Lakshmi Balachandra
- Associate Professor
Academic Division: Entrepreneurship
Academic Degrees
- Ph D, Boston College
- MBA, MIT Sloan
- BA, University of Chicago
Academic Interest / Expertise
Entrepreneurship, Gender, Pitching, Decision-MakingAwards & Honors
- 2021 — AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowship - Executive Branch, National Science Foundation
- 2021 — White House Fellow - Semi Finalist, White House
- 2018 — Research Fellow, International Diana Institute
- 2018 — Academic Excellence Award; Finalist, Woman of the Year , India New England News
- 2018 — Research Award, Babson Faculty Research Fund
- 2017 — Research Award, Babson Faculty Research Fund
- 2016 — Research Award, Babson Faculty Research Fund
- 2015 — Research Award , Babson Faculty Research Fund
- 2011 — Women and Public Policy Fellowship, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
- 2011 — Kauffman Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
- 2010 — Graduate Research Fellowship, Program of Negotiation at Harvard Law School
- 2009 — Next Generation Research Grant, Program of Negotiation at Harvard Law School
- 2008 — Barry Armandi Award, Academy of Management
Journal Articles
- , ., , ., , ., , ., , ., Balachandra, L. (2023). Rationality in the entrepreneurship process: Is being rational actually rational? Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Business Venturing. Vol: 38, Issue: 3. Elsevier.
- Balachandra, L., Brush, C.S., Fischer, K. (2021). Words Matter: Men, Women, and the Power of the Spoken Word in Entrepreneurial Pitching. Journal of Business Venturing Insights. Vol: 15. Elsevier. link
- Manwaring, M.M., Balachandra, L., Weirup, A.P. (2021). Negotiating the Pandemic Like an Entrepreneur: Lessons from the Turbulent World of Start-Up Ventures. Negotiation Journal. Vol: 37, Issue: 2, Page: 193-202. Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School (via Wiley). link
- Balachandra, L. (2020). How gender biases drive venture capital decision-making: Exploring the gender funding gap. Gender in Management: An International Journal.
- Balachandra, L., Briggs, T., Eddleston, K., Brush, C.S. (2019). Don't Pitch Like a Girl!: How Gender Stereotypes Influence Investor Decisions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Vol: 43, Issue: 1, Page: 116-137.
- Byrne, J., Radu-Lefebrve, M., Fattoum, S., Balachandra, L. (2019). Gender gymnastics in CEO succession: Masculinities, femininities, and legitimacy. Organization Studies.
- Balachandra, L., Stoddard, D.B. (2018). Rahama Wright and Shea Yeleen. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy.
- Balachandra, L. (2018). The improvisational entrepreneur: Improvisation training in entrepreneurship education. Journal of Small Business Management. Vol: 2, Issue: 1, Page: 43-57.
- Brush, C.S., Greene, P.G., Balachandra, L., Davis, A. (2017). The Gender Gap in Venture Capital-Progress, Problems and Perspectives . Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance. Taylor Francis. link
- Eddleston, K.A., Ladge, J.J., Mitteness, C., Balachandra, L. (2016). Do You See What I See? Signaling Effects of Gender and Firm Characteristics on Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Vol: 40, Issue: 3, Page: 489-514.
- Nielsen, R.P., Balachandra, L., Nielsen, A.L. (2013). Whistle-blowing methods for navigating within and helping reform regulatory institutions. Journal of Business Ethics. Vol: 112, Issue: 3, Page: 385-395. Springer.
- Balachandra, L. (2011). Pitching Trustworthiness: Cues for Trust in Early-Stage Investment Decision-Making. Available at SSRN 2205965.
- Jones, C., Livne-Tarandach, R., Balachandra, L. (2010). Rhetoric that wins clients: Entrepreneurial firms’ use of institutional logics when competing for resources. Research in the Sociology of Work. Vol: 21, Page: 183–218.
- Balachandra, L., Briggs, A.R. (2009). The Secrets of Success: The Role of Idea Sharing In Early Stage Entrepreneurship (Interactive Paper). Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Vol: 29, Issue: 4, Page: 16.
- Balachandra, L. (2005). An Introduction. Negotiation Journal. Vol: 21, Issue: 4, Page: 411–413. Wiley Online Library.
- Balachandra, L., Barrett, F., Bellman, H., Fisher, C., Susskind, L. (2005). Improvisation and Mediation: Balancing Acts. Negotiation Journal. Vol: 21, Issue: 4, Page: 425-434. Wiley Online Library.
- Balachandra, L., Bordone, R.C., Menkel-Meadow, C., Ringstrom, P., Sarath, E. (2005). Improvisation and Negotiation: Expecting the Unexpected. Negotiation Journal. Vol: 21, Issue: 4, Page: 415–423. Wiley Online Library.
- Balachandra, L., Crossan, M., Devin, L., Leary, K., Patton, B. (2005). Improvisation and Teaching Negotiation: Developing Three Essential Skills. Negotiation Journal. Vol: 21, Issue: 4, Page: 435-441. Wiley Online Library.
Cases and Teaching Notes
- Stoddard, D.B., Balachandra, L. (2016). ISlide Inc. Babson College.
- Stoddard, D.B., Balachandra, L. (2016). ISlide Inc. - Teaching Note. Babson College.
Book Chapters
- Balachandra, L. (2020). Successful pitching styles: Teaching Entrepreneurship: A practice based approach Volume 2.
- Balachandra, L., Dublish, P. (2019). Women for women in entrepreneurship. The role of other women for global female entrepreneurship. Page: 239-260. Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Balachandra, L. (2018). Dealing with union negotiations. Edward Elgar.
- Balachandra, L. (2014). Exercises to practice empathy: Negotiation for resource acquisition: Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice-Based Approach. Page: 146-151. Edward Elgar Pub.
- Balachandra, L. (2014). Exercises to practice play: Improvisation for creativity: Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice-Based Approach. Page: 118-124. Edward Elgar Pub.
- Balachandra, L., Ofstein, L.F. (2019). Beyond the bucks: Growth strategies of women entrepreneurs. Bank of America.
- Brush, C.S., Balachandra, L., Davis, A., Greene, P.G. (2014). Investing in the Power of Women: Progress Report on the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Initiative. Babson College. link
- Brush, C.S., Balachandra, L., Davis, A., Greene, P.G. (2014). The Diana Report - Bridging the Gap for Women Entrepreneurs.
Conference Proceedings
- Weirup, A.P., Manwaring, M.M., Balachandra, L. (2021). Intra-team conflict in the nascent venture crucible. Academy of Management Proceedings.
- Balachandra, L., Gupta, S. (2020). Entrepreneurial agility in entrepreneurial pitching: Raising trust and investor interest. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research Proceedings.
- Balachandra, L., Fischer, K., Brush, C.S. (2017). Words Matter: Men, Women and the Power of the Spoken Word in Entrepreneurial Pitching: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Vol: 2016. Babson College. link
- Balachandra, L., Sapienza, H.J., Kim, D. (2015). Investor mentor: Evaluating the entrepreneur as protege: Academy of Management Proceedings. Vol: 2015, Issue: 1, Page: 17605.
- Brush, C.S., Greene, P.G., Balachandra, L., Davis, A. (2015). Venture capital investing: Are women perceived as riskier investments: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research.
- Balachandra, L., Sapienza, H., Kim, D. (2014). How critical cues influence angels' investment preferences: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Vol: 34, Issue: 1. link
- Balachandra, L., Briggs, A.R., Eddleston, K., Brush, C.S. (2013). Pitch like a Man: Gender stereotypes and entrepreneur pitch success: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Vol: 33, Issue: 8. Babson College. link
- Balachandra, L., Welter, C., Greene, P.G. (2013). Women of business or the business of women: Projecting dollar appeal (SUMMARY): Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Vol: 33, Issue: 8. Babson College. link
- Manwaring, M.M., Balachandra, L. (2022). Introduction to Special Section on Entrepreneurial Negotiation: Negotiation Journal: Special Section on Entrepreneurial Negotiation. Vol: 38, Issue: 1, Page: 7-10. Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School (via John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.). link
- Balachandra, L., Fischer, K., Brush, C.S. (2021). Do (women’s) words matter? The influence of gendered language in entrepreneurial pitching. Journal of Business Venturing Insights.
- Balachandra, L. (2021). There was no way a brown woman could replace a white guy. Boston Globe.
Articles - Circular or newsletter (e.g., Babson Insight)
- Balachandra, L. (2018). How to get the best deal for yourself: Tips for negotiating as a woman in a world of implicit gender bias. James Beard Foundation.
- Balachandra, L. (2018). Investors punish entrepreneurs for stereotypically feminine behaviors. Harvard Business Review.
- Balachandra, L. (2016). The Improvisational Entrepreneur. Babson College.
- Balachandra, L. (2013). How Food Improves Negotiations: Build Magazine. The Build Network.
- Balachandra, L. (2013). Should you eat while you negotiate?: Harvard Business Review . Harvard Business Publishing. link
Professional Services
- Board Member USASBE (2019 - Present)