Other Global Opportunities
At Babson
Glavin Global Fellows (GGF)
The Glavin Global Fellows program welcomes students interested in expanding their global education in a focused course of independent study. The GGF Program allows students to integrate their Babson business and liberal arts education with international studies and proficiency in another language. Students receive a special GGF designation at graduation.
Service Immersion Trips
Service immersion trips during the college’s winter and spring breaks. These noncredit trips are opportunities for students to engage in an intensive service experience with communities in need. Through reflective activities students also are empowered to promote civic engagement, and develop both their leadership abilities and an appreciation of diversity. These experiential learning opportunities are designed to help students develop a sense of personal identity and community, as well as an understanding of important societal issues.
Babson Departments
There are a wide range of opportunities through the Institute for Social Innovation, the Blank Center, and the Frank & Eileen™ Center for Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership (F&E CWEL). Check out their respective websites for more information.
Concentrations and Courses
There a number of internationally and culturally oriented concentrations and courses. Check out the following concentrations and courses.
Upon Graduation
The Babson Glavin Office provides guidance and support for students interested in the Fulbright Scholar Program. If you are interested in pursuing a Fulbright scholarship upon graduation, please keep an eye out for Fulbright information sessions on campus, and contact the Glavin Office front desk to be connected with the Fulbright advisor.