innovation actually works? What are the practices of entrepreneurs who imagine new ways of doing things and actually bring these practices to life? Why do we fail to understand this? Can we even think this way in law enforcement?
Week 7: What can we do now for ourselves, our people, and our community? – How should we use what we have learned in this course to take the first steps toward better lives for ourselves and our people?