profile image for Kevin Bruyneel

Kevin Bruyneel

  • Professor
Academic Division: History & Society
Kevin Bruyneel is Professor of Politics at Babson College. His book, Settler Memory: The Disavowal of Indigeneity and the Politics of Race in the United States, published in the Critical Indigeneities Series of the University of North Carolina Press in 2021. He presently writes on the relationship between race, colonialism, collective memory, and racial capitalism. He has published articles in History & Memory, Settler Colonial Studies, Native American and Indigenous Studies Journal, and The Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy. His first book was The Third Space of Sovereignty: The Postcolonial Politics of U.S.-Indigenous Relations. He is of settler ancestry, born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia, the traditional territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Nations. Bruyneel completed his B.A. at Simon Fraser University, and his M.A. and Ph.D. at the New School for Social Research in New York City. At Babson College, Bruyneel teaching courses in Political Theory, American Politics, Critical Race Studies, Indigenous Studies, and Radical Politics.

Academic Degrees

  • Ph D, New School for Social Research
  • MA, New School for Social Research
  • BA, Simon Fraser University

Academic Interest / Expertise

Critical Race Theory, Indigenous Studies, Settler Colonialism; U.S. Politics; Political Theory; Decolonization, Memory Studies; Sports and Politics

Awards & Honors

  • 2018 — Babson Research Scholar, Babson College
  • 2018 — Martin Luther King Jr. Day Leadership Award, Babson College's MLK Jr. Day Award Committee
  • 2015 — Babson Research Scholar, Babson College
  • 2008 — Nominee, Faculty Member of the Year, Babson College
  • 2005 — Gill Faculty Fellowship, Babson College
  • 2004 — Nominee, Faculty Member of the Year, Babson College
  • 2000 — Dean’s Teaching Fellow, Eugene Lang College, New School University
  • 1999 — Graduate Student Teaching Internship, Eugene Lang College, New School University
  • 1997 — Elinor Goldmark Black Dissertation Fellowship for Advanced Studies on the Dynamics of Social Change, New School for Social Research


  • Degree Courses 2025

  • Degree Courses 2024



Journal Articles

  • Bruyneel, K.M. (in press). The Afterlives of Terra Nullius: Unmarked Graves, Indigenous ‘Discoveries’ and Colonial After-Thoughts. Polity. Vol: 9, Issue: 2. Performance Philosophy.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2021). “When is the Past not the Past?”, contribution to the 1871 Indian Appropriations Act Roundtable . The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. Vol: 20. The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2019). The BDS Movement, Political Theory and Settler Memory. Contemporary Political Theory . Vol: 18, Issue: 3, Page: 452-456. Palgrave Macmillan. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2019). Thinking with Stuart Hall’s Fateful Triangle through the Knotted Triangle of Intersectionality, Racial Capitalism and Settler Colonialism. Contexto Internacional: Journal of Global Connections. Vol: 4, Issue: 2, Page: 436-440. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2017). “Creolizing Collective Memory: Refusing the Settler Memory of the Reconstruction Era. Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy. Vol: XXV, Issue: 2, Page: 36-44. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2017). Happy Days (of the White Settler Imaginary) Are Here Again . Theory & Event. Vol: 20, Issue: 1. The Johns Hopkins University Press. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2016). Race, Colonialism, and the Politics of Indian Sports Names and Mascots: The Washington Football Team Case. Native American and Indigenous Studies. Vol: 3, Issue: 2, Page: 1-24. University of Minnesota Press. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2016). Codename Geronimo: Settler Memory and the Production of American Statism. Settler Colonial Studies. Vol: 6, Issue: 4, Page: 349-364. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2014). The King’s Body: The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial and the Politics of Collective Memory. History & Memory. Vol: 26, Issue: 1, Page: 75-108. Indiana University Press. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2013). The American Liberal Colonial Tradition. Settler Colonial Studies. Vol: 3, Issue: 3-4, Page: 311-321. Taylor & Francis Australasia. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2011). Exiled, Executed, Exalted: Louis Riel, Homo Sacer, and the Production of Canadian Sovereignty. Canadian Journal of Political Science. Vol: 43, Issue: 3.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2006). The Colonizer Demands its 'Fair Share' and More: Contemporary American Anti-Tribalism from Arnold Schwarzenegger to the Extreme Right. New Political Science. Vol: 28, Issue: 3.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2004). Challenging American Boundaries: Indigenous People and the ‘Gift’ of U.S. Citizenship.. Studies in American Political Development. Vol: 18, Issue: 1.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2000). Politics on the Boundaries: The Post-Colonial Politics of Indigenous People. Indigenous Nations Studies Journal. Vol: 1, Issue: 2.


  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2021). Settler Memory: The Disavowal of Indigeneity and the Politics of Race in the United States : Settler Memory: The Disavowal of Indigeneity and the Politics of Race in the United States . Page: 256 pages. University of North Carolina Press, Critical Indigeneities Series. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2007). The Third Space of Sovereignty: The Postcolonial Politics of U.S.-Indigenous Relations. University of Minnesota Press, Indigenous Americas Series.

Book Chapters

  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2022). On Geo Maher’s Anticolonial Eruptions: Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy - Revue de la philosophie française et de langue française. Issue: 1, Page: 87-94. University of Pittsburgh Press. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2019). Wake Work vs. Work of Settler Memory: Modes of Solidarity in #NoDAPL, Black Lives Matter and anti-Trumpism: Standing with Standing Rock: Voices from the #NoDAPL Movement . University of Minnesota Press.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2015). Bruyneel on Red Pedagogy – Chapter 6: Better Red than Dead: Toward a Nation-Peoples and a Peoples Nation.: Red Pedagogy: Native American Social and Political Thought; The 10th Anniversary edition.. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2014). Social Science and the Study of Indigenous People’s Politics: Contributions, Omissions, and Tensions: The Oxford Handbook on Social Science and the Study of Indigenous Peoples' Politics: Contributions. Oxford University Press. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2013). Letter from a Lovelorn Pre-Radical: Looking Forward and Backward at Martin Luther King Jr.: Living with Class: Philosophical Reflections on Identity and Material Culture. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2013). The Trouble with Amnesia: Collective Memory and Colonial Injustice in the United States: Political Creativity: Reconfiguring Institutional Order and Change. Page: 236-257. University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2008). Hierarchy and Hybridity: The Internal Postcolonialism of Mid-19th Century American Expansionism: Race and American Political Development. Routledge Press.

Book Reviews

  • Bruyneel, K.M. (in press). Review of David Myer Temin’s "Remapping Sovereignty: Decolonization and Self-Determination in North American Indigenous Political Thought": Contemporary Political Theory. Contemporary Political Theory.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (in press). “Value and the Political: A Messy Relationship,” for the Symposium on Alena Wolflink's "Claiming Value". Vol: 4, Issue: 2. Philosophy and Global Affairs.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2023). Review of Elisabeth R. Anker’s Ugly Freedoms. Vol: 85, Issue: 4, Page: 576-578. The Review of Politics. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2020). Review Essay: On Settler Colonialism. Vol: 82, Issue: 1, Page: 145-157. The Review of Politics. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2019). Review of Native Land Talk: Indigenous and Arrivant Rights Theories by Yael Ben-zvi: NAIS: The Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association. Vol: 6, Issue: 1, Page: 169-170. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2017). The White Settler Romance with Anticapitalism: On Iyko Day’s Alien Capital: Asian Racialization and the Logic of Settler Colonial Capitalism: Theory & Event. Vol: 20, Issue: 2. John Hopkins University Press. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2017). Review Essay: On Echoes of Mutiny: Race, Surveillance & Indian Anticolonialism in North America by Seema Rohi and Nation to Nation: Treaties Between the United States & American Indian Nations by Suzan Shown Harjo.: University of Tulsa Law Review. Vol: 25, Issue: 3, Page: 417-425. University of Tulsa, College of Law. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2017). Review of "Redskin: Insult and Brand", by C. Richard King. : NAIS: The Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association. Vol: 4, Issue: 1, Page: 114+. University of Minnesota Press. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2016). Review of Indian Spectacle: College Mascots and the Anxiety of Modern America by Jennifer Guiliano.: The Journal of American History. Vol: 103, Issue: 1, Page: 215-216. Oxford Journals. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2016). Review of Formations of United States Colonialism, edited by Alyosha Goldstein: Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History. Vol: 17, Issue: 1. Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2015). Review of On Sovereignty and Other Political Delusions by Joan Cocks: Radical Philosophy. Issue: 194. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2014). Joint Review of "Shadow Nations: Tribal Sovereignty and the Limits of Legal Pluralism" by N. Bruce Duthu and "Hollow Justice: A History of Indigenous Claims in the United States" by David E. Wilkins: Perspectives on Politics. Vol: 12, Issue: 4, Page: 888-889. Cambridge University Press. link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2013). Review of "Louis Riel and the Creation of Modern Canada: Mythic Discourse and the Postcolonial State" by Jennifer Reid: Great Plains Quarterly. Vol: 33, Issue: 3, Page: 190-191. University of Nebraska Press.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2012). Review of "Captured Justice: Native Nations and Public Law 280" by Duane Champagne & Carole Goldberg: Law and Politics Book Review. Vol: 22, Issue: 11, Page: 531-535. American Political Science Association.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2008). Review of American Indians and State Law: Sovereignty, Race, and Citizenship, 1790-1880 by Deborah A. Rosen: The Journal of American History. Vol: 95, Issue: 2.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2008). Review of Multicultural Odysseys: Navigating the New International Politics of Diversity by Will Kymlicka: The Canadian Journal of Political Science. Vol: 41, Issue: 4.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2006). Review of Politics in Time: History, Institutions and Social Analysis by Paul Pierson: Canadian Journal of Political Science. Vol: 39, Issue: 1.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2006). Review of Race and Racism in Modern Philosophy edited by Andrew Valls: Perspectives on Politics. Vol: 4, Issue: 3.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2003). Review of Postcolonial Liberalism by Duncan Ivison: Perspectives on Politics. Vol: 1, Issue: 4.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (1993). Review of The Augustinian Imperative: A Reflection on the Politics of Morality by William Connolly: Conference: A Journal of Philosophy and Theory. Vol: 4, Issue: 2.


  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2022). Opinion Piece: “Major League Baseball Starts Today, And The World Series Champs’ Name Still Honors Genocide,” : Huffington Post . link
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2016). Entry on “Indian Citizenship Act, 1924”: Dictionary of American History, Supplement: America in the World, 1776 to the Present.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2015). Entry on “Collective Memory': Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Wiley Blackwell.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2008). Violence, Frantz Fanon on: International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Vol: 9 vols, Issue: 2nd edition. Macmillan Reference USA.
  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2006). Editorial: No on Repealing the 22nd Amendment: The New York Times Up Front.

Articles - Circular or newsletter (e.g., Babson Insight)

  • Bruyneel, K.M. (2015). Migration and settlement: An indigenous studies perspective on the politics of migration in settler states: APSA Migration and Citizenship Section Newsletter. Vol: 3, Issue: 1. American Political Science Association.


  • Presenter for Roundtable on “Pretendians, Mascots, and Redface: The Impact of Embodied Representation on Native American Communities." Bruyneel, K. Annual meeting of the American Studies Association., Baltimore, MD (2024)
  • Chair/Discussant for Panel, “Remembered and Forgotten: American Indian Collective Remembrances of the American Civil War and Reconstruction.” Bruyneel, K. Annual meeting of the Southern History Association, Kansas City, MO (2024)
  • Panelist for Roundtable on “Colonialism and Sovereignty Frameworks in Indigenous Studies” Bruyneel, K. Annual meeting of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, Bodo, Norway (2024)
  • Chair and Discussant for "Author Meets Critics: David Myer Temin’s Remapping Sovereignty: Decolonization and Self-Determination in North American Indigenous Political Thought" Bruyneel, K. Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Vancouver, BC (2024)
  • On Decolonizing the Classroom (an invited talk as part of a plenary panel) Bruyneel, K. Annual Meeting of the Association of Political Theory, Schenectady, New York (Union College) (2023)
  • Book Talk on "Settler Memory: The Disavowal of Indigeneity and the Politics of Race in the United States" Bruyneel, K. Book Talk Lecture, San Diego, CA (Talk On-Line) (2022)
  • Settler Memory and Black Reconstruction Bruyneel, K. Cornell University’s Fall Faculty Seminar on W.E.B. Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction,, Ithaca, New York (2022)
  • Settler Memory and the Pitfalls and Possibilities of a Third Reconstruction. Bruyneel, K. Invited Book Talk, Melbourne, Australia (talk done online) (2022)
  • Paper on Erin Pineda's 2021 book "Seeing Like an Activist," for Author Meets Critics panel. Bruyneel, K. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec (2022)
  • Settler Memory: The Disavowal of Indigeneity and the Politics of Race in the United States. Bruyneel, K. Invited Book Talk, Amherst, Massachusetts (2022)
  • Settler Memory Lecture Bruyneel, K. Settler Memory Book talk and conversation, Los Angeles, CA (talk on-line) (2022)
  • Paper on Geo Maher's "Anticolonial Eruptions: Racial Hubris and the Cunning of Resistance" for Author Meets Critics Panel Bruyneel, K. Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon (2022)
  • “Author Meets Critics: Critical engagement with Kevin Bruyneel’s “Settler Memory: The Disavowal of Indigeneity and the Politics of Race in the United States.” Bruyneel, K. Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon (2022)
  • Settler Memory Lecture, and Response to Discussants Bruyneel, K. Book Launch of "Settler Memory", Victoria, British Columbia (talk on-line) (2022)
  • Presenter for Roundtable/Teach-In Panel on "Critical Race Theory in Context" Bruyneel, K. Critical Race Theory in Context, Boise, Idaho (Participated Remotely (2021)
  • Presenter on Roundtable: “Where is Settler Colonialism in an Abolition Democracy?” Bruyneel, K. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA (Participated Remotely) (2021)
  • Roundtable Presenter on: “Settler Colonialism, Indigenous Politics, and Political Science: Critical Histories and New Directions.” Bruyneel, K. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA (Participated Remotely) (2021)
  • “Where is the Story of Land in Higher Education?” Bruyneel, K. Campuses and Colonialism Symposium, Part 1. , Chapel Hill, NC (Workshop Done Remotely) (2021)
  • Refusing Settler Memory Bruyneel, K. Decolonizing Together? Awareness, Theory, Practice Symposium, Storrs, Connecticut (Talk Given Remotely) (2021)
  • Settler Memory and Monumental Racism Bruyneel, K. University of Utah's Roundtable on Monumental Racism, Salt Lake City, Utah (I participated remotely) (2020)
  • James Baldwin and Cowboys and Indians Bruyneel, K. Cornel University Political Theory Workshop, Ithaca, New York (participated remotely) (2020)
  • Panelist for Roundtable on Nick Estes’ Our History is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance Bruyneel, K. Western History Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV (2019)
  • Layers of Dispossession: Settler Memory and the Blindspot in the Mirror of Reconstruction. Bruyneel, K. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Vancouver, BC (2019)
  • Reconstructing Political Memory: The Reconstruction Era and the Faint Trace of Settler Colonialism Bruyneel, K. Re-Visioning Political Theory in the Americas: Race, Empire, and Colonialism , Amherst, MA. (2019)
  • What do you mean, we?” White Settler Memory, U.S. Race Politics, and the ‘Faint Trace’ of Indigeneity Bruyneel, K. Invited Talk at Williams College, Williamstown, MA (2019)
  • The Political Creation of the White (Settler) Subject: Hold the Bacon. Bruyneel, K. Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA (2019)
  • Settler Colonialism in Israel and the United States Bruyneel, K. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Assocation, Boston, MA (2018)
  • Settler Memory and the ‘Unthought’ of the Reconstruction Era Bruyneel, K. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA (2018)
  • Thinking through and with Jaskiran Dhillon's "Prairie Rising: Indigenous Youth, Decolonization, and the Politics of Intervention" Bruyneel, K. Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association, Chicago, Illinois (2017)
  • “Analysis and Commentary for Roundtable on Shiri Pasternak’s Grounded Authority: The Algonquins of Barriere Lake Against the State.” Bruyneel, K. Annual Meeting of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, Vancouver, British Columbia (2017)
  • “Settler Memory and U.S. Race Discourse and Politics,” Bruyneel, K. Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Vancouver, British Columbia (2017)
  • ‘What Do You Mean, We?’” - White Settler Memory, U.S. Race Politics, and the 'Faint Trace' of Indigeneity Bruyneel, K. Invited Lecture at Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio (2017)
  • Panelist on Black Lives Matter and the Business Community Bruyneel, K. Adversity in Diversity Forum, Babson College, Olin Hall (2016)
  • Settler Colonialism and the Roots of the Standing Rock Standoff Bruyneel, K. Standing Rock Teach-In, Tufts University, Medford MA (2016)
  • Finding the Settler in White Settler-ness: Settler Memory, the U.S. Race Paradigm, and the Fear of an Indigenous Futurity Bruyneel, K. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA (2016)
  • Settler Memory, the Race-Ethnicity Paradigm in US Politics, and the Fear of an Indigenous Futurity. Bruyneel, K. Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, San Diego, CA (2016)
  • Race, Colonialism, and the Politics of Indian Sports Names and Mascots: The Washington Football Team Case. Bruyneel, K. Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV (2015)
  • Codename Geronimo: Settler Memory and the Production of American Statism Bruyneel, K. An invited talk for the First Nations Studies and the Department of Political Science at the University of British Columbia, University of British Columbia (2015)
  • The Settler Colonial Present in the United States Bruyneel, K. Comparative Colonialisms: Approaches to the Global Humanities. The Inaugural Workshop of the Consortium of Studies in Race, Colonialism, and Diaspora, Medford, MA (2014)
  • From the Dakota 38 to Project Geronimo: Settler Memory and the Production of American Statism Bruyneel, K. Alternative Sovereignties: Decolonization through Indigenous Vision and Struggle, Eugene, OR (2014)
  • Settler Memory as an Architectonic of U.S. Liberal Colonial Statism Bruyneel, K. Memory and Migration Workshop, New York, NY (2014)
  • The Politics of ‘Indian’ Sports Names and Mascots: Settler Memory and the Disavowal of Indigeneity and Settler Colonialism Bruyneel, K. Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Conference, Austin, TX (2014)
  • Political Science and the Study of Indigenous People’s Politics Bruyneel, K. Western Political Science Association Conference, Seattle, WA (2014)
  • The American State as Settler Memory: The Case of Geronimo Bruyneel, K. Unsettlement and Decolonization: New Directions Conference, New York, NY (2014)
  • The Inconvenient Presence in U.S. Political Science and Politics: Indigenous People, Settler Colonialism, and White Supremacy in the United States Bruyneel, K. Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Conference, Saskatoon, SK (2013)
  • The King’s Body: The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial and the Politics of Collective Memory Bruyneel, K. SASE 25th Annual Conference, Milan, Italy (2013)
  • Louis Hartz and the American Liberal Colonial Tradition Bruyneel, K. Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Conference, Ledyard, CT (2012)
  • U.S. Race Politics and the ‘King’s Two Bodies’: The Paradox of Memorializing Change in American Culture and Institutions Bruyneel, K. conference/workshop, “Unstructuring Politics”, Oregon (2009)
  • Unsettling Citizenships (and Consent) Bruyneel, K. Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Annual Meeting, Twin Cities (2009)
  • Roundtable: Authors Meet Readers: Kevin Bruyneel's Third Space of Sovereignty and Joseph Lowndes' From the New Deal to the New Right Bruyneel, K. Western Political Science Association Conference, Vancouver, B.C. (2009)
  • Race and U.S. Settler Sovereignty Bruyneel, K. The American Studies Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM (2008)
  • Figuring Out Louis Riel: Unearthing the Colonial Roots of Canadian Political Development Bruyneel, K. American Political Science Association Conference, Boston MA (2008)
  • Exiled, Executed, Exalted: Louis Riel, Homo Sacer, and the Production of Canadian Sovereignty Bruyneel, K. Canadian Political Science Association Conference, Vancouver B.C (2008)
  • Postcolonial Analysis Specialist for The Methods Café: Consult a Specialist – Methodological Brainstorming Bruyneel, K. Western Political Science Association Conference, San Diego CA (2008)
  • The Hybrid Rebel and North American Politics: Louis Riel and the Racial Struggles of Late 19th Century Canadian Political Development Bruyneel, K. Western Political Science Association Conference, San Diego CA (2008)
  • The Third Space of Sovereignty: The Postcolonial Politics of U.S.-Indigenous Relations Bruyneel, K. CUNY’s Political Theory and American Political Development Colloquia, New York City (2007)
  • Postcolonial Analysis Specialist: The Methods Café Bruyneel, K. American Political Science Association Conference, Chicago, Boston, and Toronto (2007)
  • The Politics of Indigenous Self-Determination: Contemporary Challenges, Opportunities, and Conflicts Bruyneel, K. American Political Science Association Conference, Chicago IL (2007)
  • Hierarchy and Hybridity: American Postcolonialism in 19th Century U.S. Expansionist Policy Bruyneel, K. Western Political Science Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV (2007)
  • Moderator, Response to ‘Blackface Incident’ Bruyneel, K. Discussion on Dealing with Diversity in Classroom, Wellesley, MA (2006)
  • Moderator, Response to ‘Blackface Incident' Bruyneel, K. Teach-in at Glavin Chapel, Wellesley, MA (2006)
  • American Postcolonialism: The Silent Structure of American Politics Bruyneel, K. American Political Science Conference, Philadelphia, PA (2006)
  • American Internal Colonialism: The Silent Structure of Race and Ethnicity Politics in the United States Bruyneel, K. National Conference on Race and US Political Development, Eugene, OR (2006)
  • The Colonizer Demands its 'Fair Share' and More: Contemporary American Anti-Tribalism Bruyneel, K. Western Political Science Association Conference, Albuquerque, N.M. (2006)
  • Vine Deloria Jr. as Postcolonial Provocateur: Locating Indigenous Politics during the 1960s/70s Bruyneel, K. Social Science History Association Conference, Portland, OR (2005)
  • Faculty Speaker, “Talk Politics with a Professor” Bruyneel, K. Family Weekend, Wellesley, MA (2005)
  • Keynote Speaker, First Year Dinner Bruyneel, K. First Year Dinner, Wellesley, MA (2005)
  • Faculty Moderator Bruyneel, K. Staff Discussion of 2004 Presidential Election, Wellesley, MA (2004)
  • Guest Teacher of Sophomore Honor’s Seminar Bruyneel, K. Sophomore Honor’s Seminar, Wellesley, MA (2004)
  • Faculty Speaker Bruyneel, K. Fall Convocation Ceremony, Wellesley, MA (2004)
  • Guest Faculty Speaker Bruyneel, K. Strategies for Success Seminar, Wellesley, MA (2004)
  • Indigenous Sovereignty versus ‘Colonial Time’: A Re-Thinking of (North) American Political Development Bruyneel, K. Western Political Science Association Conference, Portland OR (2004)
  • Judge Bruyneel, K. Women’s Leadership Center Essay Contest, Wellesley, MA (2004)
  • Faculty Advisor Bruyneel, K. Historical and Political Studies Concentration, Wellesley, MA (2004)
  • Arguing for Indigenous Sovereignty: Fighting Colonial Time in Settler Space Bruyneel, K. Social Science History Association Conference, Baltimore, MD (2003)
  • Faculty Volunteer Bruyneel, K. Orientation, “Academic Expectations, Wellesley, MA (2003)
  • A Pitch for a Postcolonial Political Science Bruyneel, K. American Political Science Association Conference, Boston, MA (2002)
  • Ambivalent Americans: Indigenous People and U.S. Citizenship in the early 20th Century Bruyneel, K. American Political Science Association Conference, Boston, MA (2002)
  • Smash Your Protractor! The Complicated Geometry of Aboriginal Politics in Canada Bruyneel, K. Canadian Political Science Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario (2002)
  • What’s the Location of a First Nation? Indigenous People and Canadian Political Life Bruyneel, K. New York State Political Science Association Conference, Hoftra University, Hempstead, New York (2000)
  • The Cherokee Nation and the U.S. Civil War: Indigenous and American Political Identity in Conflict and Co-Constitution Bruyneel, K. American Political Science Association Conference, Atlanta, Georgia (1999)
  • Politics on the Boundaries: Power, Identity and the Presumption of Sovereignty Bruyneel, K. Canadian Political Science Association Conference, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec (1999)
  • Boundaries as the Location of Politics: Indigenous People’s Politics from a Post-Colonial Perspective Bruyneel, K. American Political Science Association Conference, Washington, D.C. (1997)
  • Panel on Aboriginal Self-Government Bruyneel, K. Canadian Political Science Association Conference, Memorial University, St. John’s Newfoundland (1997)
  • Roundtable on First Nations and Political Theory Bruyneel, K. Canadian Political Science Association Conference, Memorial University, St. John’s Newfoundland (1997)
  • Boundaries as the Location of Politics and the Politics of Location: Indigenous People’s Politics from a Post-Colonial Perspective Bruyneel, K. New York State Political Science Association Conference, John Jay College, New York, New York (1997)
  • Dualisms, Tensions, and the Legislator’s Role in the Political Theory of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Bruyneel, K. Canadian Political Science Association Conference, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario (1996)
  • The Vision of the Legislator: Dualism, Desire, and Democratic Tensions in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Political Theory Bruyneel, K. New York State Political Science Association Conference, Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York (1996)
  • The Emergence of the International Indigenous Movement: Implications for State Sovereignty, Community and Citizenship Bruyneel, K. New York State Political Association Conference, Undisclosed (1995)
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Professional Services

  • Officer, Treasurer Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (2021 - 2024)

Department & College Wide Services

  • Faculty Senate (Fall 2020 - Present)
  • Senate Executive Committee (Summer 2021 - Summer 2022)
  • Faculty Mentor to O.N.E. Tower (Spring 2016 - Fall 2018)
  • Senate Executive Committee (Fall 2017 - Summer 2018)
  • Faculty Senate (Fall 2014 - Spring 2018)
  • Posse Mentor, Babson Posse 11 (Summer 2014 - Spring 2018)
  • Faculty Senate Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (Fall 2016 - Fall 2017)