Wellness & Prevention Services

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Wellness & Prevention Services supports population-level health, wellbeing, and safety through an evidence-based, environmental, community-oriented, strategic prevention portfolio that is grounded in harm reduction, health promotion, peer education, and direct services.


A campus culture invested in primary prevention practices and informed decision making, resulting in a reduced need for intervention or treatment.

Scope of Service

Prevention & Education

  • Programming and communication at the macro/mezzo levels to increase knowledge and skills, address negative perceptions, and provide referrals to direct services
  • Raising awareness through educational programs, events and social marketing designed to change environmental factors that can contribute to high-risk situations
  • Fostering communities and spaces that support informed decision making
  • Influencing campus policy development and enforcement alongside campus stakeholders

Direct Services

  • Confidential, empowerment-based, trauma-informed intervention, support, and advocacy for students who are:
    • impacted by sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment, stalking, or intimate partner violence;
    • are in crisis related to sexual/relationship violence and require care after hours or when the College is otherwise closed;
    • are impacted by use and misuse of alcohol and/or other drugs;
    • are actively seeking or in addiction recovery management
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