Accommodations Policies and Procedures

Babson College welcomes students with disabilities to participate fully in all aspects of their college experience.

Students, instructors, and Accessibility Services have responsibilities in the process of ensuring that students receive the reasonable accommodations necessary for their full access to all programs, services, and benefits of the institution. The eligibility determination process is not a same-day process, therefore, it is recommended that documentation, as appropriate, be submitted well in advance of any accommodation related need(s). Reasonable accommodations are determined on an individual basis through an interactive process after consultation with the student and a review of the student's medical documentation.

Accessibility Services is responsible for evaluating and coordinating services for students with disabilities. Students are responsible for identifying themselves to Accessibility Services as a person seeking accommodation(s). The staff will seek to implement accommodations preferred by the student making the request, and at times, may consult with individual faculty members, academic departments, and other academic and administrative offices to evaluate whether a requested accommodation meets the above definition of "reasonable". Accommodations will be considered reasonable when they do not fundamentally alter the nature of a program, course, or service or present an undue financial or administrative burden to the College.

Babson College is not responsible for ensuring accommodations for students who do not identify directly to Accessibility Services, nor is Babson College responsible for ensuring accommodations retroactively if a student has identified after completion of an academic project or requirement, after a deadline, etc. Failure to follow the policies and procedures may mean that accommodations cannot take place as planned.

Policies and Procedures in white text over a picture of Hollister Hall and blue background

Accessibility Services encourages all students to meet with the staff to discuss other reasonable accommodations. Students should schedule an appointment with Accessibility Services staff before the start of the semester, or as early in the semester as possible, to discuss accommodation requests.

Request Academic Accommodations

Extra Time Accommodations

Should you be approved for an extra time accommodation, we would like to include a few recommendations regarding scheduling of classes. Below, you will find the time required to have between courses to avoid an academic conflict due to extra time. An academic conflict due to extra time is when the extended exam time runs over the start time of another course. If the time between your courses is less than the key given below, you have an academic conflict; and you will not be allowed to miss the course following your exam.

1.5x Extra Time
  • 4 credit: need at least 40 min before next course + travel time to class
2.0x Extra Time
  • 4 credit: need at least 90 min before next course + travel time to class

The Department of Accessibility Services (DAS) recommends that you consider implementing the following model for your classes:

Two Monday/Wednesday courses

  • One course in the morning and one course in the afternoon

Two Tuesday/Thursday courses

  • One course in the morning and one course in the afternoon

Some courses will include timed assessments. The table below indicates the extra time you will receive based on the course’s credit hour value and your approved accommodation. We recommend allowing at least the amount of time specified, plus travel time to your next class, between your scheduled classes.

Adhering to this guideline will help you avoid academic conflicts related to extra time. Students with exam conflicts will work with DAS to reschedule their alternative testing exams.

The Glavin Office of International Education and the Accessibility Services are committed to providing equal educational opportunities for all students. The key to a successful experience for students is advance planning, as attitudes, accessibility, and accommodations for students may vary at different program sites.

Education Abroad

Before selecting an education abroad program students should meet with an Education Abroad Advisor in the Glavin Office of International Education to determine the program of best fit for their individual needs. In addition to assisting with program selection, the advisor can also speak with the program provider or overseas institution directly to help arrange for certain accommodations, and can help ensure that students will have access to resources that will make their Education Abroad experience a successful one. 

It is very important that accommodations are arranged before you matriculate. Prior approval may be necessary at some institutions, and it may not be possible to arrange accommodations upon arrival in the selected country.

The Office of Accessibility Services will send a letter to the Education Abroad program or exchange partner verifying approved accommodations at Babson College. Please note that not all accommodations existing at Babson College may be available at Education Abroad programs or institutions.

To request accommodations abroad, students complete and submit the Education Abroad Accommodation Application. Be sure to include the following information:

  • Name of Education Abroad Institution
  • First and Last Name of Program Contact
  • Email of Program Contact

Please contact Accessibility Services with any questions.

Short Term Program

Prior to selecting a Short-Term Program, students should meet with a Short-Term Program Manager in the Glavin Office of International Education to determine which program is the best fit for their individual needs. In addition to assisting with program selection, the program manager can speak directly with the course's faculty, course administrator, third-party provider, and/or in-country partners to help arrange for certain accommodations, and can help ensure that students will have access to resources that will make their Short-Term Program experience a successful one.

To request Short-Term Program accommodations students complete and submit the Short Term Programs Application Form. Be sure to include the following information in your application:

  • Name and dates of Short-Term Program
  • First and Last Name of Program Manager
  • Email of Program Manager

Accessibility Services will send a letter to the Short-Term Program Manager and to the faculty leading the short-term program verifying approved accommodations.

Additional Resources

Student Testimonial
Accommodations Abroad

Other Resources

  • Mobility Deck: Eight disability travel bloggers share their experiences engaging the world.
  • Mental Health Abroad/Student Stories: England, Exams, Mental Health, and Me Facing Disabilities Abroad: A Few Steps 4 Steps to Stay Mentally Healthy Abroad
  • Go Tips for planning travel abroad with a physical disability.
  • Mobility International USA: Provides information on education and travel abroad for people with accessibility needs. Includes resources on access, inclusive practices and advocacy and individual reflections of experiences abroad.
  • Country Specific Information on Accessibility from the University of Minnesota
  • U.S. Department of State: Provides tips for students with disabilities for selecting a program, preparing to go, and living abroad.
  • Transitions Abroad: Resources, Programs, and Stories for intentions to go abroad with the focus on accessibility.

Please contact Accessibility Services with any questions. For more resources on receiving accommodations abroad, please visit the Glavin Office of International Education.

Accessible Parking

There are accessible parking spots in every parking lot on campus. To apply for an accessible parking sticker/medical decal, you must provide a doctor’s letter and appropriate documentation to the Department of Public Safety. To receive more information, contact the Department of Public Safety at 781-239-5555,, or you may visit them at the Public Safety Building located along Sullivan Road next to Forest Hall.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Medical and Safety Escorts

The Babson College Public Safety Department assists in providing medical, counseling, accessibility, and safety escorts to Babson College and Olin College students. To learn more about this process, please visit the Department of Public Safety's page on Medical and Safety Escorts.

Accessibility Guide

The Babson College Accessibility Guide for Classrooms and Office Spaces provides detailed information on barrier-free environments with features like wheelchair access, assistive technology, and clear signage. To access the guide, please click on this link Accessibility Guide.

Babson College recognizes that some students have special dietary needs. Students seeking a Dining & Meal Plan Accommodation due to disability must follow these steps.

  1. Ask your clinician to complete the Medical Documentation Form. Without proper documentation, your application will be considered incomplete.
  2. Please complete and submit a Dining & Meal Plan Accommodation application by clicking on the button below. To expedite the application review process, please be as thorough and specific as possible.
  3. As part of the interactive process, a student meeting is required. This meeting will only be scheduled after steps one and two have been completed. The Committee has set aside time to meet with students on Thursday mornings at 11:00 AM. 
  4. Any approval under this policy is valid for one academic year if approved prior to or during the fall semester. If the accommodation is approved after the fall semester, the approval is valid for the spring semester only. To receive the same accommodation in each academic year, students must resubmit only the Meal Plan Accommodation Request Form with supporting documentation.  Deadlines to resubmit a Meal Plan request form for the following academic year coincide with the student's spring semester course registration dates.

Dining & Meal Plan Policy for All Students Who Live On Campus

In accordance with the Undergraduate Housing License and Meal Plan Agreement, except as specifically outlined below, a meal plan is required for all undergraduate students who live in a residence hall. Returning students have the option to select a meal plan exempt residence on campus during the room selection process, if available. Meal plan exempt residences on campus include Woodland Hill 9, Woodland Hill 10, and select rooms in Bryant (107, 108, 109, 208, 209, 210).

Dining Wellness

Babson Dining Services is happy to support those students with food allergies and other dietary concerns. For an overview of services visit Wellness. For Nutritional Counseling please contact Student Health Services at 781-239-6363, to arrange a meeting with the Registered Dietitian.

Fueling Your Unique Lifestyle (FYUL) Program

Through the Fueling Your Unique Lifestyle (FYUL) Program guests will enjoy a variety of functional foods developed around sustainability, wellness, and allergen-friendly options. Our FYUL concept, located in Trim Dining Hall, removes 9 major allergens including gluten from all of its dishes. All of our food is produced at the station by our allergen-trained culinary team and served by our associates to help lessen cross-contact.

Accessibility Services at Babson College is responsible for collecting and holding disability documentation. The Office is committed to ensuring that information regarding a student remains confidential as required or permitted by law. Information will not be released without consent unless federal or state law requires it. Information will be shared with others in the College community on a need-to-know basis only. Refer to FERPA guidelines in the Student Handbook.

Babson College refers to the Guidelines for Documentation developed by The Association of Higher Education and Disability in verifying documentation submitted by students with specific disabilities. Students must submit current documentation (as appropriate) to verify the specific disability with Accessibility Services.

Documentation supplied by a licensed clinician must include recommendations for accommodations. The recommendations made by clinicians are weighed heavily in determinations of accommodations, but, are not binding in nature. Accessibility Services reserves the right to disagree/override recommendation made by a clinician. The nature of the disagreement with recommendations may be due to, but not limited to:

  • Differences in learning environments
  • Differences in missions from K-12 special education services and higher education
  • Lack of application between the disability and recommendation
  • Inappropriate use of the term “accommodation.”

Documentation Guidelines

We suggest that when you upload your documentation, you first read the documentation guidlines that most closely match your diagnoses. If you are not sure if your documentation meets criteria, please contact, and/or upload what you have. A member of our staff will reach out to you, should more documentation be required.

Babson College recognizes that some students have special housing needs related to medical and/or psychological conditions. Babson has set up a procedure to ensure that all requests are appropriately considered on an individualized basis. Requests for Medical Housing Accommodations are handled by the Babson College Medical Housing Review Committee. The Committee is comprised of staff members from Academic Services, Counseling Services (CAPS), Student Health Services, and Housing Operations. The Committee meets once a week to evaluate applications and determine eligibility for accommodations.

Undergraduate Dates and Deadlines

February 20 Fall Housing Deadline for students returning on-campus, and for students returning from Education Abroad programs
May 1 Summer Housing Deadline
June 23 Fall Housing for incoming First Year Students
September 15 Spring Housing for January Enrollment
October 14 Spring Housing for students returning from Education Abroad Programs

Graduate Housing

The College is unable to offer graduate student housing.​​​​​​​​

Transfer Housing

While Babson College will do all that it can to accommodate transfer students, we are unable to guarantee that we will be able to do so. Academic year assignments will be processed in late July/August based on availability and date of application. Spring assignments will be processed in December based on availability and date of application. Further information, instructions, and the application will be available on the Babson Student Portal.

For more information about Babson Housing, please visit the Housing Operations page, and the Residence Education page on the Babson Student Portal.

Housing Policies and Practices

  1. Introduction and Background
    Babson College recognizes the importance of providing reasonable accommodations in its housing policies and practices where necessary for individuals with disabilities to fully participate in the College housing program. This Policy explains the specific requirements and guidelines that govern requests for reasonable accommodations in College housing. Babson College reserves the right to amend this policy at any time as circumstances require.
  2. Procedure for Requesting Reasonable Accommodations
    Requests for Medical Housing Accommodations are handled by the Babson College Medical Housing Review Committee. The Committee is comprised of staff members from Academic Services, Counseling Services (CAPS), Student Health Services, and Housing Operations. The Committee meets once a week, on Wednesdays, to determine whether the requested accommodation is necessary and reasonable. Individuals with a disability who reside or intend to reside in College housing who believe they need a reasonable accommodation must contact Accessibility Services. Requests for reasonable accommodation in College housing policies and practices are governed by the following requirements:
    1. Requesting a Housing Accommodation
      1. A student with a disability must complete and submit the Online Housing and Dining Application to request a reasonable accommodation, with the necessary supporting documentation. For more information, please see “Documentation Requirements,” above. If the student requires assistance in completing the application because of their disability, Accessibility Services will provide assistance in completing the form.
      2. The Medical Housing Accommodation Committee meets once a week to review applications, and determine eligibility. Once the application and documentation is reviewed, the Committee will email the student with next steps.
      3. Any approval under this policy is valid for one academic year. If approved for Medical Housing for the spring semester only, students must apply for the fall semester as the fall semester constitutes the start of a new academic year. Students need to resubmit the Medical Housing Request Form with supporting documentation by the deadlines included above.
    2. Importance of Deadlines
      Babson College will accept and consider requests for reasonable accommodations in college housing at any time. Incomplete requests will delay the review process, and may result in a denial of the requested accommodation. Students who request and are approved for Medical Housing after the applicable deadline will be placed only if, and when, an appropriate space becomes available. Deadlines are established to allow requests to be evaluated prior to the general housing selection process. Medical Housing deadlines are purposefully set to take place the semester before an upcoming term of occupancy to guarantee that a placement can be made to fulfill a students’ needs. Students are advised to start the process early to allow adequate time to obtain necessary documentation by the stated deadline.
      1. Upcoming Semester Requests
        If the request for accommodation is made after the stated deadline for move into college housing in an upcoming semester, Babson College cannot guarantee that it will be able to meet the individual’s accommodation needs during the first semester or term of occupancy.
      2. Current Semester Requests
        If the need for an accommodation arises when an individual already resides in College housing, they should contact Accessibility Services and complete the application as soon as practicably possible. Babson College cannot guarantee that it will be able to meet the accommodation needs during the semester or term in which the request is received.
        Absent exceptional circumstances, the College will attempt to provide a written response to a reasonable accommodation request within fourteen business days of receiving the information described in the next section.
  3. Information that May Be Requested for Housing-Related Reasonable Accommodation Requests
    Accessibility Services shall limit its requests for information to only the information necessary to verify whether the student making the request has a disability and/or to evaluate if the reasonable accommodation is necessary to provide the student an equal opportunity to fully participate in College housing.
    1. Obvious Disability
      If the individual’s disability and the necessity for the accommodation are obvious (e.g. a student with a physical disability using a wheelchair needs an accessible room), the individual need only explain what type of accommodation they are requesting. No verification of disability and/or necessity is required under these circumstances.
    2. Non-Obvious Disability/Necessity
      1. If the disability is obvious but the need for the accommodation is not obvious, the College may require the individual to complete the Reasonable Accommodation Verification Form for Babson College Housing (“Verification Form”) and designate a health care provider or other professional who can verify that the requested accommodation is necessary to provide the individual an equal opportunity to fully participate in College housing.
      2. If the disability and necessity for the accommodation are not obvious, the Accessibility Services will require the individual to complete the Verification Form and designate a healthcare provider or other professional (e.g., a physician, optometrist, psychiatrist, psychologist, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner, or nurse), who can verify that the individual has a disability and that the requested accommodation is necessary to provide the individual an equal opportunity to fully participate in College housing.
      3. If the third party returns the Verification Form without sufficient information for Accessibility Services to determine whether an accommodation is necessary, the Medical Housing Accommodation Review Committee will inform the individual in writing of the verification’s insufficiency and may request additional information, including speaking directly with the individual supplying the third-party verification, within ten (10) business days of receiving the verification.
      4. The individual making the request for accommodation must cooperate with the Accessibility Services in a timely manner in providing all information needed to determine whether the requested accommodation is necessary.
  4. Determination of Reasonableness
    1. The Accessibility Services may deny the requested accommodation if it is unreasonable. The Medical Housing Accommodation Review Committee will determine if implementing the requested accommodation is reasonable.
    2. An accommodation is unreasonable if it:
      1. imposes an undue financial and/or administrative burden;
      2. fundamentally alters College housing policies;
      3. poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others or would cause substantial property damage to the property of others, including College property; and/or
      4. is otherwise unreasonable to the operation of the College.
  5. Approval of Accommodation
    If the Medical Housing Accommodation Review Committee determines a requested accommodation is necessary and is not unreasonable, it will contact the student, in writing, within seven (7) business days of its determination. It is important to note that Medical Housing Accommodation Review Committee meets once a week, on Wednesdays, to review applications, and the seven business days begin once eligibility is determined. If a student submits their application less than 48 hours before the committee meets, processing may be delayed up to one week.
  6. Denial of Accommodation/Appeal
    1. If the Medical Housing Accommodation Review Committee determines a requested accommodation is necessary but unreasonable, the committee will contact the student, in writing, within seven (7) business days of its determination and engage in an interactive process with the student to determine if there are alternative accommodations that might effectively meet the individual’s disability-related needs.
    2. If the individual is unwilling to accept any alternative accommodation offered by the Medical Housing Accommodation Review Committee or there are no alternative accommodations available, the committee will provide a verbal explanation and written notification to the individual of the denial, the reasons for the denial, the right to appeal the decision, and the procedures for that appeals process. The notification shall be in writing and made within seven (7) business days of the notification from the student of their unwillingness to accept any of the alternative accommodations offered or the determination that there are no alternative accommodations available.
    3. All appeals are reviewed by the Associate Dean of Students for Wellness. If the appeal is denied, the Associate Dean of Students for Wellness shall provide written notification of the denial to the student and a written explanation with all of the reasons for the denial. If the appeal is approved, the Associate Dean of Students for Wellness shall provide written notification of the approval to the student and a written explanation of next steps.
    4. If the appeal process is not to a students’ satisfaction, please contact the Accessibility Services staff for appropriate guidance and next steps.
  7. Confidentiality and Recordkeeping
    In processing requests for reasonable accommodations, the College will take all steps required by federal, state, and/or local law to protect the confidentiality of any information or documentation disclosed in connection with the requests. Such measures may include limiting access to such information to individuals specifically designated to determine and implement requests for reasonable accommodations, who will disclose the information only to the extent necessary to determine whether to grant the request, determine if the request is unreasonable, and implement any request granted, keeping all written requests and accompanying documentation in a secure area to which only those designated individuals have access, except as otherwise required by law.
  8. Non-retaliation Provision
    Babson College will not retaliate against any individual because that individual has requested or received a reasonable accommodation in College housing.

Other Policies


Frequently Asked Questions

If I am approved for a Medical Housing Accommodation, may I bring my roommate(s) with me?

No, approved Medical Housing Accommodations are only applicable to the applicant

If I am approved for a Medical Housing Accommodation, may I request a specific building or room for reassignment in which to live?

No, a student will be assigned to the building/room that best meets their medical needs and that are available at the time of the request.

If I apply for a Medical Housing Accommodation after the applicable deadline, am I guaranteed that my accommodation will be implemented?

Students who request and are approved for a Medical Housing Accommodation after the applicable deadline will be placed if and when an appropriate space becomes available.

Do I need to apply for Medical Housing Accommodations every academic year?

Any approval under this policy is valid for one academic year. Students need to resubmit the Medical Housing Request Form with current supporting documentation. If approved for Medical Housing for the SPRING semester only, students must apply for the FALL semester as the FALL semester constitutes the start of a new academic year.

Students who need Temporary Injury/Health Impairment Accommodations should complete and submit the Temporary Health Accommodation Form and schedule an appointment to meet with a staff member in the Department of Accessibility Services.

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