Extension of Stay
How long can Exchange Visitors stay in the United States?
If your exchange visitor activities have ended, you are permitted to remain in the United States for up to 30 days beyond the end date on your Form DS-2019. These 30 days are called the “grace period.” During the grace period, you can prepare to return home or travel within the U.S. You are not allowed to study or work during this period. You cannot leave the U.S. and re-enter in J-1 status during the grace period.
How can Research Scholars, Professors or Short-term Scholars extend their permission to continue their activities at Babson College?
Research Scholars and Professors must obtain a letter from their Babson CollegeMore Information sponsor at least 30 days before the end date on their Form DS-2019. The letter should specify the nature of the activities, compensation, if any, and the exact date these activities will end. If additional financial support documents are necessary, they should show proof of financial support until the end of the activities at Babson. Insurance coverage in the amounts required by the U.S. Department of State must be documented before a new Form DS-2019 can be issued. Short-term Scholars cannot extend their stay in the United States nor can they change to another immigration status.
Is there a limit to the length of time an Exchange Visitor can remain in the United States?
The maximum duration of participation in the Research Scholar and Professor categories is five years; however, if a J-1 Research Scholar or Professor ends her/his program before five years, the 24 month bar will go into affect immediately. The maximum duration of participation as a Short-Term Scholar is six months.
Is a new J-1 entry visa required if I am granted a new Form DS-2019 for extension?
This depends upon whether or not you will need to leave the U.S. and re-enter during the period specified on your new Form DS-2019. The visa is required for entry only. Once you have entered the U.S. in J-1 status, you may remain here until the end date on your Form DS-2019 (plus your 30-day grace period). If you wish to leave the U.S. and re-enter in J-1 status, then you will need a valid J-1 visa and valid Form DS-2019. If your J-1 visa is expired, you will need to make plans to have it renewed while you are abroad. J-1 visa extensions are only done through U.S. Consulates and Embassies abroad. Make sure that the copy of your Form DS-2019 has been signed by the International Student & Scholar Advisor prior to making an application for a new visa.