Student Accountability Process

You’ve Received a Community Standards Letter. Now What?

We recommend reviewing the 2024-2025 Community Code of Student Conduct (pdf) prior to your meeting so that you are fully prepared. The Community Code of Student Conduct outlines all of the College’s policies and student conduct procedures.

Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Violations

Meet with a Student Accountability Officer

In your letter, there will be a date and time set for you to meet with a member of Babson College's Staff, a Student Accountability Officer.  

Educational Conference

  • Meeting with a Student Accountability Officer
  • Student will be asked to share their perspective on the incident


  • Director of Community Standards (or designee)

OR when the Director hears the case

  • Vice President of Learner Success and Dean of Campus Life (or designee)

Board Hearing

  • Due to the alleged violation input is needed from the larger community
  • Composition of the Board:
    • Student Chairperson
    • Two Undergraduate Students
    • One Faculty/Staff Member (for undergraduate students)


  • Vice President of Learner Success and Dean of Campus Life (or designee)

There may be opportunity to resolve an allegation or an inter-personal conflict though Restorative Practices. If possible, a Student Accountability Officer will connect with you to discuss options and opportunities.