Principles Of Microeconomics
SME2031 Microeconomics
3 Intermediate Core CreditsMicroeconomics examines the decisions made by consumers, firms and governments in allocating scarce resources. Raw materials are not available in infinite quantities; neither are human labor and productive capital. Managers must deal with real-world constraints in making decisions about production and pricing, while consumers are subject to the constraints of income and prices in satisfying their needs and wants. Governments must set basic rules for an economy, provide certain goods and services, and deal with issues of taxation, income distribution and inequality when determining how a country's resources will be used and who benefits from those resources. The Microeconomics curriculum introduces us to the rules and principles that help guide allocation decisions, and focuses particularly on the role of markets.
Prerequisites: None
- Program: Undergraduate
- Division: Economics
- Level: Intermediate Management (UGrad)
- Course Number: SME2031
- Number of Credits: 3