Critical Few Objectives

Babson’s Strategy in Action

Each year, Babson identifies a set of Critical Few Objectives, or CFOs, to guide and inform our community’s efforts for the year ahead. These CFOs are guided by the framework set forth by our strategic plan with the goal of empowering entrepreneurial leaders to impact communities everywhere.

FY24 Critical Few Objectives

Strengthen Connection of our Work to Purpose and Values

Alignment of Resources with Enrollment

Elevate Technology

Sustain Our Commitment to DEI as a Competitive Advantage

Expand Lifelong Learning

Establish Partnerships that Create Scale and Enhance Our Value Proposition

Key Initiatives

The CFOs for the 2023–2024 academic year include four key initiatives that will ensure Babson remains the global leader in entrepreneurship and business education.

  1. Readiness to convert the HELV for students by fall 2026
  2. Allocate the human, financial, and physical resources required to support stabilized undergraduate enrollment and position us for future planned growth
  3. Develop new Tech Entrepreneurship curriculum, research, and outreach programs
  4. Plans formulated to develop a new lifelong learning conference center and successfully manage client relationships through the transition