Multimodal Communications and Engagement Plan
In May, Babson College launched a strategic planning process with a clear goal: Engage the Babson community and partners to rapidly develop a shared strategic plan for Babson to thrive in a changing environment.
There will be many opportunities for the Babson community to participate in the strategic planning process and to share ideas, feedback, and concerns. These contributions will be part of a considerable effort to collect and analyze data and insights that will help refine the College’s mission, purpose, and vision, and chart a bold course forward.
Communications Goals
- Engage entire Babson community as well as external stakeholders in strategic planning to generate the best ideas and initiatives from the most diverse insights possible.
- Come to a community understanding of disruption in higher education and Babson’s need to evolve.
- Build excitement and confidence that translates into strategy adoption and accelerated execution with clearly articulated initiatives and commensurate metrics for success.
- Help unify the campus community by making this a transparent, inclusive process.
Communications Commitments
We will engage with the entire Babson community as well as external stakeholders.
We will communicate clearly, openly and frequently throughout this accelerated process.
We will provide ample lead-time to maximize your ability to participate and will respond to actionable requests rapidly. We will welcome opposing views and foster debate.
Global Orientation
We will use multiple communications channels and schedule activities at different times to provide many opportunities for our global community to engage at different levels.
Ways We Will Keep You Informed
- Bi-weekly emails from President Stephen Spinelli Jr. MBA’92, PhD and the Task Forces
- Latest news shared via
- Bi-weekly postings on Faculty, Staff, and Student Portals and Social Channels
- Monthly features in Alumni and Friends Newsletters and on the Babson Connector
- Updates at Town Meetings and Full Faculty Meetings
- Quarterly Briefs in Babson Magazine
- Webcasts/Virtual Town Halls
How You Can Take Part
Share Ideas: Email us 24/7 at
Join a Charette: On-campus input and brainstorming sessions will be held throughout the strategic planning process.
Support the Task Forces: Provide input to one of the six Task Forces.
Take an Online Survey: Thousands of you participated in our first survey focused on mission, vision, and values. Thank you! Our next survey will launch in mid-August and will be shared via email with the Babson community.
Participate in a Listening Session: Join conference calls and/or webcasts for Governing Boards, Alumni Association leaders, Alumni Chapter, and Affinity Groups Presidents.
Visit Us at Events: Engage at events on campus and virtually.
Share on Social: Contribute to social media efforts planned throughout this process.