Research and Publications
The accounting and law faculty at Babson College strive for intellectual pursuits that impact the creation of social and economic value across all kinds of organizations.
They integrate with other disciplines in deliberate and substantive ways embracing research that incorporates Entrepreneurial Thought & Action® (ET&A™), Social, Environmental, Economic Responsibility, and Sustainability (SEERS), and a global perspective with their disciplinary interests.
Recent and Forthcoming Publications
A Human Rights Perspective on Professional Responsibility in Global Corporate Practice (forthcoming), by David Nersessian, D. L. Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law.
Alexander Thom (1775–1845): From Army Surgeon to Settlement Founderce (2017), by Petty, R. D., Journal of Medical Biography.
Audit Partner Disclosure: An Examination of Accounting Information Contagion (forthcoming), by Lambert, T. A., Luippold, B. L., Stefaniak, C. M., Behavioral Research in Accounting.
Blockchain: Emergent Industry Adoption and Implications for Accounting (2017), by Kokina, J., Mancha, R., Pachamanova, D. A., Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting.
CMA: The Value Creator (2017), by Whitney, D., Juras, P. E., Strategic Finance.
Deals on Wheels (2017), by Nemitz, W., Dewire, D. T., Mandel, R. P. and Petty, R. D., Harvard Case Collection.
Determinants of Successful Patent Applications to Combat Financial Fraud (2017), by Khachatryan, D., Muehlmann, B. W., Scientometrics.
Health Privacy and (Lack of) Legal Protections in a Technology-Driven Economy (2017) by Alexander, M., Kirschner, C., Scholten, P. A., Yates, D. J., North Carolina Journal of Law and Technology.
How business schools can integrate data analytics into accounting curriculum (2017), by Tschakert, N., Kokina, J., Kozlowski, S., The CPA Journal.
Product Strategy and Antitrust: A Consumer Choice Perspective (2017), by Petty, R. D., Journal of Consumer Affairs.
Rodolfo's Casa Caribe in Cuba: Business, Ethical & Legal Challenges of Investing in a Start-Up in Havana (2017), by Sulkowski, A. J., Journal of Legal Studies Education.
'The Accountant' and the Error of His Ways (forthcoming), by Muehlmann, B. W., Soybel, V. E. and Turner, R. M., Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting.
The Dilemma of False Positives: Making Content ID Algorithms More Conducive to Fostering Innovative Fair Use in Music Creation (2017), by Lester, T., Pachamanova, D., UCLA Entertainment Law Review.
The Emergence of Artificial Intelligence: How Automation is Changing Auditing (2017), by Kokina, J., Davenport, T. H., Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting.
The Impact of Client Error-Management Climate and the Nature of the Auditor-Client Relationship on External Auditor Reporting Decisions (2017), by Perreault, S., Wainberg, J., Luippold, B. L., Behavioral Research in Accounting.
The Prosecution of Climate Change Dissent (2018), by Ehrlich, C. P., Mandel, R. P., Marquette Benefits and Social Welfare Law Review.
The Role of Data Visualization and Analytics in Performance Management: Guiding Entrepreneurial Growth Decisions (2017), by Kokina, J., Pachamanova, D. A., Corbett, A. C., Journal of Accounting Education.
Using Proactive Legal Strategies for Corporate Environmental Sustainability (2017), by Berger-Walliser, G., Sulkowski, A. J., Shrivastava, P., Michigan Journal of Environmental & Administrative Law.
Using Socrative to Enhance Instruction in an Accounting Classroom (2017), by Kokina, J., Juras, P. E., Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting.
Advanced Accounting 3rd Edition (2017), by Halsey, R. F., Hopkins, P.E., Chicago, IL: Cambridge Business Publishers.
Financial Accounting for MBAs 7th edition (2018), by Halsey, R. F., Easton, P. D., Wild, J. J., McAnally, M. L., Chicago, IL: Cambridge Business Publishers.
International Human Rights Litigation: A Guide for Federal Judges (2017), by Nersessian, D. L., Washington, DC: Federal Judicial Center.
The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business, 2d edition (forthcoming), by Ferrera, G., Alexander, M., Kirschner, C. B., Wiggins, W., Darrow, J., New York, NY: Wolters Kluwer.
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses as a Public-Private Partnership (forthcoming), by Fetters, M., Greene, P., Donnellon, A., Bliss, R. T., The Future of Management Education: Educating for Economic and Social Impact, North Hampton, MA: Edgar Elgar.
Law and Entrepreneurship, by Mandel, R. P., in Entrepreneurship: The Practice and Mindset, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
University Experiential Learning Partnerships as Living Laboratories for Sustainability. Sustainability in Management Education: In Search of a Multidisciplinary, Innovative, and Integrated Approach Through University Leadership, Scholarship, and Partnerships (2017), by Sulkowski, A. J., in Sustainability in Management Education: In Search of a Multidisciplinary, Innovative, and Integrated Approach Through University Leadership, Scholarship, and Partnerships, North Hampton, MA: Edgar Elgar.
Warsaw, Poland & City Sustainability Reporting (forthcoming), by Sulkowski, A. J., in Climate Change and Cities: Second Assessment Report of the Urban Climate Change Research Network, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Blog - Professor David Nersessian: Multidisciplinary Approaches and Social Enterprise at Babson College (2017), by Nersessian, D. L., Babson College - Faculty & Leadership Blog.
Blog - Scandal Surrounding Kevin Spacey, Netflix, and Morals Clauses in Celebrity Contracts (2017), by Lester, T., Babson Leadership Blog.
Editorial - Email from Boston: A Better Way (2017), by Muehlmann, B. W., in CFOaktuell
Editorial - Email from Boston: Alles Rooba? (Everybody Roomba?) (2018), by Muehlmann, B. W., in CFOaktuell
Editorial - Email from Boston: Das Spiel um den besten Score (The Game for the Best Score) (2017), by Muehlmann, B. W., in CFOaktuell
Editorial - Email from Boston: Die Blockchain als Heilmittel? (The Blockchain As Cure?) (2017), by Muehlmann, B. W., in CFOaktuell
Editorial - Email from Boston: Ein Reisepass fuers Berufsleben? (A Passport for Professional Life?) (2017), by Muehlmann, B. W., in CFOaktuell
Editorial - Email from Boston: Eine Gruseltour durch Waltham (A Spooky Tour through Waltham) (2017), by Muehlmann, B. W., in CFOaktuell
Editorial - Email from Boston: Meet Pepper, the Future Tax Expert (2017), by Muehlmann, B. W., in CFOaktuell