students teaching Tanzanian youth

Service Immersion

Service immersion trips allow Babson students to engage in intensive service experiences with communities in need during campus breaks and through reflective activities, promote civic engagement, leadership development, and appreciation of diversity.

The program challenges students to participate in an extended and intensive service experience during the College’s breaks. These experiential learning opportunities help students develop a sense of personal identity and community, as well as an understanding of important societal issues, while helping others who are in need of assistance. Each trip provides the opportunity to meet new people, visit new places, and learn new skills. Service Immersion can be a very rewarding, and often life-changing experience.

Babson student teaching Tanzanian youth

The Service Immersion Experience

Get a glimpse into why students volunteer their college breaks in service to others.

Staff and Faculty Opportunity

Any and all Babson staff or faculty interested in co-leading a service immersion trip—apply today!