Sandra Bravo
- Associate Professor of Practice
Academic Division: Marketing
Academic Degrees
- MBA, Babson College
- BA, University of Massachusetts at North Dartmouth
Academic Interest / Expertise
Entrepreneurship, strategy and communications in the field of marketing.Publications
Journal Articles
- Shankaranarayanan, G., Stoddard, D.B., Gilleran, R., Beitelspacher, L.S., Bravo, S.J. (2021). Experiential Learning of Information Systems in Functional Contexts: The Digital Brand Strategy Project. Communications of the Association of Information Systems (CAIS). Vol: 49. Association of Information Systems.
Conference Proceedings
- Bravo, S.J. (2018). A Twist on Client-Based Learning Projects: Utilize On-Campus Clients. Issue: Fall 2018, Page: 114-115. Marketing Management Association Fall Educators' Conference Proceedings. link
- Bravo, S.J., Fiene, S., Hudson, B., Kotz, J., Lindgren, L. (2016). From Practice to the Academy: Why It Happens, Lessons, Tips and Leveraging Professional Experience. Page: 200-201. Marketing Management Association. link
- Bravo, S.J., Beitelspacher, L.S. (2016). Whole Student, Whole Faculty, Whole Classroom: Managing Anxiety to Maximize the Learning Experience. Page: 108-109. Marketing Management Association. link
Department & College Wide Services
- Martin Luther King Day Event Committee (Fall 2019 - Fall 2022)
- Teaching Innovation Fund Committee (Fall 2019 - Spring 2022)
- Coache Survey - results and analysis (Fall 2019)
- UG Electives Committee for Marketing Division (Fall 2019 - Fall 2019)
- Community Dinner with Prospective Students and Parents (Spring 2019)
- Launch Babson Classroom Simulation (Spring 2019)
- Senior Awards Ceremony - Select and present Canfield Award (Spring 2019)