Babson College Wordmark and Logo

The Babson College visual identity represents who we are at the very highest level—one unified brand in the marketplace. The Babson logos and marks can be used by the greater Babson community to promote Babson and its offerings and must be used without alteration. College Marketing will review and approve logo use requests.

Image Of Babson College Typeset 2 ways

Tier 1 Wordmark

The primary Babson College wordmarks are to be used as the lead identifier on all communications to promote Babson College. These word marks are available in horizontal and vertical (stacked) arrangements. Use the wordmarks exactly as downloaded. Do not add to, alter, or separate elements of the wordmarks.

Image of the Babson College Globe Logo

Traditional Globe Logo

The secondary Babson College logo is to be used for supportive use, such as the bottom of a webpage or the back cover of a brochure. It can only be used if the primary wordmark exists as the lead identifier. Use the logo exactly as provided. Do not add to, alter, or separate elements of the logo including the Globe ‘B’ symbol. The Globe ‘B’ symbol may not appear without the identifier or as part of another mark.

Required Safe Space

A safe or clear space is required around the logo or wordmark. This ensures that Babson College has maximum visibility and impact wherever used. As illustrated, the safe space on each side of the logo should be equal to or greater than the height of the initial capital letter ‘B’ in the logo. The determined height of the initial capital letter is relative to the size of the logo as used. Keep the safe space clear of type, visuals, and other competing elements.


Display logos at minimum widths below or larger. If challenged for space or when readability is an issue when using schools’ or centers’ logos, use only the primary Babson wordmark.

Did you know Babson College logos are registered trademarks?

The Babson College primary and secondary marks can not be altered or used without permission.


The primary wordmark can be reproduced in one-color (PMS 3425 green, black, or white). Green is the preferred method to reproduce the Babson College wordmark. In cases where economics or design requires other colors, you may use the black or reverse-white wordmark.

The secondary logo can be reproduced in two-color (green and black) or one-color (black or white only). The two-color logo is the preferred method to reproduce the Globe logo. In cases where economics or design requires, you may use the black or reverse-white logo.

Color Swatch of hex 006644

Babson Green

Babson’s official green is PMS 3425 (Pantone Matching System) Babson Green also can be created using the following formulas:
Web use: Hexadecimal (Hex) #006644
4-color printing: C100 / M10 / Y69 / K44
Screen viewing: R0 / G102 / B67