Teach An Elective Abroad
What is an Elective Abroad?
Babson Electives Abroad are short-term courses that combine classroom instruction on the Babson campus with company site visits, cultural excursions, and hands-on experiences abroad. Led by Babson faculty, these courses also include in-country lectures given by partner school faculty and distinguished guest speakers. The academic content for these courses is diverse and specialized, based on research areas and expertise. Undergraduate 4-credit course offering content ranges from corporate social responsibility in Thailand/Malaysia to analyzing plays and their social context in London to consulting with startup businesses in Israel. Graduate 3-credit course content includes exploring the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Hong Kong, entrepreneurial innovation and technological applications in Sweden, and an in-depth look at how business is done in Japan.
Electives Abroad can be offered during winter session, March break, or summer session. Course travel typically runs for 1–3 weeks, however other time frames are possible. The majority of courses meet several times on campus or online before and after going abroad, and the group size ranges from 15–26 students.
Close collaboration between the faculty member and the Glavin Office program manager is required to ensure a successful and safe international academic experience for the students. Once a proposal is approved, a Glavin Office program manager works with the faculty to set a program budget and student program fee, recruit students, manage student application/acceptance process, collect and process student payments, register students, handle in-country logistical planning, administer external client invoices/payments, and collect student evaluations. This allows the faculty to focus on the academic content and development of the program, which includes creating and maintaining a Canvas course site, planning and leading pre-departure academic sessions, as well as, organizing in-country lectures and corporate visits.
What Electives Abroad Are Currently Offered?
If you are interested in learning more about the current Elective Abroad course offerings at Babson, visit our course offering page.
How Can I Teach an Elective Abroad?
Whether you are interested in proposing a new Elective Abroad or resubmitting a proposal for a Previously Run Elective Abroad, we encourage you to begin by reading Section One: Proposal Process in the Electives Abroad Faculty Manual. Note: Please stay tuned for the updated 2023-2024 manual.
For faculty members interested in creating innovative courses with an overseas component for undergraduate and graduate students, the Glavin Office provides the administrative support and guidance. Faculty members interested in proposing a course should meet with their department chair to review their course proposal and receive approval. Once submitted, all submissions are reviewed, evaluated, and approved by the appropriate Dean’s office and Advisory Committee on Education Abroad for their innovative approaches and curricular fit for the intended student population.
How Do I Submit a Proposal for a New Elective Abroad?
- Review the Short-Term Program Faculty Manual (Version AY2023-2024 under development).
- Begin working on your course proposal using the Online Course Proposal Form
- Meet with your Department Chair to review the course proposal process and receive approval
- Meet with Elise Beaudin to discuss your proposal
- Finalize your course proposal and submit it along with a tentative itinerary and draft syllabus by February 1st for the following academic year (proposal submitted on 2/1/2023 will be offered AY2023-2024).
NOTE: The submission deadline is the same for all Babson Electives Abroad for any given year. Although this due date may appear to be early, we need to receive proposals by this date in order to have adequate time to properly develop and market all programs.
If you would like to discuss your proposed program prior to submitting a proposal application please email Elise Beaudin or call 781-239-4565 to schedule an appointment.
Faculty who have proposed and coordinated Babson Elective Abroad in previous years may propose their program for another session. Faculty members must receive approval from their department chair prior to submitting the online form. Once submitted, all submissions are reviewed, evaluated, and approved by the appropriate Dean’s office and the Advisory Committee on Education Abroad for their innovative approaches and curricular fit for the intended student population.
How Do I Submit a Proposal for a Previously-Run Elective Abroad?
- Review the Electives Abroad Faculty Manual (AY2023-2024 version is currently under development)
- Meet with your program manager to discuss any changes you would like to make to your previously run Elective Abroad
- Begin working on your course proposal using the Online Elective Abroad Faculty Proposal Form
- Meet with your department chair to review the course proposal process and receive approval
- Finalize your course proposal and submit it along with a tentative itinerary and draft syllabus by February 1st for the following academic year (i.e. proposal submitted on 2/1/2023 will be offered in AY2023-2024).
NOTE: The submission deadline is the same for all Babson Electives Abroad for any given year. Although this due date may appear to be early, we need to receive proposals by this date in order to have adequate time to properly develop and market all programs.
If you would like to discuss your proposed program prior to submitting a proposal application please email Elise Beaudin or call 781-239-4565 to schedule a meeting.
If you have questions please email Elise Beaudin or call 781-239-4482.