a graphic arrow made of small circles of illustrated profiles of people of all differences

Inclusive Leadership Practice Area

For too long, business as usual has benefited some, but not all. A modern business needs a modern approach that supports diverse leadership and benefits all employees and customers. And fresh, adaptive leadership includes diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) training and includes an inclusive leadership development program as part of that DEIB training. As the torchbearer for entrepreneurial leadership education, Babson offers leadership courses, taught by industry experts, that you can fit into your diversity leadership training. 

The Imperative Benefits of Inclusive Leadership

The benefits of inclusive leadership go beyond creating an atmosphere where everyone feels supported and empowered, though that is an important factor. Inclusive leadership training is needed to truly reimagine how to change an organization from within, creating a culture where all genders and underrepresented groups can succeed and have equitable representation in the C-suite and on corporate boards. Companies that embrace leadership diversity training along with a truly inclusive leadership style are better at innovation, gain more market share, are more competitive in the hunt for top talent, and outperform less diverse competitors.

Inclusive Leadership Training That Makes an Impact

Information for Individuals
Information for Organizations
Information for Executives

Our Faculty at the Forefront

Babson Executive Education’s experts in inclusive leadership who lead our leadership development programs bring field research in leadership, women’s access to capital, corporate social responsibility, and more to their work. They lead and facilitate inclusive leadership workshops, arming organizations such as Google, Comcast, PWC, Rapid7, and Wells Fargo with the expertise and action plans needed to make measurable progress in diversity, inclusivity, and equity.

Harvard Business Review

Advice for Men Who Are Nervous About Mentoring Women

If we want more women leaders and more diverse leadership in general, we need men in powerful positions to support their ascension. How should men approach mentoring in today’s workplace? Babson Professor Wendy Murphy weighs in.


To Increase Gender Diversity, We Need to Go Back to School

Susan Duffy says companies need to stop confining discussions of gender to women-centric events and instead normalize gender diversity throughout their organizations.

Harvard Business Review

What Good Business Looks Like

Companies need to prepare to meet future crises with sound balance sheets, caring leadership, and genuine compassion, says Raj Sisodia.

What is Inclusive Leadership?

What is Inclusive Leadership?

For an organization to reach its full potential, its leaders must treat increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion as a core competency. We call this inclusive leadership—see what it means at Babson and how our programs can help.

Read the Article

Our Inclusive Leadership Faculty in the News

The Business of Business Is People

The Business of Business Is People

Having spent the last 20 years shifting his own mindset from the wrongdoings of business, to business’s potential to do good—Professor Raj Sisodia has made it his life’s work to share this reawakening with others. He is the leader of Conscious Capitalism, a movement that believes in business as a force for good.

“The Leadership Program for Women & Allies was arguably the most impactful learning and self-exploration experience I’ve ever had.”

– Kim Perry, Vice President, Fidelity Investments

“A leadership program for the soul—it will shake and stretch you in ways you never knew possible.”

– Rachel Mosakowski, Manager, Customer Success, DocuSign Inc.

“A wonderful program specifically designed to build on existing strengths and foster growth in all aspects of leadership.”

– Michelle Dardeno, Vice President, Aegerion Pharmaceuticals

Develop Your Own Inclusive Leadership Style

Babson’s inclusive leadership workshops will reframe your perspective, designed to give you the inclusive leadership assessments and blueprints for change that you need to truly make an individual impact.

Women’s Leadership Program: From Opportunity to Action

Business Leadership Program for Women & Allies

Develop a personalized, strengths-based leadership action plan, expand your sphere of influence, and gain new skills in our entrepreneurial leadership programs and diversity leadership training for women and their allies.

Inclusive Leadership Training for Your Organization

Customize any of our inclusive leadership programs for your team or organization. Gain the capabilities your organization needs to yield meaningful change, build inclusive cultures, develop and retain talent, and have better outcomes to show for it.

Inclusive Leadership Assessments and Coaching for Executives

The ideas and innovations that will propel organizations into the future are strongest when they come from diverse leadership and inclusive communities. For an organization to reach its full potential, its leaders must treat increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion as a core competency. These conscious, inclusive leaders are connected to a higher purpose, lead with authenticity, put the well-being of the people they lead at the center of what they do, and recognize that the way they lead impacts the way people and their families live. As your inclusive leadership partner, we can help upskill your senior leaders and help you become a more inclusive leader.

What Makes Babson Executive Education Different?

Babson Executive Education offers business leadership programs in four practice areas: strategic innovation, entrepreneurial leadership, inclusive leadership, and entrepreneurship. We work with organizations and professionals around the world to turn ideas and challenges into opportunities.

Our programs and leadership courses are about more than theory; they’re about action, and equipping you with the practical tools and strategies necessary to have an immediate impact on your organization or business

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Tammy Gage
Business Development | Babson Executive Education