Requirements and Application

This Intensity Track was designed to extend your learning beyond the classroom. You'll gain real-world experience and competencies in creating social impact in any sector and role. You can also connect to expanded resources and networks that are valuable in driving social innovation throughout your career. 

Submit your application to pursue the Business & Social Innovation Intensity Track.

You may apply at any time, but we recommend you do so as soon as possible. This not only lets us know your interest and intent, but allows us to reach out to you with opportunities, events, and resources that may help you on your social innovation pathway.

As a Babson student, gain real-world experience creating social and economic value simultaneously.

The Social Innovation Experience could be:

Throughout your experience, you must learn directly from at least one entrepreneurial leader who is creating sustainable social value, whether in the private or social sector. You may also be in a cohort of purpose-obsessed change leaders.

Attend three Uncommon Tables or other Institute for Social Innovation events. These are opportunities to share generative conversations, give and take resources, and make in-person connections with experts and luminaries.

The typical Uncommon Table event is an open conversation with a values-driven entrepreneurial leader. We expect our Intensity Track students to bring their curiosity and actively engage in the conversation.

The Institute for Social Innovation is the academic partner for Meaningful Business, a curated global network of values-based leaders who are combining purpose and profit to help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Host a virtual or hybrid Uncommon Table and/or Speed-Gifting event with a Meaningful Business 100 (MB100) leader about how they're achieving sustainable, positive impact.

We encourage you to co-host the event with a student club that may be interested in the leader, industry, or topic. This also helps to build the "Uncommon Table."

The Institute will provide a brief guide for how to host the event.

Students must read:

  • Imaginal Cells: Visions of Transformation, edited by Kim Polman and Stephen Vasconcellos-Sharpe
  • The Art of Noticing by Rob Walker
  • one Project ROI action research report, co-authored by the Institute for Social Innovation and Impact ROI
  • Corporate Social Innovation (pdf) by Phil Mirvis and Bradley Googins

Then write a one-page reflection answering the following questions: 

  • What is one takeaway from these readings that you will apply to your approach in driving social impact and innovation? Why is it important to you and how might you apply it?
  • How has your experience with the Institute for Social Innovation impacted you? What are you taking with you and how do you hope to apply it in your life and career?


Questions about the Business & Social Innovation Intensity Track? Email Jen MacDonald.

Ryan Ross

Being affiliated with the Institute for Social Innovation, as well as pursuing this intensity track, was the human portion of my graduate studies. In a lot of classes, you learn about theories and formulas. But in this Intensity Track, you learn about interacting with people and solving problems. At the end of the day, that’s what life and business should be about.

Ryan Ross MBA'20
2019 intensity track graduates

Social Innovation Designation

Students who have successfully completed the intensity track requirements can use the "Business and Social Innovation Intensity Track" qualification on their résumés, LinkedIn profiles, and other personal and professional documents. Students and alumni can work with Grad CCD and the Institute for Social Innovation to communicate this intentional focus more broadly.

2019 FutureLab class

“For me, the Social Innovation Intensity Track was a total breakthrough...”

When I decided to do an MBA abroad, I had this feeling that I needed to use my skills and knowledge in a more impactful way. Here, I developed that confidence. Most important of all, what this Intensity Track means for me is being part of a community of great peers, classmates, faculty, entrepreneurs, and like-minded people who are really authentic and have no fear of following their passion.

- Antonio Simonetti Toro MBA’20