Sinan Erzurumlu
- Professor
Academic Division: Operations and Information Management
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, The University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business
- MS, The University of Texas at Austin, Operations Research/Industrial Engineering
- BS, Bogazici University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Academic Interest / Expertise
Strategic Innovation Management; Business Model Innovation; Growth and Scaling Businesses; Technology Development and Commercialization; Technology Entrepreneurship; Sustainable Entrepreneurship; Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG); Social Innovation; Systems Thinking; Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning; Decision Making under UncertaintyAwards & Honors
- 2023 — Fulbright Scholar, Fulbright Denmark
- 2022 — Babson College Deans’ Research Award , Babson College
- 2021 — Most Favorite MBA Professor, Poets & Quants
- 2018 — Babson College Deans’ Teaching Award , Babson College
- 2018 — oikos Case Writing Competition Winner in Social Entrepreneurship Track , oikos International
- 2018 — Babson Research Scholar, Babson College
- 2016 — Babson College Kaplan Award Sustainability in Academics , Sustainability Office
- 2015 — 40 Most Outstanding B-School Profs under 40 in the World , Poets & Quants
- 2013 — Best Teaching Brief Award, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
- 2012 — Best Case Competition Winner , Decision Sciences Institute
Journal Articles
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Gupta, A. (2023). How to design inclusive aging innovations. Design Management Review. Vol: 34, Issue: 1.
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Deets, S.G., Nersessian, D., Rodgers, V.L. (2023). Strategic Engagement of Business with Sustainable Development Goals: A Systems Thinking Approach. Business Strategy and the Environment. Wiley. link
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Smith, N. (2023). Managing technological innovation capabilities to align exploration and exploitation for technological changes. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. Vol: 20, Issue: 3.
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Erzurumlu, Y., Yoon, Y. (2022). National innovation systems and dynamic impact of institutional structures on national innovation capability: A configurational approach with the OKID method. Technovation. Vol: 114. Technovation.
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Bhaskaran, S., Ramachandran, K. (2021). Sequential product introduction by cash-constrained startups. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. Vol: 23, Issue: 6, Page: 1505-1523.
- Tanrisever, F., Joglekar, N., Erzurumlu, S.S., Levesque, M. (2021). Managing capital market frictions via cost-reduction investments. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. Vol: 23, Issue: 1, Page: 88-105.
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Pachamanova, D.A. (2020). Topic Modeling and Technology Forecasting for Assessing the Commercial Viability of Healthcare Innovations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol: 156. Elsevier. link
- Deets, S.G., Rodgers, V.L., Erzurumlu, S.S., Nersessian, D. (2020). Systems Thinking as a Tool for Teaching Undergraduate Business Students Humanistic Management. Humanistic Management Journal. link
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Levesque, M., Joglekar, N., Tanrisever, F. (2019). How angel know-how shapes ownership sharing in stage-based contracts. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Vol: 43, Issue: 4, Page: 773-801. link
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Canakoglu, E., Erzurumlu, Y. (2018). How data-driven entrepreneur analyzes imperfect information for business opportunity evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol: 65, Issue: 4, Page: 604-617.
- Erzurumlu, S.S. (2018). What can the innovator learn from the operations manager? An operations view of innovation strategy. IEEE Engineering Management Review. Vol: 46, Issue: 2, Page: 97-102.
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Yu, W. (2018). Development and deployment dynamics of sustainability-driven innovations in the electricity and energy utilities industry. Journal of High Technology Management Research, The. Vol: 29, Issue: 1.
- Erzurumlu, S.S. (2017). 4Cs of innovation: A conceptual framework for evaluating innovation strategy. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol: 45, Issue: 3.
- Deets, S.G., Greenberg, D., Erzurumlu, S.S., Hunt, J.M., Manwaring, M.M., Rodgers, V.L., Swanson, E. (2017). Signing to Living PRME: Learning from a Journey Towards Responsible Management Education. The International Journal of Management Education. Vol: 15, Issue: 2, Page: 205-218.
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Erzurumlu, Y.O. (2015). Sustainable mining development with community using design thinking and multi-criteria decision analysis. Resources Policy. Vol: 46, Issue: 1, Page: 6-14. Pergamon Press. link
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Davies, J., Joglekar, N. (2014). Managing Highly Innovative Projects: The Influence of Design Characteristics on Project Valuation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol: 61, Issue: 2, Page: 349 - 361. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. link
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Erzurumlu, Y.O. (2013). Development and deployment drivers of clean technology innovations. Journal of High Technology Management Research, The. Vol: 24, Issue: 2, Page: 100-108. Pergamon Press.
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Rollag, K.W. (2013). Increasing Student Interest and Engagement with Business Cases by Turning Them into Consulting Exercises. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education. Vol: 11, Issue: 4, Page: 359–381. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc..
- Erzurumlu, S.S. (2013). The compatibility of durable goods with contingent generic consumables. Omega - The International Journal of Management Science. Vol: 41, Issue: 3, Page: 574-585. Pergamon Press.
- Bell, J.E., Erzurumlu, S.S., Fowler, H. (2012). Deploying Sustainability at Solea. IMA Educational Case Journal. Vol: 5, Issue: 2, Page: 1-11. Institute of Management Accountants.
- Tanrısever, F., Erzurumlu, S.S., Joglekar, N. (2012). Production, Process Investment and the Survival of Debt Financed Startup Firms. Production and Operations Management. Vol: 21, Issue: 4, Page: 637–652. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc..
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Gilbert, S.M., Ramachandran, K. (2010). To Share or To Compete: Managing Revenue Streams for Innovations in Markets with Network Effects. Technology, Operations, and Management. Vol: 2, Issue: 1.
- Erzurumlu, S.S. (2010). Collaborative Product Development with Competitors to Stimulate Downstream Investment. Vol: 14, Issue: 4, Page: 1-30.
Cases and Teaching Notes
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Erzurumlu, Y. (2019). Eureka.com: Moving from start-up to scale-up.
- Erzurumlu, S.S. (2018). Preserve: Growing a sustainable goods company . Babson College.
- Bell, J.E., Erzurumlu, S.S., Fowler, H. (2013). Better Tomorrow at Sodexo North America. The Case Centre.
- Bell, J.E., Erzurumlu, S.S., Fowler, H. (2013). Better Tomorrow at Sodexo North America: Teaching Note. The Case Centre.
- Erzurumlu, S.S. (2013). Note on Innovation Management. Babson College.
- Erzurumlu, S.S. (2012). Goldlake/Eurocantera Honduras. Babson College.
- Erzurumlu, S.S. (2012). Goldlake/Eurocantera Honduras: Teaching Note. Babson College.
Book Chapters
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Joglekar, N., Levesque, M. (2017). Business startup operations: The Routledge Companion to Production and Operations Management. Routledge .
- Bell, J.E., Erzurumlu, S.S., Fowler, H. (2013). Better Tomorrow at Sodexo North America: Sustainability in Supply Chain Management Casebook: Applications In SCM. Issue: 1st. Pearson.
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Joglekar, N., Tanrisever, F. (2013). Operational hedging strategies to overcome financial constraints for clean technology start-up and growth: Small and Medium Enterprises: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Page: 1044-1063. IGI Publishing.
- Erzurumlu, S.S. (2012). Collaborative Product Development for Competing Suppliers: Perspectives on Supplier Innovation: Theories, Concepts and Empirical Insights on Open Innovation and the Integration of Suppliers (Series on Technology Management). Page: 129-168. Imperial College Press.
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Tanrisever, F., Joglekar, N. (2011). Operational Hedging Strategies to Overcome Financial Constraints during Clean Technology Start-up and Growth: Advanced Analytics for Green and Sustainable Development: Supply Chain Models and Financial Technologies. Page: 112-131. IGI Global.
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Anderson Jr., E.G., Davis-Blake, A., Joglekar, N.R., Parker, G.G. (2008). The Effects of Outsourcing, Offshoring, and Distributed Product Development Organization on Coordinating the NPD Process: Handbook of New Product Development.
Conference Proceedings
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Canakoglu, E., Erzurumlu, Y. (2018). Data-driven entrepreneurship: A data analysis approach to business opportunity evaluation. Academy of Management.
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Joglekar, N., Levesque, M., Tanrisever, F. (2015). Seeking early-stage financing and know-how: A formal assessment of contingent contract. Academy of Management.
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Joglekar, N., Lévesque, M., Tanrisever, F. (2013). Avoiding capability traps through contingent contracts: The role of cash and knowhow in startups: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Vol: 33. Babson College.
- Erzurumlu, S.S., Joglekar, N., Lévesque, M., Tanrisever, F. (2013). Avoiding capability traps through contingent contracts: The role of cash and knowhow in startups: Academy of Management Proceedings. Page: 11019-11029. Academy of Management.
- Erzurumlu, S.S. (2012). Operations Design to Enhance ARPA-E Funding for Transformational Clean Technology Startups: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Vol: 32, Page: 61-75. Babson College, Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship.
- Mancha, R., Erzurumlu, S.S. (2017). 5 Digital Super Powers: An Approach to Sustainability with Digital Technologies: Research and Practice Blog. link
- Erzurumlu, S.S. (2013). Will the Real Sustainability Leader Please Stand Up?: TriplePundit: The MBA Series. TriplePundit. link
- Erzurumlu, S.S., White, W., Crawford, M., Tremblay, T., Raney, J., Neuenschwander, A. (2003). Evaluation and validation of EO-1 and Landsat-7 imagery through an analysis of land cover/land use of rates of deforestation in Belize, Central America: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for NASA Belize.
- Erzurumlu, S.S., White, W.A., Crawford, M., Tremblay, T.A., Raney, J.A. (2002). Analysis of EO-1 ALI data to determine local impacts of Hurricane Iris on broadleaf forests in Belize, Central America: IEEE International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium, Toronto.
Articles - Circular or newsletter (e.g., Babson Insight)
- Erzurumlu, S.S. (2018). 5 digital technologies every business manager must understand for digital transformation. Page: 92-96. Skylife. link
- Erzurumlu, S.S. (2018). A new guide for entrepreneurs: Digital technologies. Skylife. link
- Erzurumlu, S.S. (2017). The Irresistible Rise of Internet of Things: The Irresistible Rise of Internet of Things. Skylife.
- Bhaskaran, S., Erzurumlu, S.S., Ramachandran, K. (2014). Patience pays off for startups: BizEd. BizEd. link
- Erzurumlu, S.S. (2014). The new leader’s guide to innovation: Basics for your first 90 days: Babson Insight. Babson College.