Foundation Of Management & Entrepreneurship
FME1000 Foundation of Management & Entrepreneurship
4 CreditsThis full-year, introductory course exposes students to key entrepreneurship, marketing, business management and organizational behavior concepts. Central to the course is a _learn by doing" approach in which students teams develop and implement an actual business that the College funds. Profits generated by the business activity are used to support a charitable project that the students also coordinate. Through these activities students will have a personal opportunity to explore the challenges and complexities of creating social as well as economic value. In the organizational behavior stream of this section of FME, students will explore their personal entrepreneurial leadership capabilities and how to work with and through others and effectively participate in their business organizations. This section of FME will meet Babson's undergraduate requirements for a semester long course in organizational behavior.
Prerequisites: None
- Program: Undergraduate
- Division: Other
- Level: Foundation Management (UGrad)
- Course Number: FME1000
- Number of Credits: 4