Research and Publications
Recent publications, presentations and other areas of research being pursued by math and science division members at Babson College.
Refereed Journal Articles
Blodgett, D. M., Feld, M. N. (2020). “Teaching an Interdisciplinary Course in Sustainable Food Systems: Science and History Meet in ‘A World That Works.’” Featured in a special issue titled “Production & Consumption". International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, December 2020.
Russell, M. A., Redick, S. D., Blodgett, D. M., Richardson, S. J., Leete, P., Krogvold, L., Dahl-Jørgensen, K., Bottino, R., Brissova, M., Spaeth, J. M., Babon, J. A., Haliyur, R., Powers, A. C., Yang, C., Kent, S. C., Derr, A. G., Kucukural, A., Garber, M. G., Morgan, N. G., Harlan, D. M. (2019). HLA Class II Antigen Processing and Presentation Pathway Components Demonstrated by Transcriptome and Protein Analyses of Islet β-Cells From Donors With Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes, 68(5), 988-1001.
Journal Articles - Editorial Board Reviewed
Redick, S. D., Leehy, L., Rittenhouse, A. R., Blodgett, D. M., Derr, A. G., Kucukural, A., Garber, M. G., Shultz, L. D., Greiner, D. L., Wang, J. P., Harlan, D. M., Bortell, R., Jurczyk, A. (2020). Recovery of viable endocrine‐specific cells and transcriptomes from human pancreatic islet‐engrafted mice. The FASEB Journal, 34(1), 1901-1911.
Brissova, M., Haliyur, R., Saunders, D., Shrestha, S., Dai, C., Blodgett, D. M., Bottino, R., Campbell-Thompson, M., Aramandla, R., Poffenberger, G., Lindner, J., Pan, F. C., von Herrath, M. G., Greiner, D. L., Shultz, L. D., Sanyoura, M., Philipson, L. H., Atkinson, M. A., Harlan, D. M., Levy, S. E., Prasad, N., Stein, R., Powers, A. C. (2018). α Cell Function and Gene Expression Are Compromised in Type 1 Diabetes. 22(10), 2667-2676.
Presentations Given
Blodgett, D. M. (Presenter & Author), Redick, S. D. (Presenter Only), Derr, A. G. (Presenter Only), Kent, S. C., Greiner, D. L., Harlan, D. M., Levine-Riggs Diabetes Research Symposium, "Using bioinformatics tools to overcome technical and donor specific contributions, while preserving biological variation associated with islet cell transcriptomic heterogeneity," Universal City, CA. (February 2020).
Blodgett, D. M. (Presenter & Author), BFRF Research Chat, "Type 1 Diabetes at the Cellular and Gene Level - Upregulation of Immune Response Genes," BFRF, Babson College. (September 2019).
Blodgett, D. M. (Presenter & Author), Feld, M. N. (Presenter & Author), Babson Research Day, "Integrated Sustainability: Panel on Course Collaboration for Integrated Sustainability," Babson College. (February 2019).
Feld, M. N. (Presenter Only), Blodgett, D. M. (Presenter Only), Babson Research Day, "Panel History & Science Module: Course Collaboration for Integrated Sustainability," Babson College, Babson Park, MA. (January 2019).
Blodgett, D. M. (Presenter & Author), Research in Progress Talk, "Heterogeneity in beta-cell expression of HLA Class II antigen processing and pathway components in T1D," Diabetes Center of Excellence, University of Massachusetts Medical School. (January 2019).
Blodgett, D. M. (Presenter & Author), 2018 nPOD (The Network for Pancreatic Organ Donors with Diabetes) Annual Meeting, "Lessons from Islet Cell Transcriptomes: the illustration of heterogeneity in T1D beta cells," Hollywood Florida. (February 2018).
Blodgett, D. M., Babson Research Day, "Type I Diabetes - Immune Genes in Target Cells," Babson College. (February 2018).
Media Contributions
Virtual Reality: How the Babson Community United in the Face of Crisis. Babson Magazine. (April 2020).
A Monumental Achievement, But Only the First Step. Babson Thought & Action. (December 2020).
Linking Science and Liberal Arts to Create a Unique Experience for Students and Faculty. Babson Thought & Action. (October 2020).
Focusing on the Facts. Babson Thought & Action. (March 2020).
Refereed Journal Articles
Carey, J. C., Beitelspacher, L. S., Tosti-Kharas, J., Swanson, E. (2020). A resource-efficient modular course design for co-teaching integrated sustainability in higher education: Developing the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy.
Carey, J. C., Gewirtzman, J., Vieillard, A., Kurtz, A., Johnston, S. E., Tang, J., Spencer, R. (2020). Arctic river dissolved and biogenic silicon exports - current conditions and future changes with warming. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34(3).
Huntzinger, D., Schaefer, K., Schwalm, C., Fisher, J., Hayes, D., Stofferahn, E., Carey, J. C., Michalak, A., Wei, Y., Jain, A., Kolus, H., Mao, J., Poulter, B., Shi, X., Tang, J., Tain, H. (2020). Evaluation of simulated soil carbon dynamics in Arctic-Boreal ecosystems. Environmental Research Letters, 15(2), 025005.
Carey, J. C., Kroeger, K., Zafari, B., Tang, J. J. (2018). Passive experimental warming decouples air and sediment temperatures in a salt marsh. Limnology and Oceanography Methods.
Crowther, T., Machmuller, M., Carey, J. C., Alison, S., Blair, J. M. (2018). More data but no new answers. Nature.
Book Chapters
Tang, J., Carey, J. C., Bradford, M., Machmuller, M., Crowther, T., Todd-Brown, K. (2019). The temperature sensitivity of soil carbon: A global approach. Academic Press.
Journal Articles - Editorial Board Reviewed
Carey, J. C. (2020). Soil age alters the global silicon cycle. Science, 369(6508), 1161-1162.
Carey, J. C., Jankowski, K., Julian, P., Sethna, L., Thomas, P., Rohweder, J. (2019). Exploring silica stoichiometry on a large floodplain riverscape. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7(346).
Gewirtzman, J., Tang, J., Melillo, J., Werner, W., Kurtz, A., Fulweiler, R. W., Carey, J. C. (2019). Soil warming accelerates biogeochemical silica cycling in a temperate forest. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10(1097).
Carey, J. C., Abbott, B., Rocha, A. (2019). Plant uptake offsets silica release from a large Arctic tundra wildfire. Earth's Future, 7, 1044–1057.
Presentations Given
Carey, J. C., Gewirtzman, J., Johnston, S. E., Spencer, R., American Geophysical Union Meeting, "Exploring linkages between dissolved organic matter and dissolved silicon in Arctic rivers influenced by a gradient of permafrost degradation," American Geophysical Union, Virtual. (December 2020).
Williams, O., Kurtz, A., Gonneea, M., Kroeger, K., Carey, J. C., American Geophysical Union Meeting, "Mechanisms of Silica Availability in a New England Salt Marsh," American Geophysical Union, Virtual. (December 2020).
Cooke, J. (Presenter & Author), Carey, J. C. (Author Only), British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, "Transpiration and transporters: teasing apart passive and active transport of plant silicon," British Ecological Society, Virtual. (December 2020).
Carey, J. C., Jankowski, K., Julian, P., Sethna, L., Thomas, P., Rohweder, J., Association of Sciences for Limnology and Oceanography/Society of Freshwater Science joint meeting, "Let’s include Si in fluvial stoichiometry: results from a longitudinal analysis of the Upper Mississippi River," Association of Sciences for Limnology and Oceanography/Society of Freshwater Science, Virtual. (June 2020).
Cooke, J. (Presenter & Author), Carey, J. C. (Author Only), European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, "Transpiration and transporters: teasing apart passive and active transport of plant silicon," European Geophysical Union, Virtual. (April 2020).
Carey, J. C., Goldstein, M. A., Karst, N. J., Pinard, M. C., Babson Research Day, "Synthesis as a Tool for Research and Scholarship: A Cross-Disciplinary Examination," Babson College. (February 2020).
Carey, J. C. (Author Only), Beitelspacher, L. S. (Presenter & Author), Tosti-Kharas, J. (Author Only), Swanson, E. (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE), "A resource-efficient modular course design for co-teaching integrated sustainability in entrepreneurship education," New Orleans, LA. (January 2020).
Goldstein, M. A. (Presenter & Author), Karst, N. J. (Presenter & Author), Carey, J. C. (Presenter & Author), Pinard, M. C. (Presenter & Author), Babson Faculty Research Day, ""Research for a Long Poem about Prairies: Military History, Botany, and Photography”," Babson College. (January 2020).
Carey, J. C. (Presenter & Author), Foundry in Innovative Teaching, "Formative Assessments," Babson College. (November 2019).
Carey, J. C., Eureka Science Museum Fundraiser, "The changing tides of climate change – an opportunity to unite," Grand Junction, CO. (October 2019).
Carey, J. C., Faculty Seminar Series, "Far reaching impacts of a warming Arctic," Babson College. (October 2019).
Carey, J. C., European Geophysical Union, "Arctic land cover change alters silica retention in terrestrial biomass and export rates to aquatic systems.," Vienna, Austria. (April 2019).
Carey, J. C., Mount Holyoke College Science Seminar Series, "The role of land cover change in shifting silica exports from land to aquatic systems," Northampton, MA. (March 2019).
Carey, J. C., Abbott, B., Rocha, A., Arctic LTER Annual Meeting, "A near doubling of Arctic plant silicon accumulation following a decade of post-fire succession," Woods Hole, MA. (February 2019).
Carey, J. C. (Presenter & Author), Harrity, M. H. (Presenter & Author), Majbouri, M. (Presenter & Author), Babson Research Day, "Climate change: through the lenses of science, economics, and finance. Panel presentation and discussion.," Babson College. (February 2019).
Carey, J. C., Olin Climate Series, "An overview of two recent (alarming) climate reports: The IPCC 2018 Special Report and the 4th National Climate Assessment.," Olin College. (January 2019).
Carey, J. C., Abbott, B. (Author Only), Rocha, A. (Author Only), American Geophysical Union, "Plant uptake offsets silica release from a large Arctic tundra wildfire," Washington, DC. (December 2018).
Carey, J. C., Kroeger, K. (Author Only), Zafari, B. (Author Only), Tang, J. (Author Only), Babson Research Day, "The Accidental Chill: A ‘warming’ experiment that cooled a salt marsh.," Babson College. (February 2018).
Media Contributions
"The Facts Speak For Themselves," Babson Magazine. (August 2018).
"Documenting Rapid Change with Dr. Carey," Spacepod. (October 2018).
Refereed Journal Articles
Chan, E. W. K. (in press). Heterogeneous Responses to Education Quality. Education Economics.
Journal Articles - Editorial Board Reviewed
Chan, E. W. K. (2021). Leveraging Parents through Low-Cost Technology:: The Impact of High-Frequency Information on Achievement. Journal of Human Resources, 56(1), 125-158.
Chan, E. W. K. (2020). The Everlasting Quest of Preschool for All: Maternal Choices and Enrollment Implications of Bilingual Pre-K. Applied Economics, 52(9), 970-986.
Presentations Given
Chan, E. W. K., Association of Public Policy and Management Fall Conference, "Housing Search Frictions: Evidence from a Detailed Search Data and a Field Experiment," Association of Public Policy and Management, Online. (November 2020).
Chan, E. W. K., BFRF Virtual Research Discussion, "Gifted Students and Parental Investments," Babson College, Online. (April 2020).
Chan, E. W. K., Association of Education Finance and Policy Annual Conference, "Heterogeneous Responses to Education Quality," Association of Education Finance and Policy, Online. (March 2020).
Chan, E. W. K., Foundry of Innovative Teaching, "Strategies for Teaching and Supporting Low-Ability Students," Babson College Math & Science Division, Babson College. (February 2020).
Chan, E. W. K., Babson Faculty Research Day, "Housing Search Frictions: Evidence from a Detailed Search Data and a Field Experiment," Babson College, Babson College. (January 2019).
Chan, E. W. K., Babson Faculty Research Day, "Instructor Evaluation and Classroom Behavior in Higher Education," Babson College, Babson College. (January 2019).
Chan, E. W. K., Columbia University Economics Seminar, "Parental Inputs and Gifted Students," Columbia University. (May 2018).
Chan, E. W. K., Association of Education and Finance Annual Meetings, "Parental Inputs and Gifted Students," Portland, OR. (March 2018).
Chan, E. W. K., Babson Faculty Research Day, "Gifted Students and Parent Engagement," Babson College. (February 2018).
Refereed Journal Articles
Aylesworth, A. (2019). Reawakening Creativity for Business Leaders: Removing Obstacles. Journal of Education for Business.
Cleary, R. J. (2021). Sports Analytics Speakers: Suggested Practices. Newsletter of MAA Special Interest Group on Mathematics and Sports. Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America. cf883fe7-9f0e-4257-b94b-0abcc17b180a_file.pdf
Journal Articles - Editorial Board Reviewed
Cleary, R. J., Edwards, K., Lewis, T., Manes, M., Pearson, M., Quinn, J., Strom, A., Vega, O. (2021). MAA-AIMS: Advancing Inclusivity in the Mathematical Sciences. MAA FOCUS, 41(1), 12-13.
Cleary, R. J., Muehlmann, B. W., Khachatryan, D. (2020). Statisticians Quietly Support Innovation Through Patents. AMSTAT News(520), 2.
Cleary, R. J., Staab, P. (in press). Same Score Streaks: A Case Study in Probability Modeling. Math Horizons(To appear April 2021), 5.
Cleary, R. J., Levy, R. (2020). How Some Pandemic Necessities Could Improve Teaching and Learning. MAA Focus, 40(4), 6-7.
Presentations Given
Cleary, R. J. (Presenter & Author), Langowitz, N. S. (Author Only), Hanna, R. C. (Author Only), National Dialogue on Transforming STEM Teaching Evaluation in Higher Education, "Assessing the Pandemic Pivot to Remote Learning: A Crowd Sourced Approach," National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, Virtual. (January 2021).
Cleary, R. J. (Presenter & Author), Babson Faculty Research Chat, "More Mathematics with Less Calculus: Babson as a Model for Alternate Pathways," Virtual. (October 2020).
Cleary, R. J. (Presenter & Author), Electronic Seminar on Mathematics Education, "A Touch of Calculus: Shaking Up the Pre-Requisite Structure of College Mathematics," MIT, Cornell University, TPSE, Virtual. (September 2020).
Cleary, R. J. (Presenter & Author), Levy, R. (Presenter & Author), Weimerskirch, M. (Presenter & Author), Electronic Seminar on Mathematics Education, "Active Learning Online: A Panel Discussion," MIT, Cornell University, TPSE, Virtual. (March 2020).
Cleary, R. J. (Presenter & Author), Joint Mathematics Meetings, "Relaxing Constraints on Creativity," MAA, Denver, CO. (January 2020).
Cleary, R. J., Weston Schools Mathematics Faculty, "The Mathematics of Fairness," Weston Schools PTO, Weston, MA. (April 2019).
Cleary, R. J. (Presenter & Author), Teachers as Scholars Workshop, "The Mathematics of Gerrymandering, Electoral Fairness and Power Politics,", Cambridge, MA. (March 2019).
Cleary, R. J. (Presenter & Author), Babson College Faculty Research Day, "Same Score Streaks in MLB," Wellesley, MA. (February 2019).
Williams, T. (Presenter & Author), Joint Mathematics Meetings, "Data Science for Mathematicians: What We Already Know and What We Need to Learn.," Mathematical Association of America, Baltimore, MD. (January 2019).
Cleary, R. J., Abell, M. (Presenter Only), Tarrant, L. (Presenter Only), MAA MathFest, "Advocating for Your Career and Yourself," Mathematical Association of America, Denver CO. (August 2018).
Cleary, R. J. (Presenter Only), Ettinger, B. (Presenter Only), Yaple, H. (Presenter Only), Piercey, V. (Presenter Only), Buckmire, R. (Presenter Only), SIAM Annual Meeting, "Invited Panel on the Instruction Practice Guide: Assessment for Teaching and Learning," Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Portland, OR. (July 2018).
Cleary, R. J., Needham High School Analytics Club, "Non-Standard Applications of Mathematics to Sports," Needham, MA. (April 2018).
Cleary, R. J., Joint Mathematics Meetings, "Invited Panel on the Instruction Practice Guide: Assessment for Teaching and Learning," Mathematical Association of America, San Diego, CA. (January 2018).
Media Contributions
Mastering Math for the Modern World. Babson Thought and Action. (November 9, 2020).
"Interviewed by local paper on World Cup Soccer likely outcomes.," Wellesley Townsman. (June 25, 2018).
"Sports Analytics Approach to the SuperBowl 2019 (part of Morning Edition programming.)," WGBH Public Radio. (February 1, 2019).
"Guest on The Point with Sue O'Connell to discuss NCAA basketball pool strategy," NBC Channel 10 Boston. (March 13, 2018).
"Interviewed on local sports news over relationship between betting line and win probabilities.," NBC Channel 10 Boston. (January 30, 2018).
“Innovative Optical Designs in Flow Cytometry” – WPI – Biomedical Eng.
“Adaptive Optics” – SPIE – Boston
Presentations Given
Giunta, S. P., Mathematics Seminar, "Recent Work on P – Status of Statistics Education," Hofsra University, Hofsra University. (March 2021).
Giunta, S. P., Teachers College, Columbia University, "Recent work on P - Value Alternatives: A Literature Review," Teachers College, Columbia University (Zoom). (December 2020).
Research in Progress
"EdD Mathematics Education".
ABD + 1 certification exam.
Refereed Journal Articles
Dralle, D., Rempe, D., Hahm, W. J., Karst, N. J., Anderegg, L., Thompson, S., Dawson, T., Dietrich, W. (2020). Plants as sensors: vegetation response to rainfall predicts subsurface water storage capacity in Mediterranean climates. Environmental Research Letters.
Karst, N. J., Shen, X., Troxell, D. S., Vu, M. (2020). Blocking zero forcing processes in Cartesian products of graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 285, 380-398.
Beaudouin-Lafon, M., Chen, S., Crawford, M., Karst, N. J., Nielsen, L., Troxell, D. S. (2020). On the zero blocking number of rectangular, cylindrical, and Möbius grids. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 282, 35-47.
Karst, N. J., Dralle, D., Muller, M. (2019). On the effect of non-linear recessions on low flow variability: Diagnostic of an analytical model for annual flow duration curves. Water Resources Research, 55(7), 6125-6137.
Beaudouin-Lafon, M., Chen, S., Karst, N. J., Troxell, D. S., Zheng, X. (2019). Pairwise compatibility graphs: complete characterization for wheels. Involve: a journal of mathematics, 12(5), 871-882.
Karst, N. J., Slegers, R. M. (2019). Cryptography in Context: Co-Teaching Philosophy and Mathematics. PRIMUS.
Dralle, D., Hahm, J., Rempe, D., Karst, N. J., Thompson, S., Dietrich, W. (2018). Quantification of the seasonal hillslope water storage that does not drive streamflow. Hydrological Processes, 32(13), 1978-1992.
Beaudouin-Lafon, M., Chen, S., Karst, N. J., Troxell, D. S. (2018). Labeling crossed prisms with a condition at distance two. Involve: a journal of mathematics, 11(1), 67–80.
Presentations Given
Carey, J. C., Goldstein, M. A., Karst, N. J., Pinard, M. C., Babson Research Day, "Synthesis as a Tool for Research and Scholarship: A Cross-Disciplinary Examination," Babson College. (February 2020).
Karst, N. J. (Presenter & Author), Troxell, D. S. (Author Only), Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (Author Only), Chen, S., Crawford, M., Nielsen, L., 2020 Joint Mathematics Meetings, "Minimal Zero Blocking Sets of Rectangular, Cylindrical, and Mobius Grids," AMS/MAA, Denver, CO. (January 2020).
Goldstein, M. A. (Presenter & Author), Karst, N. J. (Presenter & Author), Carey, J. C. (Presenter & Author), Pinard, M. C. (Presenter & Author), Babson Faculty Research Day, ""Research for a Long Poem about Prairies: Military History, Botany, and Photography”," Babson College. (January 2020).
Karst, N. J., Babson Research Day, "Synthesis in Applied Mathematics Research," BFRF, Babson College. (January 2020).
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
Rodgers, V. L. (Co-Principal), Karst, N. J. (Principal), "Eco-analytics: Using predictive analytics to assess forest patches for ecological and economic benefit," Sponsored by Teaching Innovation Fund, Babson College, $5,000.00. (May 15, 2017 - October 15, 2018).
Intellectual Contributions in Submission
Refereed Journal Articles
Firth, W., Geddes, J., Karst, N. J., Oppo, G.-L. (2021). Analytic instability thresholds in folded Kerr resonators of arbitrary finesse. Physical Review Letters.
Refereed Journal Articles
Eloyan, A., Yue, M. S., Khachatryan, D. (2020). Tumor Heterogeneity Estimation for Radiomics in Cancer. Statistics in Medicine.
Khachatryan, D., Muehlmann, B. W. (2020). Measuring the drafting alignment of patent documents using text mining. PLoS ONE, 15(7), 20.
Huang, X., Khachatryan, D. (2018). Dimension Reduction for a Multivariate Time Series Process of a Regenerative Glass Furnace. Journal of Quality Technology, 50(1), 98-116.
Journal Articles - Editorial Board Reviewed
Cleary, R. J., Muehlmann, B. W., Khachatryan, D. (2020). Statisticians Quietly Support Innovation Through Patents. AMSTAT News(520), 2.
Khachatryan, D., Muehlmann, B. W. (2019). Measuring Technological Breadth and Depth of Patent Documents using Rao’s Quadratic Entropy.
Presentations Given
Khachatryan, D., Patent Information Users Group Annual Meeting, "Interactive Web Application for Depth and Breadth Analysis of Patents," Online. (November 2020).
Khachatryan, D., Umass Mathematics and Statistics Seminar, "Patents for a Statistician: Background, Data, and Uses in Research and Teaching," Amherst, MA. (February 2020).
Khachatryan, D., Muehlmann, B. W. (Author Only), New England Statistics Symposium, "Drafting Alignment of Patent Documents: A Text-Mining Approach," Hartford, Connecticut. (May 2019).
Khachatryan, D., Babson Undergraduate Business Analytics Club, "Text Mining Workshop," Babson Park, Massachusetts. (April 2019).
Khachatryan, D., The Isenberg PhD Program's 50th Anniversary Celebration, "PhD Panel," Amherst, Massachusetts. (April 2019).
Khachatryan, D., Muehlmann, B. W. (Author Only), Babson Research Day, "Uncovering Insight from Patent Data using Text Mining," Babson College. (February 2019).
Khachatryan, D. (Presenter & Author), Muehlmann, B. W. (Author Only), INFORMS Annual Meeting, "Uncovering Insight from Patent Data using Text Mining," Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), Phoenix, AZ. (November 2018).
Khachatryan, D., Muehlmann, B. W. (Author Only), Umass Informs Speaker Series, "Uncovering Insight from Patent Data using Text Mining," University of Massachusetts. (April 2018).
Media Contributions
Davit Khachatryan, Babson College – Mining Patent Data for Public Good. National Public Radio (NPR). (August 30, 2018).
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
Sponsored Research
Khachatryan, D., "Drafting Alignment of Business Method Patent Documents: A Data-mining Approach," Sponsored by Babson Faculty Research Fund, Babson College. (March 1, 2017 - March 31, 2018).
Intellectual Contributions in Submission
Journal Articles - Editorial Board Reviewed
Khachatryan, D., Muehlmann, B. W. Measuring the Drafting Alignment of Patent Documents Using Text Mining.
Refereed Journal Articles
Yu, M., Cruz, J. M., Li, D. (2019). The sustainable supply chain network competition with environmental tax policies. International Journal of Production Economics, 217, 218-231.
Li, D., Nagurney, A., Yu, M. (2018). Consumer learning of product quality with time delay: Insights from spatial price equilibrium models with differentiated products. Omega - The International Journal of Management Science, 81, 150-168.
Journal Articles - Editorial Board Reviewed
Nagurney, A., Besik, D., Li, D. (2019). Strict quotas or tariffs? Implications for product quality and consumer welfare in differentiated product supply chains. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 129, 136-161.
Presentations Given
Li, D., 2019 INFORMS Annual Meeting, "Strict Quotas or Tariffs? Implications for Product Quality and Consumer Welfare in Differentiated Product Supply Chains," Seattle, WA. (October 2019).
Li, D., Babson College Faculty Research Discussion, "Strict Quotas or Tariffs? Implications for Product Quality and Consumer Welfare in Differentiated Product Supply Chains," Babson College. (October 2019).
Li, D., 2019 Babson Faculty Research Day, "Sustainable Supply Chain Network Competition with Environmental Tax Policies," Babson College, Babson College. (February 2019).
Li, D., 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting, "The Sustainable Supply Chain Network Competition with Environmental Tax Policies," Phoenix, AZ. (November 2018).
Li, D., INFORMS Student Chapter Seminar Series, "Consumer Learning of Product Quality with Time Delay: Insights from Spatial Price Equilibrium Models with Differentiated Products," Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. (March 2018).
Refereed Journal Articles
Mathaisel, D. F. (2021). Political Marketing with Data Analytics. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 2021(1), 9.
Mathaisel, D. F., Comm, C. L. (2019). The contribution of analytic visualizations to the marketing of sustainable products. Journal of Marketing Analytics, Electronic Publication. Paper publication in Spring 2020., 19 pp.. University of Massachusetts
Mathaisel, D. F.X., Comm, C. L. (2018). The use of analytics to market the sustainability of “Unique” products. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 6(4), pp. 150–156.
Cases and Teaching Notes
Mathaisel, D. F. (2018). Analytics for the Sustainable Products: The Case of Sustainable Beef. In Babson College Center for Engaged Learning and Teaching (Ed.), Analytics for the Sustainability of Unique Products. Harvard Business Publishing.
Mathaisel, D. F.X. (2018). Analytics for the Sustainability of Unique Products: The Case for Hemp. In Babson College Center for Engaged Learning and Teaching (Ed.), Analytics for the Sustainability of Unique Products (pp. 7). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Publishing.
Conference Proceedings
Mathaisel, D. F.X. (2018). Using Interactive Analytic Visualizations to Market Organic Products. Analytics for the Sustainability of Unique Products. Babson Park: Dennis F.X. Mathaisel. Babson Hall 317, 02457-0310
Presentations Given
Mathaisel, D. F. (Presenter & Author), Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference, "The Application of Analytics to Scarcity Marketing: The Case of Abalone," Society for Marketing Advances, New Orleans, LA. (November 2019).
Mathaisel, D. F.X., Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference, "Using Interactive Analytic Visualizations to Market Organic Products," Society for Marketing Advances, West Palm Beach, FL. (November 2018).
Mathaisel, D. F.X., Liberal Arts Data Science, "Computer Science in the Data Science Curriculum," New College of Florida, Sarasota, FL. (January 2018).
Refereed Journal Articles
Pachamanova, D. A., Glover, W. J., Li, Z., Docktor, M., Gujral, N. (in press). Identifying Patterns in Administrative Tasks through Structural Topic Modeling: A Study of Task Definitions, Prevalence, and Shifts in a Mental Health Practice’s Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
Dwyer-Matzky, K., Pachamanova, D. A., Tilson, V. (2021). Accounting for Capacity: A Real-Time Optimization Approach to Managing Observation Unit Utilization. Naval Research Logistics, 68(5)(Special Issue on Service Operations Management), 534-555.
Wrobel, M. M., Bourgouin, P. P., Kashani, M. A., Leppelmann, K. S., Vazquez, R. M., Pachamanova, D. A., Fintelmann, F. J. (in press). Active versus passive thaw following percutaneous cryoablation of pulmonary tumors: effect on incidence, grade, and onset of hemoptysis. American Journal of Roentgenology.
Pachamanova, D. A., Tilson, V., Dwyer-Matzky, K. (in press). Machine Learning, Ethics and Change Management: A Data-Driven Approach to Improving Hospital Observation Unit Operations. INFORMS Transactions on Education.
Getchell, K. M., Pachamanova, D. A. (in press). Writing to Learn: A Framework for Structuring Writing Assignments to Support Analytics Course Learning Goals. INFORMS Transactions on Education(Special Issue on The Education Science of Delivering Analytics Education).
Erzurumlu, S. S., Pachamanova, D. A. (2020). Topic Modeling and Technology Forecasting for Assessing the Commercial Viability of Healthcare Innovations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 156.
Pachamanova, D. A., Lo, V. S.Y., Gulpinar, N. (2020). Uncertainty Representation and Risk Management for Direct Segmented Marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 36(1-2), 1-27.
Gai, Y., Pachamanova, D. A. (2019). Impact of the Medicare Hospital Readmission Reduction Program on Vulnerable Populations. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 837.
Bansal, S., Pachamanova, D. A. (2019). Editorial, Special Issue on Nonconvex Portfolio Optimization. The Engineering Economist, 64(3).
Kopcso, D., Pachamanova, D. A. (2018). Business Value in Integrating Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics Models. INFORMS Transactions on Education, 19(1).
Ali, A., Mancha, R., Pachamanova, D. A. (2018). Correcting Analytics Maturity Myopia. Business Horizons, 61(3), 211-219.
Pachamanova, D. A., Tilson, V., Dwyer-Matzky, K. (2021). Machine Learning, Ethics and Change Management in Healthcare: Bridging operations management and predictive analytics concepts to prepare students for the complexities of real-world, data-driven decision-making and process improvement. ORMS Today (1st ed., vol. 48). INFORMS.
Book Chapters
Lester, T., Pachamanova, D. (2019). Content-ID-Algorithmen und das Dilemma der falschen Treffer. In Lina Brion and Detlef Diederichsen (Ed.), 100 Jahre Copyright ("100 Years of Copyright) (Part of "100 Years of Now" Book Series). Berlin: Matthes & Seitz (Haus der Kulturen der Welt - Museum of Culture - Berlin, Germany).
Cases and Teaching Notes
Pachamanova, D. A., Tilson, V., Dwyer-Matzky, K. (in press). A Data-Driven Approach to Improving Hospital Observation Unit Operations. INFORMS.
Kopcso, D. P., Pachamanova, D. A. (2018). Managing Staffing Inefficiencies Using Analytics (B) (1st ed., vol. 19, pp. 36-42). INFORMS.
Conference Proceedings
Nersessian, D., Pachamanova, D. A. (in press). Law, Ethics, and Machine Learning. 2021 Symposium on Ethical Leadership and Legal Strategies for Post-2020 Organizations. The Tobias Leadership Center, the Center for Legal Studies & Business Ethics, and the American Business Law Journal.
Presentations Given
Canellas, M. (Presenter & Author), Kotkowski, K. (Author Only), Pachamanova, D. A. (Author Only), Perakis, G. (Author Only), Skali Lami, O. (Author Only), Tsiourvas, A. (Author Only), American College of Emergency Physicians Research Forum, "A Granular View of Emergency Department Length of Stay: Improving Predictive Power and Extracting Actionable Insights," American College of Emergency Physicians, Boston, MA. (October 2021).
Dwyer-Matzky, K. (Author Only), Pachamanova, D. A. (Presenter & Author), Tilson (Author Only), INFORMS Annual Meeting, "A Real-Time Optimization Approach to Managing Hospital Observation Unit Utilization," INFORMS, Anaheim, CA. (October 2021).
Canellas, M. (Author Only), Pachamanova, D. A. (Author Only), Perakis, G. (Author Only), Skali Lami, O. (Author Only), Tsiourvas, A. (Presenter & Author), INFORMS Annual Meeting, "Improving Emergency Department Operations with Predictive-Prescriptive Analytics," INFORMS, Anaheim, CA. (October 2021).
Bennouna, A. (Presenter & Author), Pachamanova, D. A. (Author Only), Perakis, G. (Author Only), Skali Lami, O. (Author Only), INFORMS Annual Meeting, "Toward Interpretable and More Efficient Offline Reinforcement Learning: Learning Minimal Representations," INFORMS, Anaheim, CA. (October 2021).
Nersessian, D. (Presenter & Author), Pachamanova, D. A. (Author Only), Academy of Legal Studies in Business 96th Annual Conference, "Human Trafficking in the Global Supply Chain: Using Machine Learning to Enhance Understanding of Corporate Disclosures under the UK Modern Slavery Act," ALSB, Virtual. (August 2021).
Bennouna, A. (Presenter & Author), Pachamanova, D. A. (Author Only), Perakis, G. (Author Only), Skali Lami, O. (Author Only), INFORMS Healthcare Conference, "Learning Optimal Sequential Treatments from Clinical Data," INFORMS, Virtual. (July 2021).
Lo, V. S.Y. (Presenter & Author), Pachamanova, D. A. (Presenter & Author), National Institute of Statistical Sciences Essential Data Science for Business Series, "Prescriptive Analytics," National Institute of Statistical Sciences, Virtual. (May 2021).
Nersessian, D. (Presenter & Author), Pachamanova, D. A. (Author Only), Ethical Leadership and Legal Strategies for Post-2020 Organizations, "Law, Ethics, and Machine Learning – Big Data Analytics and Corporate Reporting on Human Trafficking in the Global Supply Chain," Indiana University, Oklahoma State University, and the American Business Law Journal, Virtual. (March 2021).
Khatry, S. (Presenter Only), Pachamanova, D. A. (Presenter Only), Stoyanovich, J. (Presenter Only), Timsah, Z. (Presenter Only), Women in Data Science Central Massachusetts 2021, "Ethics and AI," WiDS@WPI, Virtual. (March 2021).
Bennouna, M. Amine (Presenter & Author), Pachamanova, D. A. (Author Only), Perakis, G. (Author Only), Skali Lami, O. (Author Only), INFORMS Annual Meeting, "Learning Optimal Dynamic Treatments: A Novel Reinforcement Learning Approach," INFORMS, Virtual. (November 2020).
Pachamanova, D. A. (Presenter & Author), Tilson, V. (Presenter & Author), Dwyer-Matzky, K. (Presenter & Author), INFORMS Annual Meeting, "Machine Learning, Ethics, and Change Management: A Data-Driven Approach to Improving Hospital Observation Unit Operations," INFORMS, Virtual. (November 2020).
Tilson, V. (Presenter & Author), Pachamanova, D. A. (Author Only), Dwyer-Matzky, K. (Author Only), Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA), "A Real-Time Optimization Approach to Managing Observation Unit Utilization," University of Maryland, Virtual. (October 2020).
Nersessian, D., Beitelspacher, L. S., Wynstra, C. B., Pachamanova, D. A., Babson College Research Day, "Panelist, Interdisciplinary Research at Babson College," Babson College, Wellesley, MA. (January 2020).
Mancha, R., Nersessian, D., Gordon, S. R., Pachamanova, D. A., Sulkowski, A. J., Zafari, B., Babson College Research Day, "Responsible Digital Transformation," Babson College, Wellesley, MA. (January 2020).
Getchell, K. M. (Author Only), Pachamanova, D. A. (Presenter & Author), 2019 INFORMS Annual Meeting, "Structuring Writing Assignments to Improve Analytics Course Outcomes," INFORMS, Seattle, WA. (October 2019).
Erzurumlu, S. S. (Author Only), Pachamanova, D. A. (Presenter & Author), 2019 EURO Conference, "Drivers of Commercial Value for Healthcare Innovations," Dublin, Ireland. (June 2019).
Erzurumlu, S. S. (Presenter & Author), Pachamanova, D. A. (Author Only), Production and Operations Management, "Drivers of health care innovations," Washington, DC. (May 2019).
Pachamanova, D. A., MIT, "Text-Augmented Analytical Frameworks," Cambridge, MA. (April 2019).
Erzurumlu, S. S. (Presenter & Author), Pachamanova, D. A. (Presenter & Author), Babson Faculty Research Day, "Drivers of Commercial Value for Healthcare Innovations," Wellesley, MA. (January 2019).
Gai, Y. (Presenter & Author), Pachamanova, D. A. (Author Only), Babson Faculty Research Day, "The Medicare Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program: Consequences for Vulnerable and High-Risk Populations," Wellesley, MA. (January 2019).
Pachamanova, D. A. (Presenter & Author), Erzurumlu, S. S. (Author Only), 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting, "Drivers of Commercial Value for Healthcare Innovations," INFORMS, Phoenix, AZ. (November 2018).
Gai, Y., Pachamanova, D. A., Babson Faculty Research Discussion, "The Medicare Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program: Consequences for Vulnerable and High-Risk Populations," Wellesley, MA. (November 2018).
Refereed Journal Articles
Recck, G. R. (2019). Slam Dunk. Journal of Quality Technology, Pp. 43 to 50.
Recck, G. R. (2020). Boston's Best High Schools.
Recck, G. R. (2020). Philly's Best High Schools. In Tom McGrath (Ed.), Philly's Best High Schools. Philadelphia, PA: Metrocorp.
Recck, G. R. (2019). Philly's Best High Schools. Philadelphia, PA: MetroCorp.
Recck, G. R. (2019). In Chris Vogel (Ed.), Boston's Best High School. Boston, MA: MetroCorp.
Recck, G. R. (2019). In John Bruno Turiano (Ed.), Our Public High Schools - The Official Ranking.
Recck, G. R. (2018). Boston's Best High Schools. Boston Magazine. Boston, MA: Chris Vogel.
Media Contributions
"Analytic insights of large lottery jackpots.," WBUR. (October 19, 2018).
"Analytic insights of large lottery jackpots.," NECN. (October 19, 2018).
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
Recck, G. R. (Principal), "Fundamentals of Business Analytics," Sponsored by Babson College edX Group, Babson College, $10,000.00. (November 1, 2017 - February 1, 2018).
Book Chapters
Reilly, T. B. (2019). Decision Analysis Applied to Job Selection. In Todd Skertich (Ed.), Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents, 10th Ed. (10th ed., pp. 412). Chicago, IL: Adventures in Medicine.
Refereed Journal Articles
Anderson, L., Dosch, J., Linquist, E., McCay, T., Machado, J.-L., Kuers, K., Gartner, T., Shea, K., Rodgers, V. L., Saunders, P., Urban, R., Johnson, D., Kilgore, J., Petersen, M., Powell, A., Ramage, B., Steinweg, M., Straub, J., Bunnell, S., Witkovsky, M. (2020). Undergraduate collaborative science: An Assessment of student learning in the Ecological Research as Education Network (EREN). Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research, 4(1), 15-29.
Griffith, A. B., Rodgers, V. L., Dukes, J. S. (2020). Demographic analysis of invasible habitat fraction identifies context-dependent roles of resource availability and biotic resistance in determining invasion success. Journal of Ecology, Early View Published Online First.
Deets, S. G., Rodgers, V. L., Erzurumlu, S. S., Nersessian, D. (2020). Systems Thinking as a Tool for Teaching Undergraduate Business Students Humanistic Management. Humanistic Management Journal.
Beitelspacher, L. S., Rodgers, V. L. (2018). Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness into a Retail Management Course. Journal of Marketing Education, 40(1), 66-76.
Rodgers, V. L., Smith, N. G., Hoeppner, S. S., Dukes, J. S. (2018). Warming increases the sensitivity of seedling growth capacity to rainfall in six temperate deciduous tree species. AoB PLANTS.
Rodgers, V. L., Krcmar, D. M. (2018). Bridging the boundaries of science and art for business students: Integrating botany and artistic perspectives to teach environmental literacy. Journal of Sustainability Education.
Book Chapters
Greenberg, D., Beitelspacher, L. S., Rodgers, V. L. (2020). A Systems Approach to Transformational Responsible Management Learning & Education. In Dirk Moosmayer, France Oliver Laasch, Carole Parkes, Kenneth G. Brown (Ed.), The SAGE Handbook of Responsible Management Learning and Education (pp. 363-377). Sage Publications.
Journal Articles - Editorial Board Reviewed
Wynstra, C. B., Cummings, K. H., Rodgers, V. L., Stillwagon, J. R., Tosti-Kharas, J. (2020). "Teaching 'Beyond the Horizon': Transdisciplinary Approaches". Eugene O'Neill Review, The, 41(1), 69-91.
Presentations Given
Rodgers, V. L. (Presenter & Author), Middendorf, G. (Presenter & Author), Klemow, K. (Presenter & Author), 6th Life Discovery – Doing Science Biology Education conference, "Fostering interdisciplinary thinking through lessons that follow the 4DEE approach," Ecological Society of America and Botanical Society of America, Online. (October 2020).
Rodgers, V. L. (Presenter & Author), Berkowitz, A. (Author Only), Bjorgo-Thorne, K. (Author Only), Cid, C. (Author Only), Doherty, J. (Author Only), Klemow, K. (Author Only), Middendorf, G. (Author Only), Mourad, T. (Author Only), Sorensen, A. (Author Only), 105th Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, "Applying ESA’s 4DEE framework to guide the development of ecological literacy for non-majors," Ecological Society of America (ESA), Online. (August 2020).
Rodgers, V. L. (Author Only), Griffith, A. (Presenter & Author), Dukes, J. S. (Author Only), 105th Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, "Incorporating spatial heterogeneity into plant population models to quantify the fraction of invasible habitat across the landscape," Ecological Society of America, Online. (August 2020).
Rodgers, V. L., Chairs & Directors Panel, "Values-Based Leadership in a Time of Crisis," Success 4 Higher Education, Online. (August 2020).
Rodgers, V. L. (Presenter & Author), Lily Conference, "Addressing the Anthropocene through Integrated Teaching of Science and Art," International Teaching Learning Cooperative, San Diego, CA. (February 2020).
Rodgers, V. L., Stonehill College Biology Research Seminar, "Plant Responses from the Boston Area Climate Experiment (BACE)," Easton, MA. (October 2019).
Rodgers, V. L., 104th Meeting of the Ecological Society of America (ESA), "Integrating the modeling of ecological cycles and energy flow," Ecological Society of America (ESA), Louisville, KY. (August 2019).
Rodgers, V. L., Aguilera, A., Hopfensperger, K., Kilgore, J., Garneau, D., Scanga, S., Kolozsvary, M. B., Urban, R., Saunders, P., Juneau, K., Anderson, L., Northeastern Natural History Conference, "Identifying patterns for garlic mustard invasion success," Eagle Hill Institute, Springfield, MA. (April 2019).
Rodgers, V. L., Life Discovery Conference (LDC), "Ecological Research as Education Network (EREN): Multi-site Collaborative Research in the Classroom," Ecological Society of America (ESA) and Botanical Society of America (BSA), Gainesville, FL. (March 2019).
Rodgers, V. L., Babson Research Day, "Investigations of Climate Change with Plant Co-Invasion in the Field," Babson Faculty Research Fund (BFRF), Babson College. (February 2019).
Rodgers, V. L. (Presenter & Author), Hopfensperger, K. N. (Author Only), Kilgore, J. S. (Author Only), Aguilera, A. (Author Only), Scanga, S. E. (Author Only), Kolozsvary, M. B. (Author Only), Anderson, L. (Author Only), 103rd Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, "A New EREN project identifying patterns for garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) invasion success," Ecological Society of America, New Orleans, LA. (August 2018).
Rodgers, V. L., Sharon High School STEM Night, "Field Ecology Research," Sharon High School STEM group, Sharon, MA. (May 2018).
Media Contributions
New England Forests and Climate Change. NPR’s Academic Minute. (August 2018).
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
Erzurumlu, S. S., Deets, S. G., Nersessian, D., Rodgers, V. L., "Integrated Sustainability as Interdisciplinary Pedagogy for Business Students," Sponsored by BFRF, Babson College, $10,000.00. (May 1, 2019 - April 15, 2020).
Rodgers, V. L., "Testing the co-invasion meltdown hypothesis: Interactions of two highly invasive, woody plants in New England," Sponsored by Babson Faculty Research Fund - Summer stipend, Babson College, $12,252.00. (May 1, 2018 - October 15, 2018).
Rodgers, V. L. (Co-Principal), Karst, N. J. (Principal), "Eco-analytics: Using predictive analytics to assess forest patches for ecological and economic benefit," Sponsored by Teaching Innovation Fund, Babson College, $5,000.00. (May 15, 2017 - October 15, 2018).
Refereed Journal Articles
Karst, N. J., Shen, X., Troxell, D. S., Vu, M. (2020). Blocking zero forcing processes in Cartesian products of graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 285, 380-398.
Beaudouin-Lafon, M., Chen, S., Crawford, M., Karst, N. J., Nielsen, L., Troxell, D. S. (2020). On the zero blocking number of rectangular, cylindrical, and Möbius grids. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 282, 35-47.
Beaudouin-Lafon, M., Chen, S., Karst, N. J., Troxell, D. S., Zheng, X. (2019). Pairwise compatibility graphs: complete characterization for wheels. Involve: a journal of mathematics, 12(5), 871-882.
Beaudouin-Lafon, M., Chen, S., Karst, N. J., Troxell, D. S. (2018). Labeling crossed prisms with a condition at distance two. Involve: a journal of mathematics, 11(1), 67–80.
Presentations Given
Karst, N. J. (Presenter & Author), Troxell, D. S. (Author Only), Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (Author Only), Chen, S., Crawford, M., Nielsen, L., 2020 Joint Mathematics Meetings, "Minimal Zero Blocking Sets of Rectangular, Cylindrical, and Mobius Grids," AMS/MAA, Denver, CO. (January 2020).
Refereed Journal Articles
Winrich, C. D., Garik, P. (2021). Integrating History of Science in In service Physics Teacher Education: Impact on Teachers’ Practice. Science & Education.
Winrich, C. D. (2019). Semicondcutors and Modern Electronics. San Rafael, CA: Morgan & Claypool.
Refereed Journal Articles
Zafari, B., Ekin, T., Ruggeri, F. (2021). Multicriteria Decision Frontiers for Prescription Anomaly Detection Over Time. Journal of Applied Statistics.
Zafari, B., Soyer, R. (2020). Assessment of Uncertainty in Bid Arrival Times: A Bayesian Mixture Model. Journal of the Operational Research Society.
Zafari, B., Soyer, R. (2019). Modeling First Bid in Retail Secondary Market Online Auctions: A Bayesian Approach. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry.
Zafari, B., Ekin, T. (2019). Topic Modelling for Medical Prescription Fraud and Abuse Detection. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series C: Applied Statistics).
Carey, J. C., Kroeger, K., Zafari, B., Tang, J. J. (2018). Passive experimental warming decouples air and sediment temperatures in a salt marsh. Limnology and Oceanography Methods.
Presentations Given
Zafari, B., INSPER Academic Seminars on Data Science and Decisions, "Natural Language Processing Models for Medical Prescription Anomaly Detection," INSPER, São Paulo, Brazil (virtual). (April 2021).
Zafari, B. (Presenter & Author), Ekin, T. (Author Only), Ruggeri, F., INFORMS Annual Meeting, "Multicriteria Decision Frontiers for Prescription Anomaly Detection Over Time," Washington, DC (virtual). (November 2020).
Mancha, R., Nersessian, D., Gordon, S. R., Pachamanova, D. A., Sulkowski, A. J., Zafari, B., Babson College Research Day, "Responsible Digital Transformation," Babson College, Wellesley, MA. (January 2020).
Zafari, B. (Presenter & Author), INFORMS Annual Meeting, "Natural Language Processing Models for Anomaly Detection – A Case of Medical Data," Seattle, Washington. (October 2019).
Zafari, B. (Presenter & Author), Annual Conference of European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS), "Using Natural Language Processing Models for Analyzing Healthcare Data," Budapest, Hungary. (September 2019).
Zafari, B. (Presenter & Author), The sixth symposium on Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk (GDRR), "Using Natural Language Processing Models for Analyzing Healthcare Data," Washington, DC. (May 2019).
Zafari, B. (Presenter & Author), Babson Research Day, "Topic Modeling for Medical Prescription Fraud and Abuse Detection," Babson College. (February 2019).
Zafari, B. (Presenter & Author), 13th INFORMS Data Mining and Decision Analytics Workshop, "Topic Modelling for Prescription Fraud and Abuse Detection," Phoenix, AZ. (November 2018).
Zafari, B. (Author Only), Novoa, L. J. (Presenter & Author), Vojvodic, G. (Author Only), Soyer, R. (Author Only), INFORMS Annual Meeting, "A Bayesian Forecasting Model of Electric Outages -," Phoenix, AZ. (November 2018).
Zafari, B. (Presenter & Author), Ekin, T. (Author Only), University of New Hampshire Paul College of Business and Economics - Bayesian Data Science Seminar Series, "Topic Modelling for Prescription Fraud and Abuse Detection -," Durham, NH. (April 2018).
Carey, J. C., Kroeger, K. (Author Only), Zafari, B. (Author Only), Tang, J. (Author Only), Babson Research Day, "The Accidental Chill: A ‘warming’ experiment that cooled a salt marsh.," Babson College. (February 2018).