Faculty Resources

The Alumni office provides a variety of resources for faculty to nurture and facilitate connections with alumni in and out of the classroom.

Do you invite alumni to come back to campus to serve as guest speaker in your courses?

If so, be sure to take advantage of our Alumni in the Classroom program. Please share details about alumni classroom visits by completing our Alumni in the Classroom form and we’ll send you a personalized welcome sign for your alumni guest(s) and a complimentary gift(s) to thank them.

If you’re looking for speaker recommendations, we can also help with that. Please reach out to alumrel@babson.edu with some information about your course and the alumni speaker credentials you seek (e.g. alumni in finance in the Greater Boston area) and our team will compile a list of recommendations for your consideration.

Are you interested in reconnecting with alumni or making new connections at events?
The Alumni and Friends Network works with hundreds of volunteers around the world to host more than 350 events annually. We encourage you to attend as many events as your schedule permits. 

Do you have a new book or have you completed a recent research project?  Many of our events feature faculty as moderators, panelists, and keynote speakers. One of our volunteers or a member of the Alumni team might be in contact with you about speaking engagements at our local, regional, or global events that align with your areas of expertise. We also encourage you to reach out to us to propose speaking opportunities that showcase your thought leadership to our alumni network.

Are you traveling professionally or personally and have some time in your schedule to meet with alumni?
Kindly share your travel destination and availability with us by completing the Faculty Travel Form and we’ll work with you to make arrangements to host an alumni gathering during your trip.

Are you interested in researching a particular topic or looking for willing businesses to serve as collaborators/contributors for a case study?
Reach out to us for suggestions of interesting alumni stories and companies to highlight.

Would you like to survey alumni in support of a research project or solicit alumni feedback about a particular College initiative?
Reach out to us with some details about the scope and target audience for your survey and we’ll work with you to determine the best approach for engaging alumni to provide you with the feedback you seek.

Are you looking for a list of alumni businesses or want to engage with alumni entrepreneurs?
Check out Babson Street, our virtual marketplace of alumni-founded or owned businesses, featuring everything from apparel and fashion, food and beverage, professional services, hotels, and more.

In addition, as alumni share news about their business ventures or inquire about ways the College can promote their businesses, please encourage them to submit their company info on Babson Street so we can help them "set up shop".

Have you published a new book or journal article?
We are eager to share news about your latest publication(s) with alumni. Email us with some info about your publication(s), including a photo, and we’ll spread the word through various communications with our alumni including out monthly newsletter and social media channels.