
Artificial Intelligence For Business

OIM7545 Artificial Intelligence for Business
3 Blended Credits

F2F Meeting Dates TBD

This course introduces students to cognitive technologies (another phrase for "artificial intelligence") and addresses their value and implementation in business. A variety of cognitive tools will be covered, from machine learning to natural language processing to "deep learning." Both the functions performed by these technologies and the business issues they generate-including the roles to be performed by humans in knowledge work processes of the future-will be addressed in the course.

Some instruction is provided by online videos on cognitive technologies. There will be several guest lectures from external experts on various cognitive technologies and management issues. No programming background is required, although students will need to study materials about how cognitive technologies work.

  • Program: Graduate
  • Division: Operations and Information Management
  • Level: MSBA Elective (Grad),Graduate Elective (Grad)
  • Course Number: OIM7545
  • Number of Credits: 3