
The Glavin Office of International Education provides a wealth of resources to assist you in your international endeavors.

The trusted resources below will provide you with information and guidance to begin research for your travels and experience abroad.

  • U.S. Department of State Students Abroad provides information on applying for a passport, preparing to go abroad, learning about your destination, and information on responding to medical emergencies.
  • U.S. Department of State issues travel information about individual countries and will send notices of any safety concerns that may arise abroad. This site also provides passport application instructions and international travel information including Country Specific Information sheets with visa information.

The Forum on Education Abroad is committed to developing and promoting standards of good practice for the field of education abroad. The ultimate goal of the standards is to improve practices in education abroad, so that students’ international educational experiences are as rich and meaningful as possible. Click links below to access the Standards documents:


Education Abroad Faculty Toolkit

  • This toolkit has been developed to be used primarily by faculty to aid in the development and implementation of embedded programs (i.e. international components to a course taught on campus), but it also includes helpful information for faculty developing a global seminar where the whole course is taught abroad. Developed by Duarte Morais, PhD, Anthony C. Ogden, PhD, and Christine Buzinde, PhD at University of Kentucky.

Faculty-led 360 Guide to Successful Study Abroad, Melanie McCallon and Bill Holmes, Agapy LLC. 2010.

  • This publication helps universities and their faculty develop, market, and lead successful study abroad programs. Bill Holmes, director of International Education at Campbellsville University, and Melanie McCallon, associate director for Education Abroad at Murray State University, are the authors. They discuss the challenges, opportunities for personal and professional advancement, university incentives and advancement, how to put it all together, faculty responsibilities, responsible study abroad seminar, the student-faculty relationship, fostering student learning abroad, the role of the study abroad office in faculty-led programs, and more.
  • Duolingo: Learn Spanish, English, French, German, Portuguese, and Italian using this free iPhone and Android app.
  • Mango Languages: Learn Spanish, French, or one of the more than 50 languages via this software offered online via the Babson Horn Library. Mango uses real-life situations and conversations to teach users a new language by offering you the opportunity to listen and repeat words, phrases, and conversations. You will learn not only grammar, vocabulary, and conjugation, you will learn how to communicate.

The following are online travel translation dictionaries: