Babson Collaborative Branding and Logo Usage Guidelines

These guidelines are a resource to help build a consistent experience for our audiences, no matter where they are or how we are reaching them. Use of Babson identifiers other than on member institution websites or marketing collateral must be approved in advance by Babson. 

Members may request approval by contacting Jamie Kendrioski, Director of the Babson Collaborative.

Collaborative Member logos and Babson College name: General Use

Members of the Babson Collaborative are encouraged to represent their membership status on their website and marketing collateral—this excludes certificates, diplomas, or any other academic award.


Identity - Badge

Each member is permitted to use the Collaborative Member badge to indicate membership in the organization. Additional "Member Since (Year)" badges as in "Babson Collaborative for Entrepreneurship Education Member Since 2022" are available on demand.


Members are permitted to identify themselves as “a member of the Babson Collaborative for Entrepreneurship Education (founded and sponsored by Babson College)” or “a member of the Babson Collaborative (founded and sponsored by Babson College)” and may translate either phrase into a language other than English in a manner that does not change its meaning.

Collaborative Global Student Challenge


Identity - Logotype

The correct logotype for this is shown here. Alternatively, you may use your Babson Collaborative for Entrepreneurship Education Member logo and list ‘Global Student Challenge’ in text as shown.


Supplemental Graphic

In addition to the logotype for the Global Student Challenge, you may use the following supplemental graphic.


Be sure to call out ‘Global Student Challenge’ in text in headlines, subject lines, and other body copy so that your audience sees a consistent name for the challenge.

The annual Babson Collaborative Global Student Challenge involves a feasibility analysis of a new business concept that addresses the UN Sustainable Development Goals in a way that could ultimately result in the creation of a new venture.

The Challenge is completed in two phases: a local competition at each participating member institution to determine the top-placing student teams, followed by a global competition among the top-placing teams from each institution.

If not using your Babson Collaborative member logo as a visual in social posts, the following provides a good example of how you can refer to the local phase of the Challenge: “As a member of the Babson College Collaborative for Entrepreneurship Education, we are excited to announce this year’s Global Student Challenge!”

If not using your Babson Collaborative member logo as a visual in social posts, the following provides a good example of how you can refer to the global phase of the Challenge. When the identity is not shown, “College” should be added to your text.: “Congratulations to the team(s) from (School name) moving on to the semifinals of the Babson College Collaborative Global Student Challenge!”

Circle of Influence Member – Badge and Seal

After six years in the Babson Collaborative, member institutions transition into the Babson Collaborative Circle of Influence, an elevated level of membership that celebrates a member institution’s longevity in the Collaborative and their demonstrated collaboration, engagement, impact, and leadership within our organization.
Circle of Influence members are encouraged to represent this elevated membership status on their website and marketing collateral—this excludes certificates, diplomas, or any other academic award.


Identity - Badge

Circle members are permitted to use the Circle of Influence member badge to indicate their elevated level of membership.


Identity - Seal

Circle members are permitted to use the Circle of Influence member seal to indicate their elevated level of membership.


Members are permitted to identify themselves as “a member of the Babson Collaborative for Entrepreneurship Education Circle of Influence (founded and sponsored by Babson College)” or “a member of the Babson Collaborative Circle of Influence (founded and sponsored by Babson College)”, and may translate either phrase into a language other than English in a manner that does not change its meaning.

Did you know ...

Babson Collaborative for Entrepreneurship Education logos are registered trademarks

The logos must not be altered in any way. The logos may not be filled with graphics or photos, or covered with text or graphics, and changes to or approximation of the fonts is not permitted. Member organizations of the Babson Collaborative, including the Student Network, are not permitted to use the Babson College logo alone. Logos must always carry the Babson Collaborative information as shown.

Representation of Membership and Affiliation 

Babson College is the sole and exclusive owner of the names “Babson College,” “The Babson Collaborative for Entrepreneurship Education,” “The Babson Collaborative” and of all abbreviations and variations of those names and of the associated trade-marks, logos, and good will (collectively, the “Babson Names” or “Marks”).


Babson Collaborative