Joanna Carey
- Associate Professor
- Debi and Andy Butler Term Chair
Academic Division: Mathematics, Analytics, Science, and Technology
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, Boston University
- MS, Yale University
- BS, Virginia Tech
Academic Interest / Expertise
Biogeochemistry, climate change, land cover change, Arctic ecology, rivers, salt marshes, forests, soils, silicon, carbonAwards & Honors
- 2016 — NSF Earth Science (EAR) Postdoctoral Fellow, National Science Foundation
- 2010 — EPA STAR Fellow, US Environmental Protection Agency
- 2010 — NOAA NERR Graduate Research Fellow, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Degree Courses 2025
Degree Courses 2024
- NST 1070 Climate and Human Health - LAB
- NST 1020 Energy and the Environment - LAB
Journal Articles
- Johnson, K., Jankowski, K.J., Carey, J.C., Sethna, L., Bush, S., McKnight, D., McDowell, W., Wymore, A., Kortelainen, P., Jones, J., Lyon, N., Laudon, H., Poste, A., Sullivan, P. (2024). Climate, hydrology, and nutrients control the seasonality of Si concentrations in rivers. Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences.
- Johnson, K., Jankowski, K.J., Carey, J.C., Lyon, N., McDowell, W., Shogren, A., Wymore, A., Sethna, L., Wolheim, W., Poste, A., Kortelainen, P., Heindel, R., Laudon, H., Raike, A., Jones, J., McKnight, D., Julian, P., Bush, S., Sullivan, P. (2024). Establishing fluvial silicon regimes and their stability across the Northern Hemisphere.. Limnology & Oceanography Letters.
- Cooke, J., Carey, J.C. (2023). Stress alters the role of silicon in controlling plant water movement. Functional Ecology. Vol: 37, Issue: 12, Page: 14.
- Jankowski, K., Johnson, K., Julian, P., Sethna, L., Wymore, A., Shogren, A., Thomas, P., Sullivan, P., McKnight, D., McDowell, W., Heindel, R., Jones, J., Wolheim, W., Abbott, B., Degan, L., Carey, J.C. (2023). Long-term changes in concentration and yield of riverine dissolved silicon from the poles to the tropics. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. Vol: 37, Issue: 9.
- Wittyngham, S., Carey, J.C., Johnson, D. (2023). Resource availability and plant age drive defense against herbivory in salt marshes. Oikos. Vol: 2023, Issue: 8.
- Williams, O., Kurtz, A., Kroeger, K., Tamborski, J., Gonneea, M., Carey, J.C. (2022). Mechanisms and magnitude of dissolved silica release in a New England salt marshes.. Biogeochemistry: an international journal.
- Abbott, B., Brown, M., Carey, J.C., Ernakovich, J., Frederick, J., Guo, L., Hugelius, G., Lee, R., Loranty, M., Macdonald, M., Mann, P. (2022). We must stop fossil fuel emissions to protect permafrost ecosystems. Frontiers in Environmental Science.
- Carey, J.C., Kroeger, K., Tang, J. (2022). Higher temperatures sensitivity of ecosystem respiration in low marsh compared to high elevation marsh ecosystems. Limnology & Oceanography. Vol: 127, Issue: 11.
- Johnston, S., Carey, J.C., , A.K., Podgorski, D., Gewirtzman, J., Spencer, R. (2021). Spatial and temporal controls on arctic riverine dissolved organic matter composition across a latitudinal gradient. JGR-Biogeoscience. Vol: 126, Issue: 9. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. link
- Elizondo, E., Carey, J.C., Al-Haj, A., Lugo, A., Fulweiler, R.W. (2021). High productivity indicates mangroves are important players in the tropical silicon cycle. Frontiers in Marine Science. Vol: 8, Page: 450. link
- Carey, J.C., Beitelspacher, L.S., Tosti-Kharas, J., Swanson, E. (2021). A resource-efficient modular course design for co-teaching integrated sustainability in higher education: Developing the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. Vol: 4, Issue: 2, Page: 169-193.
- Carey, J.C. (2020). Soil age alters the global silicon cycle. Science. Vol: 369, Issue: 6508, Page: 1161-1162.
- Carey, J.C., Gewirtzman, J., Vieillard, A., Kurtz, A., Johnston, S., Tang, J., Spencer, R. (2020). Arctic river dissolved and biogenic silicon exports - current conditions and future changes with warming.. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. Vol: 34, Issue: 3. AGU.
- Huntzinger, D., Schaefer, K., Schwalm, C., Fisher, J., Hayes, D., Stofferahn, E., Carey, J.C., Michalak, A., Wei, Y., Jain, A., Kolus, H., Mao, J., Poulter, B., Shi, X., Tang, J., Tain, H. (2020). Evaluation of simulated soil carbon dynamics in Arctic-Boreal ecosystems. Environmental Research Letters. Vol: 15, Issue: 2, Page: 025005.
- Carey, J.C., Jankowski, K., Julian, P., Sethna, L., Thomas, P., Rohweder, J. (2019). Exploring silica stoichiometry on a large floodplain riverscape. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Vol: 7, Issue: 346.
- Gewirtzman, J., Tang, J., Melillo, J., Werner, W., Kurtz, A., Fulweiler, R.W., Carey, J.C. (2019). Soil warming accelerates biogeochemical silica cycling in a temperate forest. Frontiers in Plant Science. Vol: 10, Issue: 1097.
- Carey, J.C., Abbott, B., Rocha, A. (2019). Plant uptake offsets silica release from a large Arctic tundra wildfire. Earth's Future. Vol: 7, Page: 1044–1057. American Geophysical Union.
- Carey, J.C., Kroeger, K., Zafari, B., Tang, J.J. (2018). Passive experimental warming decouples air and sediment temperatures in a salt marsh. . Limnology and Oceanography Methods. link
- Crowther, T., Machmuller, M., Carey, J.C., Alison, S., Blair, J.M. (2018). More data but no new answers. Nature.
- Watson, E., Raposa, K., Carey, J.C., Wigand, C., Warren, R. (2017). Anthropocene Survival of Southern New England’s Salt Marshes. Estuaries and Coasts. Vol: 40, Issue: 3, Page: 617–625. Springer US.
- Carey, J.C., Parker, T.C., Fetcher, N., Tang, J. (2017). Biogenic silica accumulation varies across tussock tundra plant functional type. Functional Ecology. Vol: 31, Issue: 11.
- Carey, J.C., Raposa, K., Wigand, C., Warren, R. (2017). Contrasting decadal-scale changes in elevation and vegetation in two Long Island Sound salt marshes. Estuaries and Coasts. Vol: 40, Issue: 3, Page: 651–661. Springer US.
- Carey, J., Moran, S., Kelly, R., Kolker, A., Fulweiler, R. (2017). The declining role of organic matter in New England salt marshes. Estuaries and Coasts. Vol: 40, Issue: 3, Page: 626–639. Springer US.
- Moseman-Valtierra, S., Abdul-Aziz, O.I., Tang, J., Ishtiaq, K.S., Morkeski, K., Mora, J., Quinn, R.K., Martin, R.M., Egan, K., Brannon, E.Q., others, . (2016). Carbon dioxide fluxes reflect plant zonation and belowground biomass in a coastal marsh. Ecosphere. Vol: 7, Issue: 11.
- Humphries, A.T., Ayvazian, S.G., Carey, J.C., Hancock, B.T., Grabbert, S., Cobb, D., Strobel, C.J., Fulweiler, R.W. (2016). Directly measured denitrification reveals oyster aquaculture and restored oyster reefs remove nitrogen at comparable high rates. Frontiers in Marine Science. Vol: 3, Page: 74. Frontiers.
- Carey, J.C., Fulweiler, R.W. (2016). Human appropriation of biogenic silicon–the increasing role of agriculture. Functional Ecology. Vol: 30, Issue: 8, Page: 1331–1339.
- Crowther, T.W., Todd-Brown, K., Rowe, C., Wieder, W.R., Carey, J.C., Machmuller, M.B., Snoek, B., Fang, S., Zhou, G., Allison, S.D., others, . (2016). Quantifying global soil carbon losses in response to warming. Nature. Vol: 540, Issue: 7631, Page: 104–108. Nature Research.
- Carey, J.C., Tang, J., Templer, P.H., Kroeger, K.D., Crowther, T.W., Burton, A.J., Dukes, J.S., Emmett, B., Frey, S.D., Heskel, M.A., others, . (2016). Temperature response of soil respiration largely unaltered with experimental warming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol: 113, Issue: 48, Page: 13797–13802. National Acad Sciences.
- Conley, D.J., Carey, J.C. (2015). Biogeochemistry: Silica cycling over geologic time. Nature Geoscience. Vol: 8, Issue: 6, Page: 431–432. Nature Publishing Group.
- Fulweiler, R.W., Maguire, T.J., Carey, J.C., Finzi, A.C. (2015). Does elevated CO2 alter silica uptake in trees?. Frontiers in Plant Science. Vol: 5, Page: 793. Frontiers.
- Carey, J., Fulweiler, R. (2014). Salt marsh tidal exchange increases residence time of silica in estuaries. Limnology and Oceanography. Vol: 59, Issue: 4, Page: 1203–1212.
- Carey, J., Fulweiler, R. (2014). Silica uptake by Spartina–evidence of multiple modes of accumulation from salt marshes around the world. Frontiers in Plant Science. Vol: 5, Page: 1–23.
- Carey, J., Fulweiler, R. (2013). Nitrogen enrichment increases net silica accumulation in a temperate salt marsh. Limnology and Oceanography. Vol: 58, Issue: 1, Page: 99–111.
- Carey, J., Fulweiler, R. (2013). Watershed land use alters riverine silica cycling. Biogeochemistry. Vol: 113, Page: 525–544. Springer Netherlands.
- Carey, J., Fulweiler, R. (2012). Human activities directly alter watershed dissolved silica fluxes. Biogeochemistry. Vol: 111, Page: 125–138. Springer Netherlands.
- Carey, J.C., Fulweiler, R.W. (2012). The Terrestrial Silica Pump. PLoS ONE. Vol: 7, Issue: 12, Page: e52932. Public Library of Science.
- Vieillard, A.M., Fulweiler, R.W., Hughes, Z.J., Carey, J.C. (2011). The ebb and flood of Silica: Quantifying dissolved and biogenic silica fluxes from a temperate salt marsh. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. Elsevier.
Book Chapters
- Carey, J.C., Hunt, J.M. (2023). Emotional competency in the interdisciplinary classroom: A systems thinking perspective: Business Schools, Leadership and Sustainable Development Goals: The Future of Responsible Management Education. Page: 15. Taylor & Francis.
- Carey, J.C. (in press). Saving Humanity: The Courage to Act on Climate Change: The Entrepreneurial Humanities: The Crucial Role of the Humanities in Enterprise and the Economy. Routledge.
- Tang, J., Carey, J.C., Bradford, M., Machmuller, M., Crowther, T., Todd-Brown, K. (2019). The temperature sensitivity of soil carbon: A global approach.. Academic Press.
- Johnson, K., Jankowski, K.J., Carey, J.C., Lyon, N., McDowell, W., Shogren, A., Wymore, A., Sethna, L., Wolheim, W., Poste, A., Kortelainen, P., Heindel, R., Laudon, H., Raike, A., Jones, J., McKnight, D., Julian, P., Bush, S., Sullivan, P. (2023). Monthly dissolved silicon concentrations from 198 rivers in the Northern Hemisphere. Science Base.
- Jankowski, K., Johnson, K., Julian, P., Sethna, L., Wymore, A., Shogren, A., Thomas, P., Sullivan, P., McKnight, D., McDowell, W., Heindel, R., Jones, J., Wolheim, W., Abbott, B., Degan, L., Carey, J.C. (2023). Dissolved silicon concentration and yield estimates from streams and rivers in North America and Antarctica,1964-2021. Science Base. link
- Lyon, N., Carey, J.C., Jankowski, K., Johnson, K., De La Rosa, G. (2023). HERON: Helpers for River Observation. . Vol: 1.0.0.. link