Respiratory Illness

respiratory Virus Information and Resources

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site for more information about respiratory illness , including frequently asked questions about symptoms, how to protect yourself, what to do if you're sick, and other pertinent information.

Department of Public Health

Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Visit the Massachusetts Department of Public Health site for state specific respiratory illness information, including vaccination sites, masking, treatments and quarantine and isolation guidance.

Babson Green #064
Summer 2024 Hours
Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Closed Daily 12–1 p.m.

As respiratory virus circulates on campus and throughout the region, Student Health Services continues to monitor infection rates, and will make recommendations accordingly. Recently, The Massachusetts Department of Public Health have updated the respiratory virus guidelines. Therefore, Student Health Services has made updates to student policies in relation to the new guidelines. 

At Babson, COVID-19 vaccination is no longer a requirement for students, though keeping up to date with COVID-19 vaccine is strongly recommended to protect against severe disease complications. Flu shots are not required, but are strongly recommended annually. Health Services will continue to monitor the impact of respiratory illness on our community and will provide updates regarding changes as needed. As always, please stay home if you are not feeling well!

Health Services has amended some protocols that we want the community to be aware of.

Masking for Patients and Visitors in the Health Center

Masking provides protection against many illnesses, especially when indoors or in crowded places. As we monitor infections rates throughout the semester, Student Health Services will determine if masking is necessary when visiting our office. Please adhere to signs posted on the office door. Masks continue to be available for students in the dispenser outside the entrance, front desk, and in the exam rooms. Individuals at higher risk of respiratory virus complications are strongly recommended to use a higher quality face mask, included KN95 or double masking. 

Masking for Health Services Staff

The staff of health Services will wear masks during patient visits. 

Respiratory Illness Symptom Evaluation 

Health Services provides symptom evaluation and testing by appointment only. Please call Health Services at 781-239-6363 to schedule an appointment.

Rapid COVID-19 antigen tests for home use are encouraged and are readily available for purchase at major pharmacies.

If a Student Has Symptoms of a Respiratory Illness

If you have new symptoms of a respiratory virus, such as a fever, sore throat, cough, or nasal congestion, you should stay home and stay away from others. Students with symptoms and those testing positive for a respiratory virus should review the current respiratory isolation guidance provided by the MA Department of Public Health. Students are no longer required to report positive COVID-19 infections to Student Health Services. 

Sick students and those who test positive, if unable to isolate off campus, will isolate in place in their residence hall and may begin to resume normal activities with precautions when fever free for at least twenty-four hours without the use of fever reducing medicines AND other respiratory symptoms are improving. For the 5 days following return to normal activities, please avoid crowded indoor spaces and wear a mask anytime you are indoors around others. Avoid spending time with people are are at increased risk for severe disease and be sure to wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer containing at least sixty percent alcohol. 

Isolate In Place Resource: A resource for students with a respiratory virus and roommates

If a Student is Exposed to Respiratory Virus

Students with a known exposure to a respiratory virus should review the current exposure guidance on the MA DPH website. Regardless of vaccination status, quarantine is not necessary after a respiratory virus exposure unless symptoms develop. If exposed to someone with a respiratory virus, consider masking indoors when around others, avoiding crowded spaces, wash hands or use hand sanitizer often, monitor for symptoms, and stay home if any symptoms of illness develop. 

Thank you for your efforts to keep our community safe and healthy. Please let Health Services know if you have any questions. 

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