News From The Field
The Glavin Office of International Education is proud to share the contributions of our staff to the fields of international education.
Barsoum, S., Bell, K., Chow, L., & Donaghue, J. (2022). Collaboration to Advance Inclusive International Student Support. Diversity Abroad Report.
Reza, A. Contributor to the Forum on Education Abroad’s 2020 online publication: Guidelines for Conducting Education Abroad during COVID-19.
Reza, A., Gu, Q., & Romito, L. (2020). Assessment of Intercultural Development in Faculty-Led Education Abroad Programs. NAFSA Research Symposium: A critical discussion of theories, methodologies, and practices in international education.
Capobianco, S., Chow, L., et al. (2020). Diversity Abroad guide for homestay families hosting LGBTQI+ students abroad. Diversity Abroad Resources.
Chow, L. (2020). At the intersections: International and multicultural higher education. Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education, 11(Winter), 96-99.
Chow, L. & Vital, L. M. (2019). “Diversifying the international education pipeline: Recruiting and preparing students for intercultural work through graduate programs.” The Global Impact Exchange: A Quarterly Publication of Diversity Abroad, Fall 2019.
Chow, L. (2019). “Transporting “race” abroad: Supporting study abroad students & international students through racial identity exploration & development.” ACPA Commission for Global Dimensions of Student Development Blog.
Chow, L. (2019, May). “Unpacking the American Rainbow Knapsack: Homonationalism and Education Abroad.” NAFSA Rainbow SIG Newsletter, Volume 25, Number 2, Spring 2019.
Dunnett, S. C. & Reza, A. (2018). International Education in a Difficult and Uncertain U.S. Political Environment. Featured article in World Education News & Reviews, 31 (10).
Elliot, T.L., Romito, L. (2018) “Talking Religion: Religious Diversity in Study Abroad Advising.” Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, Vol. XXX, Issue 1, (January 2018): pp. 1-7.
Friedman, S. & Reza, A. (2019). Careers in International Education: A Guide for New Professionals. NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Washington, D.C.
Reza, A. & Romito, L. (2018). Diversity Matters: Impacts of a Diverse Study Abroad Cohort on Intercultural Development. Diversity Abroad: The Global Impact Exchange, Spring 2018, pp. 21-25.
Romito, L. (2023). CIEE Conference, Paris: Cohort-based Global Learning: High Impact Programs that go Beyond Study Abroad.
Romito, L. (2023). AAC&U Global Learning Conference, Washington D.C.: High-Impact Practices: First-Year Students' Intercultural Competence Development.
Reza, A., David Sprott, Brooke Roberts (2022). New Directions in International Education among Business Schools. Gateway International Spotlight Webinar.
Reza, A., John Sunnygard (2021). Moderator, Forum on Education Abroad Critical Dialogue: The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create It: Reimagining Education Abroad.
Reza, A. (2021). Keynote Speaker, American University of Cairo Venture Lab Launchpad Program Graduation.
Chow, L. & Wiley, A. (2021, October). “Applying intercultural frameworks to a social justice context.” Presentation for NAFSA All-Region Summit, Online.
Chow, L. & Wiley, A. (2021, April). “Using the Intercultural Development Continuum for Social Justice: A Follow-Up Conversation.” Presentation at BASAA Conference, Online.
Chow, L. & Wiley, A. (2020, December). “A Call to Action for International Education Professionals: Applying Intercultural Frameworks to a Racial Justice Context.” Presentation at BASAA Fall Meeting, Online.
Chin, B., Chow, L., & Overmann, C. (2020, August). “‘Where Do Asian-Americans Fit In?’”: Sparking Dialogues.” Presentation at Diversity Abroad Annual Conference, Online.
Reza, A. (2020). Founder’s Talk Speaker, Entrepreneurial Global Citizens. Flame University, India.
Fisher, C., St. Hilaire, M. & Reza, A. (2020). Navigating Career Transitions and Career Development. NAFSA Webinar.
Beaudin, E., Melchior, E.,Petoskey, I., & Smith, L. (2019, October). “Navigating the Nitpicky Policies That Affect Faculty-Led Programs.” Presentation at NAFSA Region XI Conference, Worcester, MA.
Stanley, J. (Chair), Chow, L., Ray, J., & Wotkyns, W. (2019, October). “International Higher Education Research Panel.” Session at NAFSA Region XI Conference, Worcester, MA.
Tobin, Z. (Chair), Boudreau, C., & Chow, L. (2019, October). “Beyond the Brand Name: Advising for Non-Traditional Study Abroad Destinations.” Presentation at NAFSA Region XI Conference, Worcester, MA.
Chow, L. & Tragert, A. (2019, August). “Pride Worldwide: Supporting LGBTQ+ Students in Study Abroad.” ACPA Commission for Global Dimensions of Student Development Webinar.
Chow, L. & Colon, M. (2019, May). "Thinking Outside the Box: Utilizing Non-traditional Resources When Advising LGBTQI+ Students.” Diversity Abroad Community Discussion.
Chow, L., Damkoehler, I., & Dart, S. (2018, October). “Gen Z Comes Home: Re-Entry in a New Era.” Presentation at NAFSA Region XI Conference, Portland, ME.
Beaudin, E., Graham, R., Nesbeda, A. (2018, April). “International Travel Workshop: Preparing Faculty, Administrators, and Trip Leaders to Lead Students Through the Storm.” Workshop at Boston Area Study Abroad Association (BASAA) Spring Conference, Boston, MA.
Reza, A. (2019, October). Educating Entrepreneurial Global Citizens. Featured plenary speaker at the American Association of Colleges & Universities annual Global Learning Conference.
Reza, A. (2019, October). Entrepreneurial Mindset. Session presentation at the American Association of Colleges & Universities annual Global Learning Conference.
Reza, A. (2019, May). Global Learning Lab facilitator and host. A multidisciplinary workshop at the NAFSA Annual Conference.
de Wit, H., Ferguson, D. & Reza, A. (2018, February). The New Geo-Political Climate and its Impact on Internationalization in Higher Education: Latest Insights. Webinar panel organized by World Education Service.
Reza, A. (2019, December). Global Mindset. Lecture at Tongji University School of Economics & Management, Shanghai, China.
Professional Associations
In 2022, Amir Reza was elected President of the Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) to serve a 3 year term beginning in 2023.
In 2022, Amir Reza was elected to the Board of Visitors at the University of Maine.
In 2021, Amir Reza was elected to the Board of Directors of the Institute for Study Abroad (IFSA).
In 2021, Lorien Romito was inducted into the NAFSA Trainers Corps.
Chow, L. (2020, October). Co-Founder and Co-Chair of Lessons From Abroad Virtual National Conference, Online, USA.
Chow, L. (2020, February). Exhibitor & Sponsorship Coordinator for Lessons from Abroad New England Conference, Babson College, Wellesley, MA.
Chow, L. (2019, February). Break-Out Session Coordinator for Lessons From Abroad New England Returnee Conference, Clark University, Worcester, MA
Chow, L. (2018 - 2020). Member/Chair of LGBTQI+ Task Force for Diversity Abroad.
Romito, L. (2017 - current). CIEE Academic Consortium Board member.