Update a Research and Publications Section

Log in to Site Structure

  1. Using Chrome (or FireFox) go to https://cms.babson.edu to open the Site Structure (Site Structure tab)
  2. Log in with your Babson Network username and password (if not already logged in)
  3. In the Site Structure tab navigate to the Research and Publications section
    1. Click the [+] buttons to the left of the Section names to expand the sections
Preview Section

Open section Preview in a new browser tab

  1. Open the blue Actions menu and select Preview section. Page preview will open in a new browser tab (Preview tab). The text on the Preview tab will match the text in the section's Name field (it won't literally say "Preview tab")
  2. Click the Site Structure tab in the browser to change back to the initial tab. Keep both the Site Structure tab and the Preview tab so you can toggle back and forth

Update or add the content type

  1. Edit the section by clicking the Section Name (Research and Publications, etc.)
    1. Or open the blue Actions menu and select Edit section
  2. Click the Content tab

1. Update an existing "Accordion - Stackable" content type

  1. Edit the content type by clicking the Name (2021, etc.)
    1. Or open the blue Actions menu and select Edit
  2. Copy and paste new content into the Content field
    1. Select the new content from the source
      1. Copy with Ctrl+C
    2. In the content type, place the cursor in the Content field
      1. Paste unformatted text with Ctrl+Shift+V (reccomended)
    3. Or select Edit > Paste as text and click Ok
      1. Paste text with Ctrl+V
    4. Or paste formatted text with Ctrl+V
      1. In the Content field select the new text
      2. Select Format > Clear formatting
Paragraph Settings

Make sure the new text is a paragraph

  1. Select the text (can select multiple lines of text)
  2. Select Format > Formats > Blocks > Paragraph

Apply the bibliography class to the new text

  1. Select the text (can select multiple lines of text)
  2. Select Format > Formats > Bibliography
  3. Format the new citation(s) according to APA Style guidelines https://apastyle.apa.org/ (add appropriate italics, quotes, etc.)
  4. Click Save changes

2. Add a new "Accordion - Stackable" content type

  1. Click the green +Add content button, top right of the tabs
  2. Select the "Accordion - Stackable" content type by clicking Accordion - Stackable
    1. Or select the right column radio button in the "Accordion - Stackable" content type row, scroll down and click →Next
  3. Populate the Name and Header fields (usually the same content in both)
  4. Copy and paste new content into the Content field (see "2. Copy and paste new content into the Content field," above)
  5. If the accordion needs to be closed (on initial page load), change the Open dropdown field from Yes to No
  6. Update the remaining fields if appropriate
  7. Click Save changes
Browser Tabs

Check the Preview

  1. Click the Preview tab in the browser and make sure the updates are done. Remember the text in the Preview tab will match the page name (it won't actually say "Preview tab"). 
  2. If the content needs to be adjusted click the Site Structure tab in the browser and repeat "1. Update an existing "Accordion - Stackable" content type," above.

Save, Approve, and Publish the content

  1. Click the Site Structure tab in the browser
  2. Edit the content type by clicking the Name
    1. Or open the blue Actions menu and select Edit
  3. Without touching any of the content, scroll down to the bottom of the tab
  4. Click the downward-pointing triangle to the right of the blue Save changes button
  5. Select Save and approve
  6. Click the blue Publish section button to the right above the tabs

If the section doesn't publish within literally a minute or two (5 minutes, tops) see Approving and Publishing for instructions and a troubleshooting guide.