Kevin Bruyneel
- Professor
Academic Division: History & Society
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, New School for Social Research
- MA, New School for Social Research
- BA, Simon Fraser University
Academic Interest / Expertise
Critical Race Theory, Indigenous Studies, Settler Colonialism; U.S. Politics; Political Theory; Decolonization, Memory Studies; Sports and PoliticsAwards & Honors
- 2018 — Babson Research Scholar, Babson College
- 2018 — Martin Luther King Jr. Day Leadership Award, Babson College's MLK Jr. Day Award Committee
- 2015 — Babson Research Scholar, Babson College
- 2008 — Nominee, Faculty Member of the Year, Babson College
- 2005 — Gill Faculty Fellowship, Babson College
- 2004 — Nominee, Faculty Member of the Year, Babson College
- 2000 — Dean’s Teaching Fellow, Eugene Lang College, New School University
- 1999 — Graduate Student Teaching Internship, Eugene Lang College, New School University
- 1997 — Elinor Goldmark Black Dissertation Fellowship for Advanced Studies on the Dynamics of Social Change, New School for Social Research
Degree Courses 2025
Degree Courses 2024
Journal Articles
- Bruyneel, K.M. (in press). The Afterlives of Terra Nullius: Unmarked Graves, Indigenous ‘Discoveries’ and Colonial After-Thoughts. Polity. Vol: 9, Issue: 2. Performance Philosophy.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2021). “When is the Past not the Past?”, contribution to the 1871 Indian Appropriations Act Roundtable . The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. Vol: 20. The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2019). The BDS Movement, Political Theory and Settler Memory. Contemporary Political Theory . Vol: 18, Issue: 3, Page: 452-456. Palgrave Macmillan. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2019). Thinking with Stuart Hall’s Fateful Triangle through the Knotted Triangle of Intersectionality, Racial Capitalism and Settler Colonialism. Contexto Internacional: Journal of Global Connections. Vol: 4, Issue: 2, Page: 436-440. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2017). “Creolizing Collective Memory: Refusing the Settler Memory of the Reconstruction Era. Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy. Vol: XXV, Issue: 2, Page: 36-44. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2017). Happy Days (of the White Settler Imaginary) Are Here Again . Theory & Event. Vol: 20, Issue: 1. The Johns Hopkins University Press. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2016). Race, Colonialism, and the Politics of Indian Sports Names and Mascots: The Washington Football Team Case. Native American and Indigenous Studies. Vol: 3, Issue: 2, Page: 1-24. University of Minnesota Press. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2016). Codename Geronimo: Settler Memory and the Production of American Statism. Settler Colonial Studies. Vol: 6, Issue: 4, Page: 349-364. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2014). The King’s Body: The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial and the Politics of Collective Memory. History & Memory. Vol: 26, Issue: 1, Page: 75-108. Indiana University Press. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2013). The American Liberal Colonial Tradition. Settler Colonial Studies. Vol: 3, Issue: 3-4, Page: 311-321. Taylor & Francis Australasia. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2011). Exiled, Executed, Exalted: Louis Riel, Homo Sacer, and the Production of Canadian Sovereignty. Canadian Journal of Political Science. Vol: 43, Issue: 3.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2006). The Colonizer Demands its 'Fair Share' and More: Contemporary American Anti-Tribalism from Arnold Schwarzenegger to the Extreme Right. New Political Science. Vol: 28, Issue: 3.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2004). Challenging American Boundaries: Indigenous People and the ‘Gift’ of U.S. Citizenship.. Studies in American Political Development. Vol: 18, Issue: 1.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2000). Politics on the Boundaries: The Post-Colonial Politics of Indigenous People. Indigenous Nations Studies Journal. Vol: 1, Issue: 2.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2021). Settler Memory: The Disavowal of Indigeneity and the Politics of Race in the United States : Settler Memory: The Disavowal of Indigeneity and the Politics of Race in the United States . Page: 256 pages. University of North Carolina Press, Critical Indigeneities Series. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2007). The Third Space of Sovereignty: The Postcolonial Politics of U.S.-Indigenous Relations. University of Minnesota Press, Indigenous Americas Series.
Book Chapters
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2022). On Geo Maher’s Anticolonial Eruptions: Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy - Revue de la philosophie française et de langue française. Issue: 1, Page: 87-94. University of Pittsburgh Press. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2019). Wake Work vs. Work of Settler Memory: Modes of Solidarity in #NoDAPL, Black Lives Matter and anti-Trumpism: Standing with Standing Rock: Voices from the #NoDAPL Movement . University of Minnesota Press.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2015). Bruyneel on Red Pedagogy – Chapter 6: Better Red than Dead: Toward a Nation-Peoples and a Peoples Nation.: Red Pedagogy: Native American Social and Political Thought; The 10th Anniversary edition.. Rowman & Littlefield.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2014). Social Science and the Study of Indigenous People’s Politics: Contributions, Omissions, and Tensions: The Oxford Handbook on Social Science and the Study of Indigenous Peoples' Politics: Contributions. Oxford University Press. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2013). Letter from a Lovelorn Pre-Radical: Looking Forward and Backward at Martin Luther King Jr.: Living with Class: Philosophical Reflections on Identity and Material Culture. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2013). The Trouble with Amnesia: Collective Memory and Colonial Injustice in the United States: Political Creativity: Reconfiguring Institutional Order and Change. Page: 236-257. University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2008). Hierarchy and Hybridity: The Internal Postcolonialism of Mid-19th Century American Expansionism: Race and American Political Development. Routledge Press.
Book Reviews
- Bruyneel, K.M. (in press). Review of David Myer Temin’s "Remapping Sovereignty: Decolonization and Self-Determination in North American Indigenous Political Thought": Contemporary Political Theory. Contemporary Political Theory.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (in press). “Value and the Political: A Messy Relationship,” for the Symposium on Alena Wolflink's "Claiming Value". Vol: 4, Issue: 2. Philosophy and Global Affairs.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2023). Review of Elisabeth R. Anker’s Ugly Freedoms. Vol: 85, Issue: 4, Page: 576-578. The Review of Politics. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2020). Review Essay: On Settler Colonialism. Vol: 82, Issue: 1, Page: 145-157. The Review of Politics. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2019). Review of Native Land Talk: Indigenous and Arrivant Rights Theories by Yael Ben-zvi: NAIS: The Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association. Vol: 6, Issue: 1, Page: 169-170. University of Minnesota Press.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2017). The White Settler Romance with Anticapitalism: On Iyko Day’s Alien Capital: Asian Racialization and the Logic of Settler Colonial Capitalism: Theory & Event. Vol: 20, Issue: 2. John Hopkins University Press. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2017). Review Essay: On Echoes of Mutiny: Race, Surveillance & Indian Anticolonialism in North America by Seema Rohi and Nation to Nation: Treaties Between the United States & American Indian Nations by Suzan Shown Harjo.: University of Tulsa Law Review. Vol: 25, Issue: 3, Page: 417-425. University of Tulsa, College of Law. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2017). Review of "Redskin: Insult and Brand", by C. Richard King. : NAIS: The Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association. Vol: 4, Issue: 1, Page: 114+. University of Minnesota Press. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2016). Review of Indian Spectacle: College Mascots and the Anxiety of Modern America by Jennifer Guiliano.: The Journal of American History. Vol: 103, Issue: 1, Page: 215-216. Oxford Journals. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2016). Review of Formations of United States Colonialism, edited by Alyosha Goldstein: Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History. Vol: 17, Issue: 1. Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2015). Review of On Sovereignty and Other Political Delusions by Joan Cocks: Radical Philosophy. Issue: 194. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2014). Joint Review of "Shadow Nations: Tribal Sovereignty and the Limits of Legal Pluralism" by N. Bruce Duthu and "Hollow Justice: A History of Indigenous Claims in the United States" by David E. Wilkins: Perspectives on Politics. Vol: 12, Issue: 4, Page: 888-889. Cambridge University Press. link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2013). Review of "Louis Riel and the Creation of Modern Canada: Mythic Discourse and the Postcolonial State" by Jennifer Reid: Great Plains Quarterly. Vol: 33, Issue: 3, Page: 190-191. University of Nebraska Press.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2012). Review of "Captured Justice: Native Nations and Public Law 280" by Duane Champagne & Carole Goldberg: Law and Politics Book Review. Vol: 22, Issue: 11, Page: 531-535. American Political Science Association.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2008). Review of American Indians and State Law: Sovereignty, Race, and Citizenship, 1790-1880 by Deborah A. Rosen: The Journal of American History. Vol: 95, Issue: 2.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2008). Review of Multicultural Odysseys: Navigating the New International Politics of Diversity by Will Kymlicka: The Canadian Journal of Political Science. Vol: 41, Issue: 4.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2006). Review of Politics in Time: History, Institutions and Social Analysis by Paul Pierson: Canadian Journal of Political Science. Vol: 39, Issue: 1.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2006). Review of Race and Racism in Modern Philosophy edited by Andrew Valls: Perspectives on Politics. Vol: 4, Issue: 3.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2003). Review of Postcolonial Liberalism by Duncan Ivison: Perspectives on Politics. Vol: 1, Issue: 4.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (1993). Review of The Augustinian Imperative: A Reflection on the Politics of Morality by William Connolly: Conference: A Journal of Philosophy and Theory. Vol: 4, Issue: 2.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2022). Opinion Piece: “Major League Baseball Starts Today, And The World Series Champs’ Name Still Honors Genocide,” : Huffington Post . link
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2016). Entry on “Indian Citizenship Act, 1924”: Dictionary of American History, Supplement: America in the World, 1776 to the Present.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2015). Entry on “Collective Memory': Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Wiley Blackwell.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2008). Violence, Frantz Fanon on: International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Vol: 9 vols, Issue: 2nd edition. Macmillan Reference USA.
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2006). Editorial: No on Repealing the 22nd Amendment: The New York Times Up Front.
Articles - Circular or newsletter (e.g., Babson Insight)
- Bruyneel, K.M. (2015). Migration and settlement: An indigenous studies perspective on the politics of migration in settler states: APSA Migration and Citizenship Section Newsletter. Vol: 3, Issue: 1. American Political Science Association.
Professional Services
- Officer, Treasurer Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (2021 - 2024)
Department & College Wide Services
- Faculty Senate (Fall 2020 - Present)
- Senate Executive Committee (Summer 2021 - Summer 2022)
- Faculty Mentor to O.N.E. Tower (Spring 2016 - Fall 2018)
- Senate Executive Committee (Fall 2017 - Summer 2018)
- Faculty Senate (Fall 2014 - Spring 2018)
- Posse Mentor, Babson Posse 11 (Summer 2014 - Spring 2018)
- Faculty Senate Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (Fall 2016 - Fall 2017)