
Chase, M. (Forthcoming). “The Circuits of Social Movements in the Brazilian Amazon.” In S. Haeffele, & V. Storr (Eds.), Exploring the Political Economy of Viviana Zelizer and the Social Philosophy of Elinor Ostrom. Rowman & Littlefield.

Barkin, J.S., Chase, M., Chase, V. M., & Holcombe, L. (Forthcoming). “Regional Fisheries Management Organizations in Canada: The Politics of NAFO and ICCAT.” In J.S. Barkin, E.R. DeSombre, & A. Ishii (Eds.), The Domestic Politics of International Fisheries Cooperation. Oxford University Press.

Bruyneel, K., Helfrich, J., Oberg, M., Reed, J., & Roberts, A. (2021). “No More Nations within Nations: Indigenous Sovereignty after the End of Treaty-Making in 1871.” The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, 20(2), 325-349. Cambridge University Press. Link.

Bruyneel, K. (2021). Settler Memory: The Disavowal of Indigeneity and the Politics of Race in the United States. The University of North Carolina Press. Link.

Chase, M., Barkin, J. S., Chase, V. M., & van Wees, S. (2021). “Interpretive Methodologies, Quantitative Methods, Comparative Environmental Politics”. In J. Sowers, S. VanDeveer, & E. Weinthal (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on Comparative Environmental Politics. Oxford University Press. Link.

Deets, S., & Skulte-Ouaiss, J. (2021). “Breaking into a Consociational System: Civic Parties in Lebanon’s 2018 Parliamentary Election.” Ethnopolitics, 20(2), 157-185. Routledge. Link.

Feld, M. (2021). Interview with Ellen M. Snyder-Grenier. Co-published on the Blog of The Gotham Center for New York City History, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, and the New Books Network. Link

Godwyn, M. (2021). Book Review: Regulating Human Research: IRBs from Peer Review to Compliancy Bureaucracy by Sarah Babb: American Journal of Sociology, Review of Regulating Human Research: IRBs from Peer Review to Compliancy Bureaucracy. By Sarah Babb. 126(4). University of Chicago. Link

Hauf, K. (2021). Cambodia: From Death Tourism to Producer of Global Culture. Common Ground Research Networks. 16(4), 20 pages.

Opie, F. (2021). “Dick Gregory’s Self Care Journey and His Guide Dr. Alvenia M. Fulton,”: Black Food: Stories, Art, and Recipes from Across the African Diaspora. Ten Speed Press. Link

Chase, M., Postigo, A., & Rodrigues dos Santos, R. (2020). “The Cantinas Network of Terra do Meio: A Case of Institutional Learning in the Amazon Forest.” In P. J. Boettke, B. Herzberg, & B. Kogelmann (Eds.), Exploring the Political Economy and Social Philosophy of Vincent and Elinor Ostrom, 211-237. Rowman & Littlefield. Link.

Deets, S., Erzurumlu, S., Nersessian, D., & Rodgers, V. (2020). “Systems Thinking as a Tool for Teaching Undergraduate Business Students Humanistic Management.” Humanistic Management Journal, 5. Link.

Ghosh, N. (2020). A Hygienic City-Nation: Space, Community, and Everyday Life in Colonial Calcutta. Cambridge University Press. Link.

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Mayborn, W. (2020). “Review of Lawrence Rubin and Adam N. Stulberg’s, The End of Strategic Stability? Nuclear Weapons and the Challenge of Regional Rivalries.” Journal of Advanced Military Studies, 11(1), 240-241. Link.

Bradford, J. (2019). Poppies, Politics, and Power: Afghanistan and the Global History of Drugs and Diplomacy. Cornell University Press. Link.

Bradford, J. & Mansfield, D. (2019). “Known Unknowns and Unknown Knowns: What We Know About the Cannabis and Hashish Trades in Afghanistan.” EchoGeo, 48. Link.

Chase, M. (2019). “The Changing Face of Environmental Governance in the Brazilian Amazon: Indigenous and Traditional Peoples Promoting Norm Diffusion.” Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 62(2). The MIT Press. Link.

Chase, M. (2019). “Review of S.M. Moore’s, Subnational Hydropolitics: Conflict, Cooperation, and Institutional-Building in Shared River Basins.” Global Environmental Politics, 19(4), 143-145. Link.

Hoopes, J., Nor, L.M., & Yusof, M. (2019). “How to Use Virtue in Business.” Harvard Business School Publishing. Link.

Li, X. (2019). “Understanding Nao: A Chinese ‘Image Event.’” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 16(4), 370-381. Routledge. Link.

Mayborn, W. (2019). “Where are the Grown-Ups? Thinking about Anarchy with Lord of the Flies.” Journal of Political Science Education, 17(4), 578-594. Routledge. Link.

Deets, S. (2018). “Consociationalism, Clientelism, and Local Politics in Beirut: Between Civic and Sectarian Identities.” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 2, 133-157. Routledge. Link.

Buchele, S.F., & Godwyn, M. (2018). “Management Education as the Crucible for Ethical Social Change.” In K. Wendt (Ed.), Positive Impact Investing: A Sustainable Bridge Between Strategy, Innovation, Change and Learning, 257-276. Springer International Publishing. Link.

Hoopes, J. (2018). “The Business Family as the Business Model of Our Time.” International Journal of Family Business, 1(1). Link.

Opie, F.D. (2018). Start with Your Gift: Understand and Monetize it While Serving Others with It. Opie Press. Link.

Bruyneel, K. (2017). “Happy Days (of the White Settler Imaginary) Are Here Again.” Theory & Event, 20(1), 44-54. Johns Hopkins University Press. Link.

Deets, S., Erzurumlu, S., Greenberg, D. N., Hunt, J., Manwaring, M., Rodgers, V. & Swanson, E. (2017). “Signing to Living PRME: Learning from a Journey toward Responsible Management Education.” The International Journal of Management Education, 15(2), 205-218. Link

Deets, S. (2017). “Israel, Palestine and Nonterritorial Governance: A Reconfigured Status Quo.” Middle East Policy, 24(1), 108-128. Link.

Godwyn, M. (2017). “The Banality of Good and Evil: Ethics Courses in Business Management Education.” In N. Capaldi, S.O. Idowu, & R. Schmidpeter (Eds.), Dimensional Corporate Governance: An Inclusive Approach. Springer International Publishing. Link.

Craft, J., & Godwyn, M. (2017). “Surviving and Thriving in Constructive Conflict: The Emotional Lives of Business Ethics Faculty and Non-Profit Human Service Workers.” In M. Schwartz, & H. Harris (Eds.), The Contribution of Love, and Hate, to Organizational Ethics (Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations, 16, 59-93. Link.

Opie, F.D. (2017). Southern Food and Civil Rights: Feeding the Revolution. The History Press. Link.

Li, X. (2016). Environmental Advertising in China and the USAThe Desire to Go Green. Routledge. Link.

Godwyn, M. (2015). Ethics and Diversity in Business Management Education: A Sociological Study with International Scope. Springer. Link.

Opie, F.D. (2015). Zora Neale Hurston on Florida Food: Recipes, Remedies and Simple Pleasures. The History Press. Link.

Feld, M. (2014). Nations Divided: American Jews and the Struggle over Apartheid. Palgrave Macmillan. Link.

Opie, F.D. (2014). “Influence, Sources, and African Diaspora Foodways.” In K. Albala, J.E. Chaplin, & P. Freedman (Eds.), Food in Time and Place: The American Historical Association Companion to Food History, 188-208. University of California Press. Link.

Godwyn, M., & Gittell, J.H. (2012). Sociology of Organizations: Structures and Relationships. Sage Publications. Link.

Godwyn, M., & Stoddard, D. (2011). Minority Women Entrepreneurs: How Outsider Status Can Lead to Better Business Practices. Routledge. Link.

Hoopes, J. (2011). Corporate Dreams: Big Business in American Democracy from the Great Depression to the Great Recession. Rutgers University Press. Link.

Opie, F.D. (2009). Black Labor Migration in Caribbean Guatemala, 1882-1923. University of Florida Press. Link.

Opie, F.D. (2008). Hog and Hominy: Soul Food from Africa to America. Columbia University Press. Link.

Feld, M. (2008). Lillian D. Wald: A Biography. University of North Carolina Press. Link.

Hoopes, J. (2008). Hail to the CEO: The Failure of George W. Bush and the Cult of Moral Leadership. Prager. Link.

Bruyneel, K. (2007). The Third Space of Sovereignty: The Postcolonial Politics of U.S.-Indigenous Relations. University of Minnesota Press. Link.

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