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Add class to a tag in TinyMce.  <a class="ADD CLASS HERE" href="#">Button Text</a>

Bright Gold Border

class="btn btn--light

Courtyard Green

class="btn btn--med-green-BG"

Peacock Blue Dark

class="btn btn--teal-BG"

Summer Nights

class="btn btn--blue-BG"

Very Green

class="btn btn--green-BG"

Custom Button Styles

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Webinar Date: April 28, 2022

Entrepreneurial success starts with an entrepreneurial mindset, which helps students act and learn in an iterative manner. As educators, fostering this mindset remains one of our biggest goals. In this session, Babson College Associate Professor Matt Allen shared his emerging research on how neuroscience can inform the development of curriculum and action-based teaching methods to make the biggest impact possible on students.

How Crises Fuel Creativity and Innovation

How Crises Fuel Creativity and Innovation

Companies led by entrepreneurial leaders are positioned to step up and innovate in times of crisis. These innovators are skilled at navigating uncertainty, solving problems, and taking action.

Interested in Business Analytics for Managers For Your Team?

Prepare your managers and leaders to effectively and efficiently identify, analyze, and apply data to make informed decisions across your organization with training in business analytics. Babson Executive Education custom programs are tailored to your unique needs. Provide your team with a framework for both growing their innovative, entrepreneurial mindset and taking your business to the next level.