profile image for William Mayborn

William Mayborn

  • Adjunct Lecturer
Academic Division: History & Society
William C. Mayborn is a scholar of Political Science, specifically International Security and Chinese Politics. He teaches Global Politics, Comparative Politics, China Today, U.S. Foreign Policy, and International Politics of Asia. He is currently researching North Korea's political control over its citizens.

Academic Degrees

  • Ph D, Boston College
  • MPIA, Texas A&M University
  • BA, University of Texas at Austin

Academic Interest / Expertise

International Security: deterrence and coercion, insurgencies and political violence, causes of war, and alliances. Comparative Politics: civil-military relations, bureaucracy, Chinese politics, and North Korean politics.


Journal Articles

  • Mayborn, W.C. (2019). Where are the Grown-Ups? Thinking about Anarchy with “Lord of the Flies”. Journal of Political Science Education. Page: 1--17. Taylor \& Francis.
  • Mayborn, W.C. (2014). The pivot to Asia: The persistent logics of geopolitics and the rise of China. Journal of Military and Strategic Studies. Vol: 15, Issue: 4.
  • Mayborn, W.C. (2010). Creating More Turmoil: Why UAV strikes Will Be Counterproductive in Yemen. Terrorism and Political Violence. Page: 480.

Book Reviews

  • Mayborn, W.C. (2020). Book Review of Lawrence Rubin and Adam N. Stulberg’s edited volume, The End of Strategic Stability? Nuclear Weapons and the Challenge of Regional Rivalries. Vol: 11, Issue: 1, Page: 240-241. Journal of Advanced Military Studies.
  • Mayborn, W.C. (2017). Book Review of Charlotte P. Lee’s Training the Party: Party Adaption and Elite Training in Reform-era China. Vol: 79, Issue: 4, Page: e74--e75. University of Chicago Press.
  • Mayborn, W.C. (2017). Book Review of Michael J. Green's By More Than Providence: Grand Strategy and American Power in the Asia Pacific Since 1783. Vol: 3, Issue: 2, Page: 81--85.


  • Mayborn, W.C. (2016). Ever vigilant: Chinese perceptions of adversarial alliances. Boston College.