David Nersessian
- Professor
- Associate Dean
Academic Division: Accounting & Law
Academic Degrees
- Graduate Certificate in Executive Coaching, William James College
- Ph D, Oxford University, St. Catherine’s College
- LLM, Oxford University, St. Catherine’s College
- JD, Boston University School of Law
- BS, Boston University School of Management
Academic Interest / Expertise
Higher Education leadership and shared governance; Human Rights and Digital Innovation / New Technologies; Corporate Governance and Effective Processes and Communication; Public International Law; Business and Legal Ethics; Integrated SustainabilityAwards & Honors
- 2022 — Case Study Research Award - The Babson College Framework for Applied Business Ethics , Babson College (Center on Engaged Learning & Teaching) Teaching Innovation Fund
- 2022 — Babson Research Scholar Award, 2022-2025, Babson College
- 2021 — Finalist, Outstanding Interdisciplinary Paper Award, Academy of Legal Studies in Business
- 2020 — Finalist, Virginia Maurer Outstanding Ethics Paper Award, Academy of Legal Studies in Business
- 2018 — Babson Research Scholar Award, 2019-2022, Babson College
- 2018 — Best International Case Award - Hilton: Combatting Human Trafficking in the Hospitality Industry, Academy of Legal Studies in Business
- 2018 — Babson College Provost’s Office Conference Grant, Babson College
- 2018 — Babson Faculty Research Fund Award, 2018-19, Babson College
- 2016 — Virginia Maurer Outstanding Ethics Paper Award, Academy of Legal Studies in Business,
- 2016 — New Case Writer Fellowship - Hilton: Combatting Human Trafficking in the Hospitality Industry, The Case Centre
- 2016 — Case Study Research Award - Hilton: Combatting Human Trafficking in the Hospitality Industry, Babson College (Center on Engaged Learning & Teaching) Teaching Innovation Fund
Degree Courses 2025
- LAW 7200 LAW
Degree Courses 2024
Journal Articles
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Deets, S.G., Nersessian, D., Rodgers, V.L. (2023). Strategic Engagement of Business with Sustainable Development Goals: A Systems Thinking Approach. Business Strategy and the Environment. Wiley. link
- Mancha, R., Nersessian, D., Marthinsen, J.E. (2022). Reorienting the sharing economy for social benefit: the nonprofit digital platform business model. Social Responsibility Journal. Vol: 18, Issue: 5, Page: 918-934. Emerald. link
- Nersessian, D., Pachamanova, D.A. (2022). Human Trafficking in the Global Supply Chain: Using Machine Learning to Enhance Understanding of Corporate Disclosures under the UK Modern Slavery Act. Harvard Human Rights Journal. Vol: 35, Issue: Spring. link
- Nersessian, D., Mancha, R. (2020). From Automation to Autonomy: Legal and Ethical Responsibility Gaps in Artificial Intelligence Innovation. Michigan Technology Law Review. Issue: 27, Page: 55-96. Elsevier BV. link
- Nersessian, D. (2020). “Dick & Jane Hire a Lawyer” – A Case-based Examination of how Business Professionals can work Effectively with Legal Counsel. Journal of Legal Studies Education. Vol: 37, Page: 123-60.
- Deets, S.G., Rodgers, V.L., Erzurumlu, S.S., Nersessian, D. (2020). Systems Thinking as a Tool for Teaching Undergraduate Business Students Humanistic Management. Humanistic Management Journal. link
- Mancha, R., Gordon, S.R., Nersessian, D. (2020). Committing to Responsible Digital Transformation. BIZ-ED MAGAZINE. AACSB International . link
- Nersessian, D. (2018). A Human Rights Perspective on Professional Responsibility in Global Corporate Practice. CASE WESTERN RESERVE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW.
- Nersessian, D. (2018). The Law and Ethics of Big Data Analytics – A New Role for International Human Rights in the Search for Global Standards . Business Horizons. Vol: 61, Issue: 6, Page: 845-54. link
- Nersessian, D. (2015). Business Lawyers as Worldwide Moral Gatekeepers? Legal Ethics and Human Rights in Global Corporate Practice. Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics, The. Vol: 28, Issue: 4, Page: 1135-1187. Georgetown Law School.
- Nersessian, D. (2012). How State Legislative Bans on Foreign and International Law Obstruct the Global Practice and Ethical Regulation of American Lawyers. Arizona State Law Journal. Vol: 44. Arizona State University, Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law.
- Nersessian, D. (2007). Comparative approaches to punishing hate: The intersection of genocide and crimes against humanity. Stan. J. Int’l L.. Vol: 43, Page: 221. HeinOnline.
- Nersessian, D. (2006). Whoops, I Committed Genocide! The Anomaly of Constructive Liability for Serious International Crimes. Fletcher F. World Aff.. Vol: 30, Page: 81.
- Nersessian, D. (2005). Rethinking cultural genocide under International law. Human Rights Dialogue. Vol: 2, Issue: 12, Page: 7–8.
- Nersessian, D. (2004). To Snitch or Not: The Obligations and Implications of Mandatory Fraud Reporting. Int'l Risk Management CGL Reporter. Vol: 16, Page: 1.
- Nersessian, D. (2003). Penalty by Proxy: Holding the Policyholder Liable for Fraud by Coinsureds, Claims Professionals, and Other Agents. Tort, Trial & Insurance Practice L.J.. Vol: 38, Page: 907. American Bar Association.
- Nersessian, D. (2003). The Razor’s Edge: Defining and Protecting Human Groups under the Genocide Convention, The. Cornell Int’l LJ. Vol: 36, Page: 293.
- Nersessian, D. (2002). Penalty by Proxy: Holding the Innocent Policyholder Liable for Fraud by Coinsureds, Claims Professionals, and Other Agents. Tort Trial & Ins. Prac. LJ. Vol: 38, Page: 907. HeinOnline.
- Nersessian, D. (2002). The Contours of Genocidal Intent: Troubling Jurisprudence from the International Criminal Tribunals, The. Tex. Int’l LJ. Vol: 37, Page: 231.
- Nersessian, D. (2017). INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LITIGATION: A GUIDE FOR FEDERAL JUDGES. Page: 188. Federal Judicial Center - US Government Printing Office. link
- Nersessian, D. (2010). GENOCIDE AND POLITICAL GROUPS. Oxford University Press . link
Cases and Teaching Notes
- Nersessian, D. (2018). Hilton: Combatting Human Trafficking in the Hospitality Industry. Page: 1-32. Harvard Business Publishing . link
- Nersessian, D. (2018). Teaching Note, Hilton: Combatting Human Trafficking in the Hospitality Industry. Page: 1-20. Harvard Business Publishing .
Book Chapters
- Nersessian, D. (2019). The Current Status of Cultural Genocide Under International Law: JEFFREY BACHMAN (ED.) CULTURAL GENOCIDE: LAW, POLITICS, AND GLOBAL MANIFESTATIONS (London: Routledge 2019). Page: 62-91. Routledge Press .
- Williams, S., Nersessian, D. (2007). Overview of the Professional Services Industry and the Legal Profession.
Conference Proceedings
- Nersessian, D. (2012). Ethical Risks, Corporate Lawyers, and Human Rights: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law. Vol: 105, Page: 295-298 . American Society of International Law. link
- Nersessian, D., Davis, R., Keenan, P.J., Guáqueta, A., Altschuller, S.A. (2011). ETHICAL AND PRACTICAL CHALLENGES FOR CORPORATE LAWYERS ADVISING CLIENTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS: American Society of International Law. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting. Page: 295.
- Nersessian, D. (2005). The case for a crime of political genocide under international law. University of Oxford.
- Nersessian, D. (2000). The Genocide Convention: defining the parameters of a crime without a name. University of Oxford.
Additional Links
Professional Services
- Committee Chair Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Co-Chair, Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group (2021 - Present)
- Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer American Business Law Journal (2016 - Present)
- Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer Journal of Legal Studies Education (2016 - Present)
- Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer Routledge Publishing (2022 - 2022)
- Officer, President/Elect/Past Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Section of International Law (2018 - 2019)
- Officer, Vice President Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Section of International Law (2017 - 2018)
- Officer, President/Elect/Past North Atlantic Regional Business Law Association (2017 - 2018)
- Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer Oxford University Press (2017 - 2017)
- Officer, Secretary Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Section of International Law (2016 - 2017)
- Officer, Other Officer North Atlantic Regional Business Law Association (2016 - 2017)
Professional Memberships
- Society of Business Ethics (2021 - Present)
- North Atlantic Regional Business Law Association (2016 - Present)
- Academy of Legal Studies in Business (2015 - Present)
- Working Group, UN PRME Working Group on Business and Human Rights (2016 - 2019)
- American Society of International Law (2000 - 2018)
Department & College Wide Services
- Faculty Senate (Fall 2018 - Fall 2023)
- Faculty Senate (Spring 2020 - Summer 2020)
- Senate Executive Committee (Fall 2018 - Summer 2019)
- Faculty Lead, Babson PRME (Principles on Responsible Management Education Initiatives (Spring 2016 - Spring 2019)
- Coauthored Babson Law Faculty White Paper on AACSB Law Faculty Qualification and Legal Publications (Fall 2018 - Fall 2018)
- SEERS Task Force (Spring 2017 - Fall 2018)
- External Relations Subcommittee - SEERS Task Force (Fall 2017 - Spring 2018)
- Faculty Senate (Fall 2017 - Spring 2018)
- Babson College Pre-Law Advisor (Fall 2016 - Spring 2018)
- Planning Committee, Babson 2nd Annual Research Day 2018 (Fall 2017 - Winter 2018)
- Planning Committee, Babson Inaugural Research Day 2017 (Fall 2016 - Winter 2017)
- Faculty Senate (Fall 2016 - Fall 2016)
- Planning Committee, Babson Learn & Share Day (Spring 2016 - Summer 2016)