
Under the following circumstances, the Babson College Police Department will conduct a prompt and thorough internal investigation in accordance with its procedures:

If the alleged abuse of a child has taken place on property owned or controlled by Babson College, in or on a College facility, at a Babson-sponsored event, or if the alleged perpetrator is employed by or associated with Babson College.

If the allegations are against a person who is no longer employed by or associated with Babson College, but occurred while the accused was employed by or affiliated with Babson College.

Other incidents involving accident or injury may be investigated by the Babson College Police Department, the Title IX Coordinator or other College personnel, as may be necessary or appropriate.

All injuries occurring while under the supervision of Babson College Programs must be reported within 12 hours of the incident to the office of Youth Protection at castrataro@babson.eduInjury Report Form

All members of the Babson community are required to cooperate fully and truthfully with the investigation. In the interests of safety for all involved, Babson may take appropriate interim action regarding an accused faculty member, staff, other employee, student, volunteer, or External Party until the investigation is completed.

Babson College Police Department and/or an authorized College official will conduct a prompt internal investigation upon receipt of a report of an issue or concern relating to Minors or Vulnerable Adults in any Program as set forth in the Procedures.


Reporting Requirements

Massachusetts law requires Mandated Reporters to make an immediate, oral report to the Department of Children and Families (DCF), law enforcement or any equivalent agency, when, in their professional capacity, they have reasonable cause to believe that a child under the age of 18 is suffering from abuse and/or neglect including, but not limited to sexual misconduct or bullying. This Policy requires all Babson College faculty, staff, students, volunteers, and other members of the Babson community to comply with applicable reporting requirements.

If you see something, say something. Every member of the College community has an obligation to report immediately instances or suspected instances of the abuse or inappropriate interactions with Minors or Vulnerable Adults.  This includes information about suspected abuse, neglect, or inadequate care provided.  Mandated Reporters must first notify (orally and directly) the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and the Babson College Police Department.

Report to Department of Children and Families (DCF)

DCF is to be contacted immediately in situations where a Minor or Vulnerable Adult is at immediate risk of harm or the victim of a criminal act. 

Report to the College

Reports are to be made promptly to the Babson College Police Department after reporting to DCF.

Following reports to DCF and the Babson College Police Department (when appropriate) all incidents, major and minor, involving Program participants or staff members are to be reported to the Office of Summer and Youth Programs.  The Program Director or their designee shall submit the report via the College’s Incident Report Form within 12 hours following the Incident

Policy Violations

Any person found to have violated this Policy (Click here to download the full policy) will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, expulsion, or removal from enrollment and/or services.  Any person found to have violated this Policy may also be banned from all Babson property and barred from participating in any Babson program, activity or event.  To the extent applicable, contracts or business relationships may also be cancelled. Violations may also lead to civil or criminal liability, and referrals will be made to law enforcement as appropriate.

Periodic Internal Audit

To ensure ongoing compliance, including compliance with applicable federal and state laws, this policy will be reviewed periodically and updated as appropriate. A periodic internal audit will also be conducted to ensure that all Babson personnel responsible for the processes described above are applying these policies in a consistent and standard manner as intended.