Ken Matsuno
- Professor
Academic Division: Marketing
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, The University of Tennessee
- MBA, University of Virginia
- BS, University of Oregon
- BA, Aoyama Gakuin University
Academic Interest / Expertise
Fashion Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; Competitive Strategy; Global Marketing; Japan; Market Orientation; Marketing Strategy; Technology and Product Strategy; Automotive IndustryAwards & Honors
- 2011 — The Gerald E. Hills Award, American Marketing Association - Entrepreneurial Marketing SIG
Journal Articles
- Matsuno, K., Kohlbacher, F. (2020). Proactive Marketing Response to Population Aging: The Roles of Capabilities and Commitment of Firms. Journal of Business Research. Vol: 113, Issue: May, Page: 93-104. link
- Matsuno, K., Kohlbacher, F. (2019). Firms’ (Non)responses: The Role of Ambivalence in the Case of Population Aging in Japan. Long Range Planning. Vol: 52, Issue: 1, Page: 236-254. link
- Ali, A., Matsuno, K. (2018). Mediating Roles of Capabilities Between R&D-Marketing Integration and Business Performance. Journal of Asia Business Studies. Vol: 12, Issue: 1, Page: 81-98. Emerald Publsihing.
- Zhu, Z., Matsuno, K. (2016). Entrepreneurial proclivity: its environmental conditions and growth consequences. Journal of Strategic Marketing. Vol: 24, Issue: 1, Page: 20-33. Routledge. link
- Matsuno, K. (2015). The Effects of Environmental Uncertainty and Entrepreneurial Proclivity on Market Orientation Process and Growth Momentum. Kindai Management Review. Vol: 3, Page: 36–48. Maruzen Planet. link
- Matsuno, K., Zhen, Z., Rice, M.P. (2014). Innovation Process and Outcomes for Large Japanese Firms: Roles of Entrepreneurial Proclivity and Customer Equity. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol: 31, Issue: 5, Page: 1106–1124. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.. link
- Bharadwaj, N., Matsuno, K. (2006). Investigating the Antecedents and Outcomes of Customer Firm Transaction Cost Savings in a Supply Chain Relationship. Journal of Business Research. Vol: 59, Page: Bharadwaj.
- Cohen, A., Bhardwaj, G., Matsuno, K. (2005). The Uncertain Future. BioExecutive International. Vol: 1, Issue: 3, Page: 18-20.
- Matsuno, K., Mentzer, J.T., Rentz, J.O. (2005). A conceptual and empirical comparison of three market orientation scales. Journal of Business Research. Vol: 58, Issue: 1, Page: 1–8. link
- Matsuno, K., Mentzer, J.T., Ozsomer, A. (2002). The effects of entrepreneurial proclivity and market orientation on business performance. Journal of Marketing. Vol: 66, Issue: 3, Page: 18–32. link
- Jackson, T., David, C., Deshpande, S., Jones, J., Joseph, J., Lau, K.F., Matsuno, K., Nakano, C., Park, H., Piorunowska-Kokosuzko, J., Taka, I., Yoshihara, H. (2000). Making ethical judgements: A cross-cultural management study. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. Vol: 17, Issue: 3, Page: 443–472. link
- Matsuno, K., Mentzer, J.T. (2000). The effects of strategy type on the market orientation-performance relationship. Journal of Marketing. Vol: 64, Issue: 4, Page: 1–16. link
- Matsuno, K., Mentzer, J.T., Rentz, J.O. (2000). A refinement and validation of the MARKOR scale. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Vol: 28, Issue: 4, Page: 527–539. link
- Mentzer, J.T., Rutner, S.M., Matsuno, K. (1997). Application of the means‐end value hierarchy model to understanding logistics service value. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. Vol: 27, Issue: 9/10, Page: 630–643. link
Cases and Teaching Notes
- Ottley, G.A., Matsuno, K. (2017). Apple Watch (B) . Issue: BAB362C. Babson College.
- Ottley, G.A., Matsuno, K. (2017). Apple Watch (B) Teaching Note. Issue: BAB363.
Conference Proceedings
- Nava, L., Matsuno, K., Ibanez, D.B. (2024). Turning Tides: The Role of Compassion in Organizational Growth Following Extreme Events: Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol: 2024, Issue: 1, Page: 12485. Academy of Management.
- Nava, L., Matsuno, K., Kohlbacher, F. (2020). Organizational post-traumatic growth: how disasters affect responsiveness to environmental forces: Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol: 2020, Issue: 1, Page: 14375. Academy of Management.