Grid The Entrepreneur

2023 Pierce Alana

Alana Pierce

HEC Montréal, Canada
 *Award Winner - Kauffman Foundation Award for Best Research Translation*

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Summary: Entrepreneurs receive a lot of advice but its not always relevant and entrepreneurs do not always take it in. Instead of thinking of advice as something to take or leave, making advice, or co-producing advice through specific interactional moves can make advice more relevant and impactful. 

2023 Araki Michael

Michael Araki

University of Louisville, KY, United States

Research Translation Paper (pdf) »

Summary: Polymathic orientation empowers entrepreneurs to create unique, high-value ideas and challenge conventional wisdom by drawing on knowledge that diverges from others in the domain.

2023 Dodo Fardeen

Fardeen Dodo

University of Bologna, Italy

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Summary: Entrepreneurship does not always do good. And, the good and bad of entrepreneurial behaviour may not be best seen as a two-sided coin, given that each form of behaviour may a 'life' of its own.

2023 Dwyer Sean

Sean Dwyer

Baylor University, TX, United States

Research Translation Paper (pdf) »

Summary: Impulsive or perfectionistic? While these business practices can help business venture survival early on, they can become barriers to selling your business if left unchecked.

2023 Garcia Quevedo Diana

Diana Garcia Quevedo

ESCP Business School, France

Research Translation Paper (pdf) »

Summary: Understanding the implications of gender and adapting online posting wisely can help women eco-entrepreneurs navigate gender norms and stereotypes. They can create a positive impact in their venture while challenging gender norms in entrepreneurship.

2023 hammoda basel

Basel Hammoda

Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

Research Translation Paper (pdf) »

Summary: Entrepreneurship is often understood to be synonymous to creativity and innovation. This semantic interpretation or rather misinterpretation can lead new entrepreneurs into the trap of trying to come up with “one hell of a business idea” that makes them live happily ever after. This fondness with their idea might be a fast track to a destined failure though.

2023 Hill Nathaniel

Nathaniel Hill

University of South Carolina, United States

Research Translation Paper (pdf) »

Summary: While development research and practitioners have focused on factors that limit the capabilities of potential entrepreneurs, they have too often neglected the factors that make entrepreneurship undesirable even when feasible. The result is that those most capable and well-resourced in sub-Saharan Africa (the educated middle and upper class), are less likely to start a business as it is seen as an undesirable choice.

2023 Keller Laurine

Laurine Keller

Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Research Translation Paper (pdf) »

Summary: Organizations unknowingly lose employees by silent quitting and exodus into entrepreneurship - A guide for organizations to retain high-potential employees.

2023 Mokhtar Julia

Julia Mokhtar

Ghent University, Belgium

Research Translation Paper (pdf) »

Summary: Academic spin-offs are relevant to transform technologies from the university into commercialized products. However, academic entrepreneurs often do not possess the managerial know-how and thus need to seek support from their environment to improve their performance.

2023 Zhang Yi

Yi Zhang

Oklahoma State University, OK, United States

Research Translation Paper (pdf) »

Summary: Entrepreneurs aim to change the world and make life better, yet they often face a dilemma between their ambition and family life. This study is to show that family life is not conflicted with entrepreneurs’ ambition but instead is a pathway to entrepreneurs’ self-realization.