Apply for a Campus Leader Role
At Babson, you are simultaneously able to live and practice what is taught in your everyday student experience.
Undergraduate students have extensive opportunities to get involved in a variety of capacities on campus. From mentoring first-year students in FME to making crucial decisions in the hearing board process, students inspire their peers and lead by example. Student leaders ignite the campus with school spirit and pride and implement new, engaging initiatives for the student body.
Available Positions
Admission Fellows are faces of the Office of Undergraduate Admission and the Babson student experience. We seek energetic and personable rising juniors and seniors with diverse involvement on campus who are particularly interested in sharing their Babson experience with prospective students. Admission Fellow responsibilities include both virtual and in-person responsibilities: speaking at information sessions alongside admission counselors, conducting admission interviews of prospective transfer students, working occasional evening/weekend campus events including Access Babson, EMPOWER, Preview Days & Launch Babson, among others, and other duties as assigned, including leading campus tours. Please see the Admission Fellow Position Description for more detailed information including responsibilities, skillsets we seek, and eligibility requirements. The position is paid. In order to be considered for this role, you need to be a junior or senior at the start date in September. The contact for the Admission Fellows is Jennie Moore.
The Office of Advancement works to engage alumni, parents, friends and current students in events, volunteer opportunities, and philanthropic support of the College and to foster meaningful connections among Babson community members. It is the hub of your Babson story long after you leave campus.
The College Advancement Ambassador (CAA) Program is a student ambassador program designed to give promising campus leaders the opportunity to engage with prominent alumni, to assist the Advancement team in educating the community about the importance and impact of giving back to Babson, and to build a bridge between the current student body and the alumni experience.
Through a direct partnership with the Alumni Engagement and Annual Giving team, CAAs receive exclusive opportunities in both professional development and networking skills to leverage when representing Babson students at Advancement events.
- Applicants to this intimate cohort program should be professional, outgoing, enthusiastic, and eager to work with the Advancement team’s alumni relationship managers, gift officers, and Events staff.
- Applicants must have strong communication skills, and be comfortable speaking to alumni, donors, Governance members and other VIPs in small and large group settings.
If selected as a CAA, accepted students will be required to:
- Participate in training programs (Week of August 18th & throughout the year)
- Attend regular bi-weekly and monthly meetings (in-person & virtual)
- Attend select required campus & alumni events, which may take place on nights & weekends
- Train as a campus tour guide to host alumni during their visits to campus
- Time commitment is estimated to be 30-35 hours per semester
The College Advancement Ambassadors Program is a paid position through a Student Leadership Award provided at the end of the semester after completed and satisfactory service.
For more information regarding the responsibilities, eligibility, and benefits of the CAA position, reach out to the Ambassador program lead - Jessica McDonagh, Associate Director of Student-Alumni Engagement, at
Position Limitations: (1) If holding more than one of the following leadership positions, students can only be new to one: CAA, Peer Mentor, POW.
FME Mentors play an important role in guiding first-year students through the Foundations of Management and Entrepreneurship Experience. They serve as the liaison for FME ventures between Undergraduate Experiential Learning and the FME processes. Mentors also collaborate with FME Faculty to provide additional classroom support throughout the first and second semesters.
Responsibilities of the position include attending all FME classes, serving as a resource during venture idea generation in the first semester, and coaching the venture execution until the close of business in the second semester. FME Mentors are knowledgeable on FME operational timelines and resources, and also track participation and facilitate group study time with students and Peer Tutors prior to exams. FME Mentors meet with FME faculty on a weekly basis and attend all FME Mentor team meetings to provide updates and give feedback.
This is a paid full-year position of 6–12 hours per week (which includes attending FME class twice per week Fall and Spring semesters). FME Mentors are required to attend mandatory training sessions prior to the start of the fall semester, as well as team meetings throughout the academic year. All applicants for the FME Mentor position must have a 2.8 minimum GPA. The contact for the FME Mentors is Capucine Megard.
Position Limitations: (1) If holding more than one of the following leadership positions, students can only be new to one: FME Mentor, Peer Mentor.
Participation on the College Hearing Board for the institution represents one of the clearest examples of institutional self-governance at Babson. As a board member, students will serve a crucial role as an objective member of the community, along with faculty and staff, to resolve disciplinary cases brought before the board. Cases include both Academic and Non-Academic incidences. Involvement on the Board is a challenging yet rewarding experience, in which students can look to enhance their critical thinking, effective listening, and communication skills among others. All student board members will go through extensive training during the beginning of the Fall semester, in addition to monthly or bi-monthly trainings throughout the year.
For more information about our Hearing Board, as well as the types of boards that a member may be called to serve on, please visit page twenty-five (25) of the Community Code of Student Conduct or contact Cheryl Lawrence, Assistant Director of Community Standards at
Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI) Leaders support the Office of Multicultural and Identity Programs’ mission by assisting in the development of a community that is socially just and equitable for students across all social identities. JEDI Leaders will act as a catalyst for generating socially conscious leaders who implement ET&A to uplift marginalized communities.
JEDI Leaders serve as a resource to support the needs and lived experiences of our students from historically marginalized and underrepresented communities, including activities such as mentorship, problem solving, conflict navigation, and resource delivery. Furthermore, JEDI leaders work to strengthen the student environment and advance the creation of an inclusive and affirming community by building relationships with students and conducting educational, cultural, social, and personal enrichment programs that promote dialogue, cultural awareness, intercultural knowledge and skills, and social justice principles.
The JEDI Coordinators, a senior leadership role that advises JEDI Leaders, also works to increase the awareness, knowledge and skills of their peers in the areas of social identity development, social justice, equity, and inclusion. JEDI Coordinators will co-facilitate trainings and dialogues both during summer training and throughout the academic year.
Students interested in participating in the JEDI Leader program should email
Position Limitations: (1) If holding more than one of the following leadership positions, students can only be new to one: JEDI Leader, Peer Mentor, POW, Resident Assistant.
Peer Career Ambassadors (PCAs) are the face of the Hoffman Family Undergraduate Center for Career Development as students explore the services CCD has to offer. PCAs are trained to develop the skills and expertise to assist their peers with their career-related needs, as well as promote services and offerings and the CCD brand across campus. PCAs will meet with students for quick questions related to basic career development, staff the front desk to welcome students and employers, and collaborate with other key student leaders on campus to organize events and present on key foundational career topics to students. Students must be willing and able to promote CCD services, resources, and brand CCD to their peers. Students must have strong communication skills, have an interest in the career development process, and be comfortable advising peers and presenting to large and small groups. On average, a PCA will work between 8–10 hours per week and will be paid. For more information, download the Peer Career Ambassador Job Description (pdf). Email for more information.
The role of the Peer Mentor is to support Babson College in achieving the goals of transition and retention for new students (first-year, transfer, and exchange) through Undergraduate Orientation and into their first semester at Babson. Peer Mentors facilitate discussions, activities, and educational content for their students, and provide one-on-one support and mentorship for individual members of their cohort. Peer Mentors will gain experience and develop skills in group facilitation, interpersonal communication, public speaking, crisis response, conflict management, problem solving, and more.
Peer Mentors participate in training programs, regular meetings, Undergraduate Orientation, and other leadership trainings and experiences. The contact for the Peer Mentors is Michael Noel.
For more information regarding the responsibilities, eligibility, and benefits of the Peer Mentor position please see the Peer Mentor Position Description (pdf).
Position Limitations: (1) If holding more than one of the following leadership positions, students can only be new to one: Peer Mentor, BDSAC, CAA, FME Mentor, JEDI Leader, POW. (2) Students cannot hold both the Peer Mentor and RA positions at the same time, regardless of new/returning status.
Peers On Wellness (POWs) serve as undergraduate student leaders dedicated to educating and supporting Babson students around alcohol and other drug use, gender-based violence, sexual health, and mental/emotional wellbeing. POWs are role models and resources to the undergraduate student population and ambassadors to Wellness & Prevention Services.
POWs facilitate Got Your BAC and Positive Consent workshops at New Student Orientation, produce the Stall Street Journal, manage the POW Party Grants program, assist with Fresh Check Day, Sex in the Dark, Love Yourself Fair, and CARE week, as well as implement additional programs and events for the campus community. They receive extensive training on relevant health topics and leadership skills and have opportunities to attend national and regional peer education conferences. POWs serve on one of four subcommittees (POW Party Grants, Marketing, Publications and Public Relations, or Group Development & Communication). They must be able to contribute approximately 3–6 hours per week and participate in August and January trainings. Email for more information.
Position Limitations: (1) If holding more than one of the following leadership positions, students can only be new to one: POW, BDSAC, CAA, JEDI Leader, Peer Mentor, RA.
The mission of Residence Life is to develop safe and inclusive residential campus communities. The Resident Assistant represents the Residence Life staff in their area as a peer leader, educator, and employee. Under the supervision of the Residence Life staff member, each RA provides opportunities to students for educational and personal growth and builds vibrant residential communities. This position is one of service and represents a significant dedication to the residents of Babson College. RAs will participate in all training activities and staff meetings including, but not limited to fall training, winter training, and monthly in-services. The contact for the RAs is
For more information regarding the responsibilities, eligibility, and benefits of the RA position please see the RA Position Description (pdf).
Position Limitations: (1) If holding more than one of the following leadership positions, students can only be new to one: RA, BDSAC, JEDI Leader, POW. (2) Students cannot hold both the RA and Peer Mentor positions at the same time, regardless of new/returning status.
The Senior Class Committee is dedicated to creating meaningful and memorable experiences for Babson’s graduating class. Committee Members represent the Senior Class by planning and executing a variety of events throughout the academic year, including signature traditions like Senior Week, Pub Kickoff Night, and Cap Decorating. Under the guidance of the Office of Student Engagement, Committee Members collaborate to foster community, pride, and celebration among their peers.
Members of the Senior Class Committee are assigned to one of three subcommittees—Operations & Logistics, Marketing, or Fundraising & Community Relations—to lead focused efforts while also contributing to the collective success of the committee. Members will gain valuable experience in leadership, event planning, and teamwork, making a lasting impact on their class and the Babson community.
Committee Members participate in regular meetings, Senior Class events, and collaborative initiatives. The contact for the Senior Class Committee is Jorge Gonzalez.
For more information regarding the responsibilities, eligibility, and benefits of the Senior Class Committee position, please see the Senior Class Committee Position Overview.
Senior Leaders (SL) are students in their final academic year at Babson participating in the First-Year/Senior Retreat. These leaders are the primary facilitators and leaders of the retreat experience for the participating first-year students. Senior Leaders present a 5-7 minute testimonial about their personal experience, lead and facilitate small group discussions with first-year students, and lead activities and ice breakers throughout the retreat. Senior Leaders also provide mentorship and guidance for their small group of first-year students throughout the Fall semester following the retreat experience. Selected leaders should be able to talk openly in small or large groups about topics such as: identity, social pressures & responsibility, passion & purpose, academic challenges, leadership, friends & relationships, and making mistakes. Review the Senior Leader Position Description for complete details and requirements. The contact for the First-Year/Senior Retreat and Senior Leader position is Gustavo Tovar.
The Sustainability Office Intern program is a paid student position that combines campus action and outreach with leadership and professional development. From the start of the program, students are trained to become sustainability entrepreneurs in a large organization.
Interns will work on a combination of:
- Individual or group campus sustainability projects
- Managing events and programs, such as the annual Sustainability Fair
- Marketing and Outreach, such as presenting to classes
- Connecting with Babson staff members and faculty to partner on common sustainability goals
Each intern is expected to actively promote Sustainability at Babson through outreach and engagement, especially through working at campus events.
The Sustainability Office Intern program provides a dynamic work environment that includes both collaborative work and independent, self-directed work. Interns are expected to generate, evaluate, and execute new ideas and solutions for Sustainability at Babson. On average, interns work 3–7 hours per week, and are expected to participate in the weekly team meeting. The contact point for Sustainability Interns is Josh Stevenson.