William Mayborn
- Adjunct Lecturer
Academic Division: History & Society
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, Boston College
- MPIA, Texas A&M University
- BA, University of Texas at Austin
Academic Interest / Expertise
International Security: deterrence and coercion, insurgencies and political violence, causes of war, and alliances. Comparative Politics: civil-military relations, bureaucracy, Chinese politics, and North Korean politics.Publications
Journal Articles
- Mayborn, W.C. (2019). Where are the Grown-Ups? Thinking about Anarchy with “Lord of the Flies”. Journal of Political Science Education. Page: 1--17. Taylor \& Francis.
- Mayborn, W.C. (2014). The pivot to Asia: The persistent logics of geopolitics and the rise of China. Journal of Military and Strategic Studies. Vol: 15, Issue: 4.
- Mayborn, W.C. (2010). Creating More Turmoil: Why UAV strikes Will Be Counterproductive in Yemen. Terrorism and Political Violence. Page: 480.
Book Reviews
- Mayborn, W.C. (2020). Book Review of Lawrence Rubin and Adam N. Stulberg’s edited volume, The End of Strategic Stability? Nuclear Weapons and the Challenge of Regional Rivalries. Vol: 11, Issue: 1, Page: 240-241. Journal of Advanced Military Studies.
- Mayborn, W.C. (2017). Book Review of Charlotte P. Lee’s Training the Party: Party Adaption and Elite Training in Reform-era China. Vol: 79, Issue: 4, Page: e74--e75. University of Chicago Press.
- Mayborn, W.C. (2017). Book Review of Michael J. Green's By More Than Providence: Grand Strategy and American Power in the Asia Pacific Since 1783. Vol: 3, Issue: 2, Page: 81--85.
- Mayborn, W.C. (2016). Ever vigilant: Chinese perceptions of adversarial alliances. Boston College.