When choosing a college, it’s crucial you can picture yourself not only learning there but living there. Babson undergraduate residence life and housing spaces across our 370-acre campus are designed to be your home away from home, with options to fit your lifestyle and ensure you not only succeed but also enjoy your years on campus.
Home Away From Home: Babson College Housing
Living in college dorms is a rite of passage for most college students. The campus experience and undergraduate Babson residence life are an important part of the full experience while you're here. And, finding out who your roommate is and eating your first meal at Trim Dining Hall are exciting!
Campus life is not just about forming bonds with hall mates or having a quick path to class, either (though those are two big ones!). It’s about experiencing the diversity on campus, enjoying inclusive activities for students, and the support that comes from having everything you need: from a friend to lean on to laundry onsite to health services, you will have everything nearby. The adjustment to college is a hard, but important, step you will take. Knowing you can easily reach out and whatever you need is just down the street will help you get your footing.