Exchange Students

Babson College is proud to host graduate and undergraduate students from our partner institutions around the world through our International Student Exchange Program.

Students from our partner institutions will find admission and application requirements below.

To view the most current undergraduate or graduate Exchange Fact Sheet, please email the Glavin Office.

Exchange Partners

RMIT University
University of New South Wales

WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business

Fundação Getulio Vargas

Universidad de Adolfo Ibáñez

Tsinghua University, School of Economics & Management

Copenhagen Business School

University of Manchester, Manchester Business School

EM Strasbourg Business School
HEC School of Management
Toulouse Business School

Hong Kong
Hong Kong Baptist University

University College Cork
Trinity College Dublin

Bocconi University

Waseda University

Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University

University of Edinburgh

Singapore Management University

EDEM Business School
ESADE Business School
IE Business School

Lund University

University of St. Gallen

  • Students must meet the eligibility requirements of their home institution
  • Students must have completed at least one year of core business courses prior to participation
  • Proficiency in English: Minimum TOEFL score equivalent to 90 (internet-based test); Minimum IELTS score of 7; Minimum Duolingo Test Score of 125

Additional Requirement for Graduate Exchange Students:

  • At least two years of full-time, post-graduate work experience is strongly recommended prior to participation
  • Students at our partner institutions interested in studying at Babson College should contact their home university exchange program coordinator for more application and nomination information. All exchange program participants must be currently enrolled at one of our 25+ partner universities and must be nominated to study at Babson by their home university; the College does not accept unsolicited applications to our exchange program. Students who are not currently enrolled at a partner institution but are interested in studying at Babson may explore opportunities to study as a visiting student:

    • Undergraduate students should refer to the Office of Admissions’ Visiting Student program. Pleaseemail Undergraduate Admissions or call +1-781-239-5522.
    • Graduate students should refer to the Graduate Programs office, Olin Graduate School of Business. Please email Graduate Programs or call +1-781-239-4474.

Undergraduate (Bachelor) Students

Fall Semester
Spring Semester
Nominations March 1 September 15
Application Documents March 15 October 1
Housing Application July 1 October 30
Health History and
Immunization Form
July 1 December 1

Graduate (MBA) Students

Fall Semester
Spring Semester
Nominations April 15 September 15
Application Documents May 1 October 1
Health History and
Immunization Form
July 1 December 1

First, an exchange student must be formally nominated by their home university to participate in the Babson College International Student Exchange program. Upon receipt of the nomination, the student will be asked to confirm the nomination. Finally, once confirmed, an online application will be opened for the student and all documents and materials will be submitted securely through our application portal. In preparation for completing the application, the student should be prepared to submit the following:

  1. Passport copy
  2. Proof of proficiency in English. Please note: The U.S. Department of State mandates that we must obtain documentation of English language proficiency for all students studying in the U.S. with a J-1 visa. This applies to students for whom English is the first language and/or students who are attending English-speaking institutions or degree programs. If you are attending an English-speaking institution and/or degree program, your home school coordinator may certify your English proficiency in a signed letter. If you are from a non-English-speaking country you must submit an official test score report consistent with our admission requirements. Please email the Glavin Office with any questions or concerns.
  3. Official transcript(s) for all previous university coursework (students will be asked to upload a scanned copy of an original transcript)
  4. Curriculum vitae – for Graduate (MBA) students only
  5. Proof of funding documentation to support the request for a Form DS-2019*
  6. Health History & Immunization Forms**

*Form DS-2019 will be issued & mailed after your acceptance to Babson’s exchange program

**After your acceptance to Babson’s exchange program, you will receive information from the Office of Health Services regarding the required documentation you need to provide, including proof of specific immunizations and a full health history. Plan ahead as you may need to meet with a physician or receive updated vaccinations.

Please note: All application documents must be submitted in English. All documents should be scanned and submitted through the student’s unique application portal. Application documents will not be accepted by post or email.