Victor Seidel
- Professor
- Metropoulos Term Chair in Innovation Management
Academic Division: Operations and Information Management
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, Stanford University
- MBA, Cambridge University
- BS, Cornell University
Academic Interest / Expertise
Product design and development;Online design communitiesPublications
Journal Articles
- Spanjol, J., Noble, C., Baer, M., Bogers, M.L., Bohlmann, J., Bouncken, R.B., Bstieler, L., De Luca, L.M., Garcia, R., Gemser, G., Grewal, D., Hoegl, M., Kuester, S., Kumar, M., Lee, R., Mahr, D., Nakata, C., Ordanini, A., Rindfleisch, A., Seidel, V.P., Sorescu, A., Verganti, R., Wetzels, M. (2024). Fueling innovation management research: Future directions and five forward-looking paths. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol: 41, Issue: 5, Page: 893-948. link
- Gillier, T., Seidel, V.P., Kazakci, A., Piat, G. (2024). Crafting Future Innovations: The Network Structure of Ideas for Visionary Product Concepts. Academy of Management Discoveries. Vol: 10, Issue: 4, Page: 611-629. Academy of Management. link
- Riedl, C., Seidel, V.P., Woolley, A.W., Kane, G.C. (2020). Make your crowd smart: Tailoring crowdsourcing based on the complexity of the innovation challenge. MIT Sloan Management Review. Vol: 61, Issue: 4, Page: 4. link
- Seidel, V.P., Hannigan, T.R., Phillips, N. (2020). Rumor communities, social media, and forthcoming innovations: The shaping of technological frames in product market evolution. Academy of Management Review. Vol: 45, Issue: 2, Page: 304-324. link
- Seidel, V.P., Fixson, S.K., Marion, T.J. (2020). Innovating how to learn design thinking, making, and innovation: Incorporating multiple modes in teaching the innovation process. INFORMS Transactions on Education. Vol: 20, Issue: 2, Page: 73-84. link
- Riedl, C., Seidel, V.P. (2018). Learning from mixed signals in online innovation communities. Organization Science. Vol: 29, Issue: 6, Page: 1010-1032. link
- Hannigan, T.R., Seidel, V.P., Yakis-Douglas, B. (2018). Product innovation rumors as forms of open innovation. Research Policy. Vol: 47, Issue: 5, Page: 953-964. link
- Seidel, V.P., Langner, B., Sims, J.P. (2017). Dominant Communities and Dominant Designs: Community-Based Innovation in the Context of the Technology Life Cycle. Strategic Organization. Vol: 15, Issue: 2, Page: 220-241. Sage. link
- Sims, J.P., Seidel, V.P. (2017). Organizations coupled with communities: The strategic effects on firms engaged in community-coupled open innovation. Industrial and Corporate Change. Vol: 26, Issue: 4, Page: 647-665. Oxford University Press. link
- Seidel, V.P., Packalen, K.A., O'Mahony, S. (2016). Help me do it on my own: How entrepreneurs manage autonomy and constraint within incubator organizations. Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Vol: 47, Page: 275-307. Emerald Group Publishing. link
- Langner, B., Seidel, V.P. (2015). Sustaining the Flow of External Ideas: The Role of Dual Social Identity across Communities and Organizations. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol: 32, Issue: 4, Page: 522-538. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.. link
- Seidel, V.P., Langner, B. (2015). Using an online community for vehicle design: Project variety and motivations to participate. Industrial and Corporate Change. Vol: 24, Issue: 3, Page: 635-653. Oxford University Press. link
- Seidel, V.P., O’Mahony, S. (2014). Managing the Repertoire: Stories, Metaphors, Prototypes, and Concept Coherence in Product Innovation. Organization Science. Vol: 25, Issue: 3, Page: 691-712. link
- Seidel, V.P., Fixson, S.K. (2013). Adopting Design Thinking in Novice Multidisciplinary Teams: The Application and Limits of Design Methods and Reflexive Practices. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol: 30, Issue: S1, Page: 19-33. Wiley. link
Book Chapters
- Fixson, S.K., Seidel, V.P., Bailey, J. (2015). Creating Space for Innovation: The Role of a "Design Zone" within a Business School: Evolving Entrepreneurial Education: Innovation in the Babson Classroom. Page: 217-234. Emerald Publishing.
- Seidel, V.P., Fixson, S.K. (2015). Design Thinking for Non-Designers: A Guide for Team Training and Implementation: Design Thinking: New Product Development Essentials from the PDMA. Page: 143-155. Wiley.
Book Reviews
- Seidel, V.P. (2014). Review of "The Pirate Organization: Lessons from the Fringes of Capitalism" by Durand and Vergne: Administrative Science Quarterly. Vol: 59, Issue: 3, Page: 31-34. Sage Publications, Inc.. link
Conference Proceedings
- Pham, C., Seidel, V.P. (2023). How innovation teams reframe problems across two dimensions of a design space: Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol: 2023, Issue: 1, Page: 11733. Academy of Management. link
- Riedl, C., Seidel, V.P. (2016). Design myopia and vicarious learning from good versus bad examples in creative design competitions: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. Vol: 2016, Issue: 1. Academy of Management.
- Marion, T.J., Fixson, S.K., Seidel, V.P. (2013). Teaching Innovation: It's not the Course, it's the Curriculum: Proceedings of the 20th International Product Development Management Conference.