Holidays & Holy Days

Religious Holidays & Holy Days

The Office of Religious & Spiritual Life (ORSL) strives to support our students, staff and faculty practice their faith and participate in their religious holiday/holy days.

The list below is not exhaustive;* it includes major holidays of most religions practiced at Babson but by no means are all religions represented. Please let our office know immediately if your religion is not represented or if we have any incorrect dates.


These calendars were created for the Babson community to be more aware of religious holidays and to make accommodations as they see fit for holidays that require food and work restrictions.

Students, please inform your professor at the beginning of the semester if you would need to be accommodated for any religious holiday.

Fall 2022

Date(s) Event Faith/Religion Practice
8/24/22-9/1/22 Parysana Festival Jainism Food, Work Restrictions
8/31/22 Ganesh Chaturthi Hinduism Celebration
9/1/22-9/10/22 Das Lakshan Parva Jainism Food Restrictions
9/8/22 Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos Orthodox Christian Observance
9/12/22-9/16/22 Ghambar Paitishem Zoroastrianism Observance
9/14/22 The Elevation of the Holy Cross Orthodox Church Food, Work Restrictions
9/21/22 Festival Higan-e Buddhism Observance
9/21/22-9/29/22 Mabon Wicca, Paganism Observance
9/26/22-9/27/22 Rosh Hashanah Judaism Work Restrictions
9/26/22-10/5/22 Navarati/Dassehra Hindu Observance
10/5/22 Yom Kippur Judaism Food, Work Restrictions
10/5/22 Dasara/Dusserah Hindu Food, Work Restrictions
10/7/22-10/9/22 Mawlid-an-Nabi Islam Observance, Celebration
10/10/22-10/16/22 Sukkot Judaism Work Restrictions
10/12/22-10/16/22 Ghamber Ayathrem Zoroastrian Observance
10/17/22 Shemini Atzeret Judaism Work Restrictions
10/18/22 Simchat Torah Judaism Food, Work Restrictions
10/20/22 Granth Sahib Ji as Guru Sikh Observance
10/24/22 Diwali Hindu, Jain, Sikh Celebration
10/25/22-10/26/22 Birth of the Bàb Bahá'í Observance
10/26/22-10/27/22 Birth of Bahá'u'lláh Bahá'í Observance
10/31/22 Samhain Wicca, Pagan, Celtic Observance
10/31/22 Reformation Day Protestant Christian Observance
10/31/22 All Hallows Eve Christian Observance
11/1/22 All Saints Day Christian Observance
11/2/22 All Souls Day Catholic Christian Observance
11/7/22-11/8/22 Dev Deepawali Hindu, Jain, Sikh Observance
11/15/22-12/24/22 Nativity Fast Orthodox Christian Food Restrictions
11/21/22 Presentation of the Theotokos Orthodox Christian Observance
11/26/22 Day of Covenant Bahá'í Observance
11/27/22-12/24/22 Advent Catholic, Protestant Christian Observance
11/28/22-11/29/22 Ascension of Abdu'l-Baha Bahá'í Observance
12/8/22 Bodhi Day Buddhist Celebration
12/8/22 Feast of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Christian Celebration
12/12/22 Our Lady of Guadalupe Christian Catholic Observance
12/16/22-12/24/22 Posadas Navidenas Hispanic Christian Celebration
12/19/22-12/26/22 Chanukah Judaism Observance
12/21/22 Yule Pagan Observance
12/24/22 Christmas Eve Christian Observance
12/25/22 Christmas Christian Observance
12/25/22 Feast of the Nativity of Jesus Christ Orthodox Christian Observance
12/26/22 Zarathosht Diso Zoroastrian Observance
12/26/22-1/1/23 Kwanzaa African Heritage Observance
12/31/22 Watch Night Christian Observance

Spring 2023

Date(s) Event Faith/Religion Practice
1/1/23 Solemnity of Mary Catholic Christian Observance
1/6/23 Epiphany Catholic Christian Observance
1/6/23 Theophany Orthodox Christian Observance
1/7/23 Mahayana New Year Buddhist Observance
1/7/23 Christmas Day Rastafarian Observance
1/9/23 Nativity of Christ Orthodox Christian Observance
1/15/23-1/18/23 Pongal Hindu Observance
1/22/23 Lunar New Year Confucian, Daoist, Buddhist Observance
2/1/23-2/2/23 Imbolc Wicca, Paganism Observance
2/6/23 Tu BiShvat Judaism Observance
2/15/23 Nirvana Day Buddhist, Jain, Sikh Observance
2/17/23-2/18/23 Laylat al-Isra’wa al-Mi’raj Islam Observance
2/18/23 Maha Shivaratri Hindu Observance
2/21/23 Losar Buddhist Celebration
2/21/23 Sri Ramakrishna Jayanti Hindu Celebration
2/22/23 Ash Wednesday Catholic, Protestant Christian Food Restrictions, Observance
2/22/23-4/6/23 Lent Christian Observance
2/27/23 Great Lent/​Clean Monday Orthodox Christian Food Restrictions
3/1/23-3/20/23 19 Day Fast Bahá'í Food Restrictions
3/7/23 Purim Judaism Celebration
3/7/23-3/8/23 Laylat-al-Bara’ah Islam Observance
3/8/23 Holi Hindu, Jain, Sikh Celebration
3/16/23-3/20/23 Ghambar Hamaspathmaedem Zoroastrianism Celebration
3/20/23 Ostara Pagan Observance
3/21/23-3/22/23 Naw Ruz Bahá'í, Zoroastrianism Work Restrictions
3/22/23-4/21/23 Ramadan Islam Food Restrictions
3/28/23-4/6/23 Navpad Oli Jainism Food Restrictions
3/30/22 Shouter Liberation Day Spiritual Baptist Celebration, Observance
4/2/23 Palm Sunday Catholic, Protestant Christian Observance
4/4/23 Mahavir Swami Jayanti Jainism Observance
4/5/23-4/13/23 Pesach/​Passover Judaism Food, Work Restrictions
4/6/23 Holy Thursday/​Maundy Thursday Catholic, Protestant Christian Observance
4/6/23 Theravada New Year Buddhism Observance
4/6/23 Hanukman Jayanti Hinduism Observance
4/7/23 Good Friday Catholic, Protestant Christian Observance
4/8/23 Holy Saturday Catholic, Protestant Christian Observance
4/8/23 Vesak Buddhist Celebration
4/9/23 Easter Catholic, Protestant Christian Observance
4/9/23 Palm Sunday Orthodox Christian Food Restrictions
4/14/23 Baisakhi/​Vaisakhi Hindu, Sikh Celebration
4/14/23 Holy Friday Orthodox Christian Food Restrictions
4/15/23 Nav Varsh Hinduism Celebration
4/16/23 Easter Orthodox Christian Observance
4/18/23 Laylat al Qadr Islam Food Restrictions
4/19/23 Yom HaShoah Judaism Observance
4/21/23-4/22/23 Eid al-Fitr Islam Celebration, Work Restrictions
4/21/23-5/2/23 Ridvan Bahá'í Work Restrictions
4/21/23 Grounation Day Rastafarian Celebration
5/1/23 Beltane Pagan Observance
5/4/23 National Day of Prayer Interfaith Observance
5/18/23 Ascension Day Catholic, Protestant Christian Observance
5/23/23 Declaration of the Bab Bahá'í Work Restrictions
5/26/23-5/27/23 Shavuot Judaism Work Restrictions
5/26/23 Buddha Day Buddhist Observance
5/28/23 Pentecost Christian Observance
5/29/23 Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh Bahá'í Work Restrictions

Calendar Key

Celebration: Special Occasion/Festival-like holiday that could focus on a deity, guru/prophet/saint/idol/spiritual teacher, community, cultural, special prayers and rituals. A special celebration for a new year, the meaning of the holiday and/or historical/spiritual context.

Food Restrictions: Fasting, certain foods prohibited/forbidden to consume, or special food preparation.

Observances: An essential holiday to those who observe and participate.

Work Restrictions: Attendance and presence is required during this holiday, those who observe may have to travel, be with family or religious community. Some holidays participants are required to cease from working.

* Please Note:

  • The Islamic Calendar is lunar—dates are flexible and change depending on the location of the moon.
  • Baháʼí, Jewish and Muslim holidays begin at the sunset on the evening before the date listed.
  • ORSL notices that two significant groups aren’t represented. African Cosmology & Spirituality and Indigenous (Native American) Spirituality & Sacred days. As we continue to gather information their observances, rites and rituals, we do acknowledge that many if not all of their holy days should be taken into consideration for accommodation.

We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.”

– Malala Yousafzai