profile image for Alisa Jno-Charles

Alisa Jno-Charles

  • Assistant Professor
Academic Division: Entrepreneurship
Alisa comes to academia after more than a decade of finance and entrepreneurship experience. Her goal is to help students, entrepreneurs and their ventures understand who they are and how it impacts their decisions and outcomes so that they can develop into and effectively communicate who they want to be. As such, her research centers on venture identity development, traditional and social media impact, communication and discourse analysis, and legitimacy and financing acquisition. Her professional career spans private equity investment, hedge fund trading, real estate financing, and business intelligence systems design and product management. Alisa's entrepreneurial experience ranges from building ventures in the peer-to-peer to business software spaces. As an entrepreneur, Alisa was featured on CNN, TechCrunch, Forbes, etc. Alisa holds a Ph.D. from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University as well as an M.B.A. and B.S.B.A from Babson College.

Academic Degrees

  • Ph D, Indiana University
  • MBA, Babson College
  • BS, Babson College


Journal Articles

  • Jno-Charles, A.B., Singaram, R., Radu-LeFebvre, M., Gartner, W.B. (in press). Determining when a new venture is legitimate: A Changepoint analysis of social media rhetoric. . Journal of Small Business Management.
  • Allen, M., Jno-Charles, A.B., Gartner, W.B. (2022). Sustaining an Entrepreneurial Spirit in Your Family Business . Harvard Business Review (Digital Edition). link
  • Zacharakis, A.L., Jno-Charles, A.B. (2017). Why Startups Shouldn’t Chase Media Buzz. Harvard Business Review. link
  • Zacharakis, A.L., Jno-Charles, A.B. (2013). Signaling legitimacy: An analysis of media for successful and failing new ventures. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research.

Book Chapters

  • Jno-Charles, A.B. (2021). Exercise: A Day in the Life: Teaching Entrepreneurship, Volume Two. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Jno-Charles, A.B. (2021). Exercise: Sweating the Small Stuff: Teaching Entrepreneurship, Volume Two. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Conference Proceedings

  • Jno-Charles, A.B. (2019). Adapt or Die? The Effects of Venture Identity Experimentation on Funding and Survival: Proceedings of the Seventy-ninth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.


  • How does the Parent-Child/Boss-Subordinate Relationship Impact Entrepreneurial Behavior? Jno-Charles, A. Guinan, P. Rollag, K. Global Family Entrepreneurship Network, Wellesley, MA (2024)
  • The influence of parents and adolescent social identity on the choice to become an entrepreneur. Randolph, A. Jno-Charles, A. Gartner, W. Academy of Management National Meeting, Chicago (2024)
  • Leading and Parenting for Empowerment: The Role of Separation Tactics in Family Businesses Jno-Charles, A. Guinan, P. Rollag, K. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Munich (2024)
  • Worth and Self-Worth: How Entrepreneuring Mothers Emancipate their Children from the Cycle of Poverty Jno-Charles, A. Randolph, A. Gartner, W. Singaram, R. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Munich (2024)
  • The two sides of dual relationships: How parents perceive their business-family duality affects the child's entrepreneurial behavior Jno-Charles, A. Guinan, P. Rollag, K. Family Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Portland, OR (2024)
  • Managing The Dual Relationship: How Entrepreneurial Families Manage the Boss-Parent Relationship Guinan, P. Jno-Charles, A. Rollag, K. Babson Faculty Research Day , Wellesley Mass. (2024)
  • The Influence of Parenting Roles and Styles on Subsequent Entrepreneurial Behavior in Adolescents. Randolph, A. Jno-Charles, A. Gartner, W. Academy of Management National Meeting, Boston (2023)
  • The influence of parenting roles and styles on subsequent entrepreneurial behavior in adolescents Randolph, A. Jno-Charles, A. Gartner, W. 17th Annual Family Enterprise Research Conference, Delray Beach, Florida, USA (2023)
  • An Exploration of Business Ownership, Parenting Styles & Entrepreneurial Persistence Randolph, A. Jno-Charles, A. Gartner, W. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Knoxville, TN (2023)
  • Leading and Parenting: The Interplay of Family and Business Dynamics and its Effect on Entrepreneurial Behavior in Family Firms. Jno-Charles, A. Rollag, K. Guinan, P. Family Enterprise Research Conference, West Palm Beach, FL (2023)
  • I Think I Can: Empowerment as a Bridge Between Entrepreneurial Leadership, Psychological Safety, and Team Performance in Family Firms – A Research Story Guinan, P. Jno-Charles, A. Rollag, K. Babson Research Day 2023, Wellesley, MA (2023)
  • After Achieving Legitimacy: When and How New Ventures Stop Acquiring and Start Confirming Legitimacy Jno-Charles, A. Academy of Management, Seattle, WA (2022)
  • After Achieving Legitimacy: When And How New Ventures Stop Acquiring And Start Confirming Legitimacy Jno-Charles, A. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Waco, TX (2022)
  • Who is a Cofounder? Contributions, Credits and Consequences for Entrepreneurship Research Singaram, R. Jno-Charles, A. Gartner, W. Audencia University Research Seminar, Nantes (2022)
  • Do parenting styles during adolescence influence subsequent adolescent behavior Randolph, A. Jno-Charles, A. Gartner, W. Family Entrepreneurship Research (FERC) Online Conference, ONLINE (2021)
  • Should I stay or should I go? Determinants of family business CEOs’ post-retirement engagement Jno-Charles, A. Singaram, R. Gartner, W. Family Entrepreneurship Research (FERC) Online Conference, ONLINE (2021)
  • Ramping Up Skills to Meet the COVID Challenge: Lessons from an Online Teaching Training Program Langowitz, N. Palson, E. Keohane, L. Halsey, R. Jno-Charles, A. OLC Innovate 2021: Education Reimagined, Virtual (2021)
  • What is Reported Versus How it is Framed: Ways in Which Media Does and Does Not Signal Impending New Venture Success Jno-Charles, A. Zacharakis, A. European Media Management Association, Jonkoping, Sweden (2020)
  • Adapt or Die? The Effects of Venture Identity Experimentation on Funding and Survival Jno-Charles, A. Academy of Management , Boston, MA (2019)
  • Picking winners: how the media chooses the ventures it covers Jno-Charles, A. Zacharakis, A. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Babson Park, MA (2019)
  • Showing Your Cards: Entrepreneurs' Computer Mediated Discourse as Reflection of Attention Jno-Charles, A. Academy of Management, Atlanta (2017)
  • (Symposium) Novel Perspectives on New Venture Funding: Signals, People, and Predators Jno-Charles, A. Academy of Management, Anaheim (2016)
  • Entrepreneurial Communication Behavior & Resource Acquisition: Creation of Identity & Community Jno-Charles, A. Academy of Management, Vancouver (2015)
  • The Anatomy of a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign Page Jno-Charles, A. Academy of Management, Vancouver (2015)
  • Does creativity take a village? A model of the effect of community participation on entrepreneurial creativity Jno-Charles, A. Academy of Management, Philadelphia (2014)
  • Not all signals are created equal: The impact of various venture information on the likelihood of securing financing Jno-Charles, A. Zacharakis, A. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, London, Ontario (2014)
  • Signaling legitimacy: An analysis of media for successful and failing new ventures Zacharakis, A. Jno-Charles, A. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Lyon (2013)
  • Non-Financial Warning Signs of Pending Failure: Media Attention Jno-Charles, A. Zacharakis, A. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Syracuse (2011)
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