profile image for Anjali Bal

Anjali Bal

  • Associate Professor
Academic Division: Marketing
Anjali S. Bal is a tenured Associate Professor of Marketing at Babson College and an inaugural Babson Presidential Research Scholar (Fall, 2023). Dr. Bal's research centers on Arts & Entertainment and Sports Marketing. Within these fields, Dr. Bal has expanded her focus to include the intersectionality of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) in these markets. She has published in numerous journals such as: the European Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Advertising Research and the Journal of Product and Brand Management. An award-winning educator and advocate for DEIA in higher education; Dr. Bal holds a BA in Theatre from the University of California, San Diego; an MBA from the Rotterdam School of Management, Netherlands; and a PhD in Marketing from The Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University, Canada. She frequently comments on marketing related topics for The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Boston Globe, KCBS San Francisco, and other media outlets.

In addition to her scholarship, Dr. Bal is the Managing Director at Balbro Inc. and the co-founder/co-CEO of The Worthington-Bal Group – an Arts & Entertainment, Creativity and Sports management consulting group.

Academic Degrees

  • Ph D, Simon Fraser University
  • MBA, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
  • BA, University of California San Diego

Academic Interest / Expertise

Arts & Entertainment and Sports Marketing, Marketing Strategy

Awards & Honors

  • 2023 — 50 Best Undergraduate Professors of 2023, Poets & Quants
  • 2023 — Undergraduate Professor of the Year Nominee, Babson College 2023, Babson College
  • 2022 — Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership Award , Babson College
  • 2020 — Pride Award, Babson College
  • 2014 — Faculty of the Year Nominee, Dominican University of California


  • Degree Courses 2025

  • Degree Courses 2024

  • Degree Courses 2023



Journal Articles

  • Hashmi, N., Worthington III, C.S., Bal, A., Weidner, K., Ottley, G.A. (in press). Too Woke or Not Too Woke, that is the Question: Brand Response to Culture Wars. Business Horizons.
  • Hashmi, N., Bal, A. (2024). Generative AI in Higher Education and Beyond. Business Horizons.
  • Pitt, C., Bal, A., Plangger, K. (2020). 'New approaches to psychographic consumer segmentation: Exploring fine art collectors using artificial intelligence, automated text analysis and correspondence analysis. European Journal of Marketing.
  • Weidner, K., Beuk, F., Bal, A. (2019). Fake news and the willingness to share: a schemer schema and confirmatory bias perspective. Journal of Product & Brand Management. link
  • Chris, A., Julia, K., Ben, M., Bal, A., Jan, K. (2017). Conditions in Prerelease Movie Trailers For Stimulating Positive Word of Mouth A Conceptual Model Demonstrates the Importance Of Understanding as a Factor for Engagement. Journal of Advertising Research. Vol: 57, Issue: 2, Page: 159-172.
  • Weidner, K., Bal, A., Rains, S., Chris, L. (2016). Tattooing and Brand Sponsorship: How Far is Too Far?. Journal of Product & Brand Management. Vol: 25, Issue: 4, Page: 387-393. Emerald.
  • Alessandro, B., Emily, T., Bal, A. (2016). How customer and product orientations shape political brands. Journal of Product & Brand Management. Vol: 25, Issue: 4, Page: 365-372. Emerald.
  • Bal, A., Weidner, K., Leeds, C., Raaka, B. (2016). Using a Classroom Simulation to Create Communications for At-Risk Individuals. Journal of Marketing Education. Vol: 38, Issue: 2. Sage.
  • Bal, A., Weidner, K., Hanna, R.C., Mills, A.J. (2016). Crowdsourcing and Brand Control. Business Horizons.
  • Bal, A., Grewal, D., Mills, A.J., Ottley, G.A. (2015). Engaging Students with Social Media. Journal of Marketing Education. Vol: 37, Issue: 3, Page: 190-203.
  • Bigi, A., Bonera, M., Bal, A. (2015). Evaluating political party positioning over time: a proposed methodology. Journal of Public Affairs. Wiley.
  • Bal, A., Archer-Brown, C., Robson, K., Hall, D.E. (2013). Do good, goes bad, gets ugly: Kony 2012. Journal of Public Affairs. Vol: 13, Issue: 2, Page: 202–208. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.. link
  • Halvorson, W., Bal, A., Pitt, L., Parent, <. (2012). e-Marketing Ireland: cashing in on green dots. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. Vol: 30, Issue: 6, Page: 625-633. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. link
  • Grant, P.S., Bal, A., Parent, M. (2012). Operatic flash mob: Consumer arousal, connectedness and emotion. Journal of Consumer Behaviour: an international research review. Vol: 11, Issue: 3, Page: 244-251. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.. link
  • Payne, N., Campbell, C., Bal, A., Piercy, N. (2011). Placing a Hand in the Fire: Assessing the Impact of a YouTube Experiential Learning Project on Viral Marketing Knowledge Acquisition.. Journal of Marketing Education. Vol: 33, Issue: 2.
  • Parent, M., Plangger, K., Bal, A. (2011). The new WTP – Willingness to Participate.. Business Horizons. Vol: 3, Issue: May.
  • Bal, A., Pitt, L., Berthon, P., DesAutels, P. (2009). Caricatures, Cartoons, Spoofs and Satires: Political Brands as Butts. Journal of Public Affairs. Vol: 9, Issue: 4, Page: 9. Wiley.

Cases and Teaching Notes

  • Parent, M., Bal, A., Robson, K. (2013). SalinaBear: Monetizing a YouTube Profile. Page: 8. Ivy Publishing. link

Book Chapters

  • Hashmi, N., Bal, S., Bal, A. (in press). GOING BLUE IN THE DEEP RED: HOW KANSAS VOTERS SHOCKED THE NATION AND PROTECTED CHOICE. The Sage Handbook of Political Marketing.
  • Bal, A., Weidner, K. (2019). De Nuestra Familia a La Suya: Amelia Ceja Bringing Wine to the People. Page: 17-24. Emerald Group17-24.
  • Bal, A., Weidner, K. (2019). From Approval Junkie to Scrappy Entrepreneur: Faith Salie’s Personal Brand Success Story. Page: 35-42. Emerald.
  • Langowitz, N.S., Bal, A. (2015). An Ecosystem Approach to Diversity in Management Education: Evolving Entrepreneurial Education: Innovation in the Babson Classroom. Page: 55-68. Emerald Publishing Group.
  • Bal, A., Campbell, C., Pitt, L. (2012). Viewer Reactions to Online Political Spoof Videos and Advertisements. Routledge.
  • Bal, A., Campbell, C.L., Pitt, L.F. (2012). Viewer Reactions to Online Political Spoof Videos and Advertisements: Online Consumer Behavior: Theory and Research in Social Media, Advertising and E-tail (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series). Page: 185-206. Routledge.


  • Bal, A., Pitt, L. (2018). Editorial: Special Issue: Marketing of the Arts and Public Affairs: Value from different perspectives. Journal of Public Affairs.
  • Bal, A. (2011). Cartoons: when politics are too serious to be left to politicians. Introduction to the special issue, Cartoons and Political Marketing: Challenges in an Age of New Media: Journal of Public Affairs: Cartoons: when politics are too serious to be left to politicians. Introduction to the special issue, Cartoons and Political Marketing: Cartoons: when politics are too serious to be left to politicians. Introduction to the special issue, Cartoons and Political Marketing: Challenges in an Age of New Media. Vol: 11, Issue: 3, Page: 1. Wiley.


  • Identity, Intersectionality, and Ms. Marvel! Bal, A. Leadership in the Arts, Bentley University, Waltham (2024)
  • Understanding Societal Biases through Generative AI Hashmi, N. Opie, T. Bal, A. Racial Equity in Technology Entrepreneurship Workshop, New Brunswick, NJ (2024)
  • Brown Hamilton and Black Ariel: Non-Traditional Casting and Audience Response Worthington III, C. Bal, A. Hashmi, N. Weidner, K. Ottley, G. Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Canterbury, UK (2023)
  • Super Fans and Super Haters: Sentiment and Customer Analysis of Tweets for Three Top Athletes Hashmi, N. Nguyen, N. Bal, A. The Academy of Marketing Science, New Orleans, LA USA (2023)
  • Grata Persona: how to find your perfect customer Bal, A. USAWEC, Virtual (2022)
  • Drama! Incorporating theater in entrepreneurship education Balachandra, L. Bal, A. Gartner, W. McAdam, M. Ellborg, K. Radu-Lefebre, M. Wynstra, C. USASBE, Virtual (2021)
  • Strong Girls and Kind Boys: Understanding Preferences for Gender-Congruent Clothing in Children’s Wear Hill, K. Bal, A. Grewal, D. 22nd AMS World Marketing Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland (2019)
  • Managing Stakeholder Interests in a Non-Profit Setting: Who Matters Most? Weidner, K. Bal, A. Academy of Marketing Science, New Orleans, LA (2018)
  • The Hero and the Lover: Gender Expectations and Preferences of Movie Goers and the Impact on Movie Performance Bal, A. Hanna, R. Weidner, K. Watson-Foster, J. Babson Research Day, Babson College (2018)
  • "The Role of Movie Trailers on Generating Word of Mouth" Archer-Brown, C. Kampani, J. Marder, B. Bal, A. Keitzman, J. Babson Governance Meeting, Babson College (2017)
  • The Virgin, the Lover, and the Queen: the Value Created by Character Archetypes Bal, A. Watson-Foster, J. Weidner, K. Hanna, R. the Academy of Marketing Science, Orlando, FL (2016)
  • Self-Reference Criterion Aptitude Complex for Business Adaptation in International Marketing Strategies Pitt, L. Caruana, A. Vella, J. Mills, A. Bal, A. 2014 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN (2014)
  • Going Under the Needle for your Brand: Tattooing as the New Market Medium Bal, A. Archer-Brown, C. Kampani, J. Marder, B. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN (2014)
  • Monet’s, Nympheas… $11 Million; Rothko’s, White… $73 Million; My Youngest Son’s, The Burial of Our Dog Rover… Priceless!: Consumer Behavior in the Fine Art Market Bal, A. Pitt, L. Parent, M. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN (2014)
  • The Modern Carnival: How the Internet Provides a Space for Community Release Bal, A. Archer-Brown, C. Weidner, K. Rains, S. Mills, A. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN (2014)
  • Employee-brand ownership in customer service interactions Mills, A. Bal, A. Plangger, L. 2013 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Monterrey, CA (2013)
  • Customer Service: The Good, The Bad, The Theory Bal, A. Mills, A. Plangger, K. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Monterey, CA (2013)
  • I’m Lovin’ It: The Salience of McDonald’s Logo, Slogans and Colors on Children Bal, A. Allen, A. Pitt, L. Berthon, P. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Monterey, CA (2013)
  • Kony 2012: Mega Viral Political Activism Bal, A. Archer-Brown, C. Robson, K. Hall, D. Weidner, K. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Monterey, CA (2013)
  • Negative Affect Intimacy: The Role of Negative Affect Tags in the Fine Art Market Bal, A. Dahl, D. Zhu, J. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Monterey, CA (2013)
  • Confessions of a New Female Marketing Professor: What I've Learned, What I am Learning and What I Hope to Learn Bal, A. Academy of Marketing Science, World Marketing Congress, Buckhead, GA (2012)
  • Cyber-Positioning: Bestselling Authors’ Online Communicated Brand Personalities Bal, A. Mills, A. Terblanche, N. Chakrabarti, R. Opaku, R. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA (2012)
  • ‘La Vie Boheme? The Role of an Operatic Flash Mob on Consumer Behavior Bal, A. Grant, P. Pitt, L. Mills, A. Chan, A. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA (2012)
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Professional Services

  • Editorial Review Board Member Journal of Wine Research (2021 - Present)
  • Editorial Review Board Member Journal of Advertising Research (2016 - Present)

Department & College Wide Services

  • Faculty Senate (Fall 2022 - Present)
  • Weissman Scholars Faculty Advisor (Fall 2023 - Spring 2026)
  • Senate Executive Committee (Fall 2023 - Summer 2024)
  • CAO Search Committee (Spring 2024 - Spring 2024)
  • MLK Legacy Day Committee (Fall 2022 - Spring 2024)
  • MLK Legacy Day Committee (Fall 2018 - Summer 2022)
  • Senate Executive Committee (Fall 2020 - Summer 2021)
  • Honors Council (Fall 2016 - Spring 2020)